Chinese English Sentence:
  • 佩奇,莱罗伊·罗伯特1906-1982美国棒球运动员,当他加入克里兰印第安队时(1948年)他成为美国联盟中第一个黑人投球手
    American baseball player who became the first Black pitcher in the American League when he joined the Cleveland Indians(1948).
  • 从克利兰到巴黎,从旧金山到广岛,各个乐团正在以种种方式向他表示敬意。
    From Cleveland to Paris, San Francisco to Hiroshima, orchestras are paying tribute to him in a variety of ways.
  • ”由于戴维斯有25年的销售经验,一两天后他就接到克里兰电信公司打来的电话,过了两个星期他便得到了这份工作。
    "Within a day or two, Davis received a phone call from the Cleveland telecommunications firm, and within two weeks was hired.
  • 费城队1973年创一个赛季连输20场指导录,而克利兰队则在1982年跨两个赛季连输24场。
    Philadelphia set a record of 20 consecutive defeats in 1973 in the same season and Cleveland lost 24 straight games in 1982 over a two season span.
  • 费城队形1973年创一个赛季连输出20场的纪录,而克利兰队则在1982年跨两个赛季连输24场。
    Philadelphia set a record of 20 consecutive defeats in 1973 in the same season and Cleveland lost 24 straight games in 1982 over a two-season span.
  • 桑达斯基美国俄亥俄州北部一城市,位于克利兰西部桑达斯基湾沿岸,该湾是伊利湖的一个入口。桑达斯基河,流程约241公里(150英里),向西北注入该湾。桑达斯基建于19世纪初叶,是一个输入港和制造业中心。人口29,764
    A city of northern Ohio west of Cleveland on Sandusky Bay, an inlet of Lake Erie. The Sandusky River, about241 km(150 mi) long, flows west and north into the bay. Sandusky was founded in the early1800's and is a port of entry and manufacturing center. Population,29, 764.
  • 设想一下,如果去工作只是从床上爬起来,穿着睡衣,走到计算机前,或者与位于纽约的销售部门、位于旧金山的市场部门、位于达拉斯的批发部门、位于克利兰的制造部门和位于圣路易的it部门开会,而不用任何人离开办公室,欢迎来到虚拟公司。
    Imagine if going to work were a matter of simply rolling out of bed and walking over to your computer while still in your pajamas.Or if a meeting with the New York-based sales department, San Francisco-based marketing department, Dallas-based distribution department, Cleveland-based manufacturing arm and St. Louis-based IT department occurred without anyone having to leave an office.Welcome to the virtual corporation.
  • 王平:杰,那你就再击一下鼠标,说说亚运会会旗。
    Wang Ping: Jeff, could you click your mouse again and saysome-thing about the emblem of the Asian Games?
  • 她惟一能依靠的是她的丈马克。
    And all she had to cling to was her husband Mark.
  • 玛丽和她的丈在遇到麻烦时应该互相忠诚。
    Mary and her husband should cling together in times of trouble.
  • 誓言的力量在于促使妻双方配合一致来克服艰难岁月,来求得平顺、融洽和爱情的深化!
    The power of a promise is that it keeps partners together while the tough times turn into healing, closeness and deepened love.
  • :好吧,过了立交桥就给你开,我真也有点累了。
    Jeff: All right. When we pass the cloverleaf junction, I will let you drive. I am a bit tired now.
  • 于是一个念头在我心上一闪,“在我胳臂肘旁边的那个傻瓜,用盆喝茶,用没洗过的手拿面包吃,也许就是她的丈:希刺克厉少爷,当然是罗。
    Then it flashed upon me--`The clown at my elbow, who is drinking his tea out of a basin and eating his bread with unwashed hands, may be her husband: Heathcliff, junior, of course.
  • 他是高尔球俱乐部的会员。
    He belongs to a golf club.
  • 你的鞋,你不可以在俱乐部里穿着高尔球鞋。
    Your shoes. you are not supposed to wear golf shoes in the clubhouse.
  • 你的鞋,你不可以在俱乐部里穿着高尔球鞋。
    Your shoes. You is not supposed to wear golf shoes in the clubhouse.
  • 那天学生给她带来了各种各样的礼物,礼物上都扎着漂亮的绸带,裹着鲜亮的彩纸,只有泰迪的礼物不大一样,用一块从杂货店袋子上剪下的棕色厚纸笨拙地包着,汤普森人费了好大劲儿才把它打开。
    Her children brought her presents, all in beautiful ribbon and bright paper,except for Teddy's, which was clumsily wrapped in the heavy, brown paper of a scissored grocery bag. Mrs.Thompson took pains to open it in the middle of the other presents.
  • 那位人穿着华贵的毛皮外套来了。
    The lady appeared with a luxurious fur coat.
  • 很高兴地看着成堆的玉米。
    The farmer was pleased to see his piles of corns on the cob.
  • 他花了半天功就草草做成了这把椅子。
    The chair took him half a day to cobble up.
  • 迪伯试图进入机长室,但是被乘警开枪击毙,33岁受伤的乘客摩哈默德.阿斯说。
    Deeb tried to move to the cockpit, but security guards shot and killed him, said Mohammad Asfour, 33, a passenger who was also wounded.
  • 自古正邪不两立<<功>>
    The good cannot coexist with the bad.
  • “这里的经济正在垮台,谁也没有办法挽救,”一位观察南斯拉经济多年的西方外交官说。“我确信将会彻底瓦解。”
    "The economy here is collapsing, and there is nothing anyone can do about it," said a Western diplomat who has monitored the Yugoslav economy for years. "I'm convinced it is going to come apart in a big way."
  • 我丈夫是个集邮者。
    My husband is a stamp collector.
  • 1881年约瑟·沃顿在美国的宾夕法尼亚大学建立了第一所商学院。
    Joseph Wharton founded the first collegiate business school in 1881 at the University of Pennsyivania in the United States.
  • :据我所知,北体大是中国唯一的一所体育大学,它在教学、训练、科研等方面都取得了显著成就,与国外不少大学都建立了校际关系,交流活动十分频繁。
    Jeff: I know that Beijing University of Physical Education has achieved remarkable results in the area of teaching, training and scien-tific research. It has established collegiate relations with many univer-sities abroad. The exchange activities are quite frequent.
  • 十分自负的柯林斯先生多次谈到其女庇护人富有而傲慢的凯瑟琳·德·包尔人,她是达西的姨母。
    The supremely conceited Mr. Collins talks constantly about his patroness, the rich and arrogant Lady Catherine de Bourgh, an aunt of Darcy's.
  • 她丈上周末去登山了,只要一想到这,她就会感到忧虑不安。
    Her husband went climbing mountains last weekend.It gave her the collywobbles even to think about it.
  • 她丈上周末去登山了,只要一想到这,她就会感到忧虑不安。
    Her husband went climbing mountains last weekend .It gave her the collywobbles even to think about it。
  • 每逢有重要的考试,汤普林人总不忘那科龙香水。
    On days there would be an important test, Mrs. Thompson would remember that cologne.
  • 本来不打算卖他的小马,但马贩子将几百无钱赛到他的手中,他便同意了。
    The farmer did not wish to sell his fine colt, but when the horse dealer tickled his palm with a few hundred dollars, he consented.
  • 在杜塞尔多,无论哪里都能感受到忙碌的商业气息。
    Nowhere in Dusseldorf is far from the rush of com-mercial activity.