  • 我們必須嚮這些脫離群衆的、僚主義的現象進行經常的鬥爭。
    We must constantly combat such manifestations of bureaucratism and isolation from the masses.
  • 第二個目標是剋服僚主義,提高工作效率。
    The second objective of political structural reform is to eliminate bureaucratism and increase efficiency.
  • 這個事實,也是僚主義病菌正在侵襲我們黨的嚴重信號之一。
    This is also a grave sign that the germs of bureaucratism are attacking our Party.
  • 提高效率,剋服僚主義,包括精簡機構,還包括其他許多內容。
    Increasing efficiency and eliminating bureaucratism include, among other things, streamlining Party and government organs.
  • 因此,貫徹群衆路綫,剋服僚主義,也必須是一個長時期的鬥爭。
    Therefore, carrying out the mass line and overcoming bureaucratism invariably involve a long-term struggle.
  • 在管理方法上,當前要特別註意剋服僚主義。
    So far as methods of management are concerned, we should lay particular stress on overcoming bureaucratism.
  • 在黨的組織和國傢機關的許多工作人員中,正在滋長着形形色色的僚主義的傾嚮。
    Tendencies towards bureaucratism of different shades are growing among many functionaries in Party organizations and state organs.
  • 堅决剋服誤國害民的形式主義、僚主義。
    We should resolutely get rid of formalism and bureaucratism, which harm both our country and the people.
  • 當然,我們也會在處理這種事情的過程中,總結經驗,逐步消除弊端,如消除工作中的僚主義等等。
    Of course, in settling this matter we shall review our experience and gradually overcome our weaknesses -- bureaucratism, for example.
  • 究竟是僚主義、命令主義好,還是依靠群衆、說服群衆好?
    Which method is actually better then, practising bureaucratism and authoritarianism or relying on the masses and reasoning with them?
  • 我想政治體製改革的目的是調動群衆的積極性,提高效率,剋服僚主義。
    In my opinion, its purposes are to bring the initiative of the masses into play, to increase efficiency and to overcome bureaucratism.
  • 各級領導人的作風要轉變,要解决僚主義的問題、不深入實際的問題。
    Leaders at all levels must improve their work style, get rid of any bureaucratism and familiarize themselves with realities at the grass roots.
  • 二是因為民主集中製受到破壞,黨內確實存在權力過分集中的僚主義。
    Second, it is because democratic centralism was undermined and the Party was afflicted with bureaucratism resulting from, among other things, over-concentration of power.
  • 但是,七年的經驗同樣告訴我們,執政黨的地位,很容易使我們同志沾染上僚主義的習氣。
    However, the experience of these seven years has also shown us that, with the Party in power, our comrades are liable to become tainted with bureaucratism.
  • 進行政治體製改革的目的,總的來講是要消除僚主義,發展社會主義民主,調動人民和基層單位的積極性。
    In essence, the purpose of political restructuring is to overcome bureaucratism, develop socialist democracy and stimulate the initiative of the people and of the grass-roots units.
  • 而且我們必須看到,僚主義是過去人類歷史上長時期剝削階級統治的遺留物,在社會政治生活中有深遠的影響。
    We must realize also that bureaucratism, being a vestige of the age-long rule of exploiters in the history of mankind, has a deep and far-reaching influence on socio-political life.
  • 當然,對這次學生在遊行中提出的我們國傢中確實存在着的一些弊端,諸如僚主義、機構臃腫、不正之風等,要重視,要註意解决。
    As for the failings such as bureaucratism, overstaffing, official misconduct and so on, to which the students drew attention in their marches and demonstrations, we shall try to overcome them.
  • 在貫徹執行群衆路綫、反對僚主義的鬥爭中,密切同黨外人士的合作,廣泛地吸收黨外人士參加這一鬥爭,具有重大的意義。
    In carrying out the mass line and combating bureaucratism, it is of vital importance to work in close co-operation with non-Party people, getting as many of them as possible to participate.
  • 領導層有活力,剋服了僚主義,提高了效率,調動了基層和人民的積極性,四個現代化纔真正有希望。
    Only with a vigorous leadership that has eliminated bureaucratism, raised efficiency and mobilized the grass-roots units and the rank and file can we have real hope of success in our modernization drive.
  • 針對着這種情況,黨必須經常註意進行反對主觀主義、僚主義和宗派主義的鬥爭,經常警戒脫離實際和脫離群衆的危險。
    In view of this situation, the Party must constantly be on the alert to combat subjectivism, bureaucratism and sectarianism and must keep up our guard against the danger of becoming divorced from reality and the masses.
