  • 小心那把伞--你一点把我的眼睛戳出来。
    Be careful with that umbrella you nearly jabbed my eye out!
  • 一件好衬衫的昂贵程度并不比一件夹克衫
    A good shirt is no less expensive than a jacket.
  • 粗糙的有缺口或v型凹痕的;参不齐的
    Nicked or notched; jagged.
  • 低清晰度的一些输入设备,如打印机,其打出的图象不包括大量的像素,因此不清晰,并且出现参不齐的边缘
    Of or relating to an output device, such as a printer, whose images do not contain a large number of pixels and therefore lack sharpness and may have jagged edges.
  • 金·凯利1962年1月17日生于加拿大安大略省纽马克特的一个工人阶级家庭,在贫困中成长。十几岁时,父亲失去工作,他不得不找了份看门的事并对学校和工和地都做了隐瞒。
    Born in New Market,Ontario,Canada on January 17th,1962to a working class family,growing up poor was tough for young Jim Carrey,While in his teens,he had to take a job as a janitor when his father lost his job and he had to juggle both School and work.
  • 我的日语相当差。
    My knowledge of Japanese is rather poor.
  • 尽管大多数人以为所有的海蜇在水中是透明的斑点,但这离真实的情况得很远。
    Although most of us believe that all jellyfish are clear blobs in the water, which is far from true.
  • 会不会还不太适应时
    Do you have any jet lag?
  • 反应都调整过来了吧?
    Have you both got over the jet-lag?
  • 我总是有时综合症。
    I always have trouble with jet lag.
  • 我每次施行都很难适应时
    I always get bad jet lag when I travel.
  • 你可以相信吉尔,她不会出错的。
    You can rely on Jill; she's not given to making mistakes.
  • 分脉码调制(dpcm)用于电视时所产生的一种失真。在具有高反边缘的图象上,这种失真表现为一种明显的视觉抖动。
    A type of distortion that results when DPCM is applied to television. It manifests itself as a visually noticeable jitter in those parts of the image that have high-contrast edges.
  • 证据表明,失业者比在业人员健康状况
    Evidence shows that the jobless are in poorer health than the job-holders.
  • 大家知道,不多一百年以来,中国是好几个帝国主义国家共同支配的半殖民地的国家。
    As we all know, for nearly a hundred years China has been a semi-colonial country jointly dominated by several imperialist powers.
  • 猛然一颠,点把我摔出床铺,接着一颠,使我急忙站了起来。
    A jolt nearly threw me from the bed, and a second jolt brought me to my feet.
  • 1970年代后期,我在一家福利机构工作,我的文化震荡来自我的同事,他们讲的是华语,掺一点点不合语法的英语,此外,他们的想法跟我有很大的别。
    I received a jolt in the late 1970s when I landed a position in a community service organisation. It was a cultural shock to work with colleagues who spoke mainly in Mandarin or ungrammatical English; and who exhibited mind-sets quite different from my own.
  • 他的工作使他不得不偶尔出
    His work involves occasional journey.
  • 这个表演杂耍在音乐厅舞台上演得太劲,因此被观众喝了倒彩。
    The juggler put up such a poor show on the music hall stage that he got the bird from the audience.
  • 他最近的一本小说很劲。
    His latest novel is junk.
  • 后来的许多法院在适用这一标准时出现了别,kelly案件中的标准仅要求使用正确的程序,并没有要求法院判定这些程序是否被正确的执行。
    A distinction lost on some courts is that the Kelly rule only requires that correct procedures be used, not that the court must determine that these procedures were performed correctly.
  • 肯特粗心大意出了错,把自己的任务弄得一团糟。
    Kent balled up his mission with his careless errors.
  • 在13世纪探考了亚洲并给忽必烈可汗当的威尼斯旅行家(1254-1324)。
    Venetian traveler who explored Asia in the 13th century and served Kublai Khan (1254-1324).
  • 呼,那辆计程车点要了我的命!
    Oh, that taxi almost killed me!
  • 约翰点就被人杀了。
    John had like to have been killed.
  • 这座桥不多有两公里长。
    The bridge is almost 2 kilometers long.
  • 这座桥不多有两公里长。
    The bridge is almost 2 kilometres long.
  • 在当地小酒店中,列王盾形纹章是最的一家。
    The Kings Arms is the bottom of the league as far as local pubs are concerned.
  • 他们每年不多要赚15万美元。
    They were knocking down close to S150,000 a year.
  • 就在洛杉矶,出来了。
    Here in LA for business.
  • 西藏劳动人民再不受农奴主的沉重税和高利贷剥削,劳动果实全部留归自己,生产积极性空前高涨。
    The Tibetan laboring people no longer suffer from the heavy corvee taxes and usurious exploitation by the serf-owners. The fruits of their labor all belong to themselves, and the enthusiasm of the Tibetan people for production became unprecedentedly high.
  • 我每次从日本旅行到美国时,都有时反应。
    I get jet lag whenever I travel to Japan from the US.