  • 第十三條 各級林業主管部門依照本法規定,對林資源的保護、利用、更新,實行管理和監督。
    Article 13 The competent forestry authorities at various levels shall, according to the stipulations of this law, exercise administration and supervision over the protection, utilization and renewal of forests.
  • 沒有開發的煤炭儲量;我們大腦中沒有開發的寶藏——g·r·哈裏
    untapped reserves of coal; the untapped stockrooms of our minds- G.R.Harrison.
  • 外形似純種朱鷺的美洲鶴,嘴彎麯;棲息在新大陸熱帶林茂密的濕地。
    American stork resembling the true ibises in having a curved bill; inhabits wooded swamps of New World tropics.
  • 《維也納林的故事》是斯特勞斯著名圓舞麯之一。
    Tales from Vienna woods is one of Strauss 's famous waltzes.
  • 施特勞斯寫了許多其他圓舞麯,都非常美,非常優雅,如:《南方的玫瑰》、《維也納林的故事》、《醇酒、美人和清歌》、《藝術傢的生涯》以及其他幾百首麯子。
    Strauss wrote many more waltzes, all beautiful and graceful: Roses from the South; Tales from the Vienna Woods; Wine, Women, and Song; Artist's Life; and hundreds more.
  • 蜿蜒着流過林的溪流
    A stream twining through the forest.
  • 我們的農場與一大片林鄰接。
    Our farm neighbours on a large stretch of woods.
  • 采伐葉子樹枝或整個林。
    stripe the leaves, branches, or entire trees from.
  • 這是亞利桑那州圖市以北的沙漠中一個炙熱的早晨,陽光烘烤着正在步行的十幾個人。他們穿行於熱帶稀樹大草原。沼澤地、人造海以及綿延數裏的管道、水道、金屬支柱和玻璃嵌板中間。
    It is a brilliant hot morning in the desert north of Tucson, Ariz., and the sun blazes down on a dozen or so people as they went their way through a savanna and around a marsh, an ocean, and miles of pipes, channels, steel struts and glass panels.
  • 他們不同意把整片林不加砍伐地賣給黑人。
    They don't agree to sell the wood to Negroes at the stump.
  • 西藏地區的林和草原得到了有效保護,林面積達717萬公頃,活立木蓄積量20.84億立方米,草原面積達8207萬公頃,其中可利用草地7077萬公頃。
    Forests and grasslands are under effective preservation. The forest area in Tibet totals 7.17 million hectares and the stumpage, 2.084 billion cubic meters. The total grassland area amounts to 82.07 million hectares, of which 70.77 million hectares are usable.
  • 最初住在東加拿大亞北極地區,說阿爾岡琴語的北美洲印第安民族人;許多從密西西比河到大西洋海岸的阿爾岡琴人嚮南遷移到了林地區。
    a member of any of the North American Indian groups speaking an Algonquian language and originally living in the subarctic regions of E Canada; many Algonquian tribes migrated south into the woodlands from the Mississippi River to the Atlantic coast.
  • "當我暗示說,這準是某些村民進來偷喝掉的,湯普先生搖搖頭。"
    "When I suggested that some villagers must have come in for a free drink, Mr Thompson shook his head."
  • 先生,請坐……對,您是預訂了一套標準套房。
    Sit down please, Mr. Dawson…Right. So you reserved a standard suite.
  • 山頂有林,在山下有一條小河。
    The forest is on the summit and the river is below.
  • 但是假如你在林中迷了路,你會怎麽想呢?
    But supposing you lost you way in the forest, what do you think then?
  • 但是對於在歐洲難民營這個灰色世界裏出身和長大的孩子來說,薩塞剋斯的塞德勒斯剋姆的國際兒童村175英畝的田野和林簡直是地球上的天堂,在那兒衹有仙女沒有士兵。
    But to children born and brought up in the grey world of Europe's refugee camps, the 175 acres of field and woodland at the Children's International Village at Sedlescombe, Sussex, is a paradise on earth. At Sedlescombe, there are fairies, not soldiers, at the bottom of their garden.
  • 可以說,林的興衰直接關係到人類的命運,關係到人類的生存環境和可持續發展。
    In deed, forestry development has a direct bearing on human destiny and the sustainable development of both environment and the mankind.
  • 林裏的樹果,用作豬食。
    nuts of forest trees used as feed for swine.
  • “下次你們組織辛迪加時,”湯姆說,“別忘了把我包括進去。”
    "Next time you form a syndicate," said Thomson, "don't forget to cut me in."
  • 史蒂文太太穿老總是,整齊入時。
    Mrs.Stevenson always looks sharp as a tack.
  • 詞典裏說它們是世界上最高的生物,有些高達350尺以上,但是穆爾林的樹就沒那麽高,要看最高的樹得深入加州北部纔行。
    The dictionary says they're the tallest living things. Some are more than three hundred fifty feet high. But none of the trees in Muir Woods is that tall. You have to go further north in California to see the tallest trees.
  • 然而一旦被馴服,他們會成為在人跡罕至的林中冒險的騎士們忠心耿耿而且能幹的僕人。
    though, if tamed, useful and loyal servants to the wandering knights given up to adventure in the trackless forests.
  • 非洲和亞洲林中的大型貓科動物,皮毛通常是茶色帶黑色的斑點。
    large feline of African and Asian forests usually having a tawny coat with black spots.
  • 泰迪·斯托達德衹是說了一句,“湯普夫人,今天你身上的味道和我媽媽過去的一樣。”
    Teddy Stoddard stayed behind just long enough to say, " Mrs.Thompson, today you smelled just like my mom used to."
  • 湯普夫人任教的學校要求她重新審讀孩子們的履歷,她把泰迪的放在了最後一個。
    At the school where Mrs. Thompson taught, she was required to review each child's records and put Teddy's off until last.
  • 湯普夫人前一年裏曾留心觀察過這個孩子,發現他和其他的孩子玩不到一塊兒,還穿着邋遢,老不洗澡。
    Mrs. Thompson had watched Teddy the year before and noticed he didn't play well with the other children, that his clothes were unkempt and that he constantly needed a bath.
  • 唐納教授稱,這次調查表明青少年不惜拿他們的健康去冒險。
    Professor Donaldson said the survey showed that teenagers were prepared to take risks with their health.
  • 從孩提開始,坦尼就對詞語的發音着了迷。
    From childhood on Tennyson was fascinated by the sound of words.
  • 生長於林邊緣或空曠地帶的陸地蕨類植物;分佈於整個熱帶地區。
    terrestrial ferns of forest margin or open ground; pantropical.
  • "本特是一個不折不扣的德州佬,在這裏住了一輩子,服務參議院,代表德州人凡十七年。"
    "Lloyd Bentsen is Texan through and trough, lived here all his life, served in the Senate, representing Texans for17 years."
  • 西撒剋斯英格蘭南部一地區,是古代格魯-薩剋王國所在地。根據傳說,該王國由徵服大不列顛的薩剋人創建,國土最廣時占據了英吉利海峽與泰晤士河之間的區域
    A region and ancient Anglo-Saxon kingdom of southern England. According to tradition, the kingdom was founded by the Saxon conquerors of Britain and at its greatest extent occupied the territory between the English Channel and the Thames River.