  • 這種僚主義常常以“黨的領導”、“黨的指示”、“黨的利益”、“黨的紀律”的面貌出現,這是真正的管、卡、壓。
    This kind of bureaucratism often masquerades as "Party leadership", "Party directives", "Party interests" and "Party discipline", but actually it is designed to control people, hold them in check and oppress them.
  • 所以,這次整風是非常必要的,整風的對象也主要放在這三萬人身上,最主要的是剋服嚴重存在的僚主義、命令主義,特別是命令主義。
    Therefore, the current rectification movement is absolutely necessary, and these 30,000 people will be the main targets for rectification, and the chief purpose is to overcome the serious problem of bureaucratism and, in particular, authoritarianism
  • 黨的紀律檢查委員會和政府的監察委員會要建立和加強起來,這是反對僚主義、命令主義,監督黨員遵紀守法的重要武器。
    We should establish and strengthen commissions for discipline inspection in the Party and control commissions in the government, which are important weapons for combatting bureaucratism and authoritarianism and for supervising Party members in observing rules of discipline and the law.
  •    第二十七條一切國傢機關實行精簡的原則,實行工作責任製,實行工作人員的培訓和考核制度,不斷提高工作質量和工作效率,反對僚主義。
    Article 27. All state organs carry out the principle of simple and efficient administration, the system of responsibility for work and the system of training functionaries and appraising their work in order constantly to improve quality of work and efficiency and combat bureaucratism.
  • 過多過長的會議,不但使黨的專職工作人員缺少深入群衆和進行具體領導的時間,助長僚主義和文牘主義,而且妨礙許多黨員和群衆的勞動和休息。
    This not only takes up time that full-time Party workers ought to be spending in getting into close contact with the masses and exercising practical leadership, thus encouraging bureaucratism and red tape, but also affects the work and leisure time of many Party members and non-Party people.
  • 應該縮小領導機關,減少領導機關的層次,盡可能地把多餘的工作人員騰出來派到下層去,使留在領導機關的工作人員必須親自處理實際工作,防止領導機關僚化的危險。
    The number of staff and of organizational levels of leading bodies should be reduced. The leading bodies should send as many of their surplus working personnel as possible to lower bodies and let the remaining personnel handle practical work themselves, so as to guard against the danger of bureaucratism.
  • 也就是說,關鍵在於黨是不是善於學習,學習得好就可以避免犯大錯誤,就可以少花一點錢辦很多的事;關鍵在於黨能否依靠群衆,不斷地剋服自己隊伍中的主觀主義、僚主義和宗派主義,特別是教條主義。
    In other words, successful development depends on whether the Party is good at learning (if it is, it will avoid major mistakes and get more done on less money), and whether the Party relies on the masses and constantly works to root out subjectivism, bureaucratism, sectarianism and, in particular, dogmatism from its ranks.
  • 革命當中的主觀主義、僚主義和宗派主義,會使我們脫離實際和脫離群衆,在建設中如果犯主觀主義、僚主義和宗派主義,也會使我們脫離實際和脫離群衆,會使我們不能達到勤儉建國的目的,會使我們不能調動一切積極因素來搞好建設。
    During the revolutionary years, subjectivism, bureaucratism and sectarianism estranged us from reality and the masses, and in the course of economic development they can do the same, making it impossible for us to build up the country through thrift and hard work, and to bring into play all positive factors in our effort to make development a success.
  • 權力過分集中於個人或少數人手裏,多數辦事的人無權决定,少數有權的人負擔過重,必然造成僚主義,必然要犯各種錯誤,必然要損害各級黨和政府的民主生活、集體領導、民主集中製、個人分工負責製等等。
    Over-concentration of power in the hands of an individual or of a few people means that most functionaries have no decision-making power at all, while the few who do are overburdened. This inevitably leads to bureaucratism and various mistakes, and it inevitably impairs the democratic life, collective leadership, democratic centralism and division of labour with individual responsibility in the Party and government organizations at all levels.
  • 估計這場司還要拖上數年。
    An appeals?court ruling, expected soon, is likely to overturn last year's lower?court decision, burying the issue for years.
  • 布什嚮他的這位首席外交建議道:"這次你就大膽去做吧。"
    "Practice this time," said President Bush.
  • 宮廷吏用來作為各種各樣管理員的頭銜,在羅馬和拜占庭帝國後期
    Used as a title for various administrative officials of the late Roman and Byzantine empires.