Chinese English Sentence:
  • 米兰意大利北部一城市,位于热那亚东北。可能由尔特人所建,公元前222年被罗马人占领,因其处于战略要地,自中世纪以来一直是一个重要的商业、金融、文化和工业中心。人口1,634,638
    A city of northern Italy northeast of Genoa. Probably of Celtic origin, it was taken by the Romans in222 b.c. and has been an important commercial, financial, cultural, and industrial center since medieval times because of its strategic location. Population,1, 634, 638.
  • 奥多埃日尔曼部落首领,在476年废黜罗慕罗斯·奥古斯都(475-476在位),结束了西罗马帝国
    Germanic tribal leader who in476 deposed Romulus Augustulus(reigned475-476), bringing the Western Roman Empire to an end.
  • 地加纳货币的基本单位
    A basic unit of currency in Ghana.
  • 安达卢西亚西班牙南部一地区,位于地中海、直布罗陀海峡和大西洋交界处。这个地区有壮观的摩尔式建筑,包括维利亚、格拉纳达和科尔多瓦等一些历史古镇
    A region of southern Spain on the Mediterranean Sea, the Strait of Gibraltar, and the Atlantic Ocean. The area contains magnificent Moorish architecture, including the historic towns of Seville, Granada, and C髍doba.
  • 但当它们与最大达100兆位/秒的快速以太网或fddi连接、甚至通过155兆位/秒的atm连接时,服务器的网卡必将阻千兆位的i/o吞吐量,以适合速度更慢的网络传输介质。
    But when they connect to the network through Fast Ethernet or FDDI connections that max out at 100M bit/sec, or even through 155M bit/sec ATM links, the server's network interface card (NIC) must throttle the gigabit I/O throughput to adapt to the slower network media.
  • 充满弃儿和低能儿的吉尔伯特滑稽世界——t·c·维尔
    a Gilbertian world people with foundlings and changelings- T.C.Worsley.
  • 在格拉斯哥我们遇到交通堵,但是在后面的行程里,我们加快速度,抢回了时间。
    We got caught in a traffic jam in Glasgow, but we made good time on the rest of the journey.
  • 长期以来,埃俄比亚人民有着为争取独立而斗争的光荣传统。
    For a long time the Ethiopian people have waged a glorious struggle for independence.
  • 弗尔南多没有回答,他也不想去擦掉美苔丝脸上的泪水,虽然那每一滴眼泪都好象在他的心上在每一滴血一样,但这些眼泪并非是为他恰恰相反是为另一个人流的,他站起身来,在小屋里踱来踱去,然后他突然脸色阴沉地捏紧了拳头在美苔丝面前停了下来,对她说,“美苔丝,求你再说一遍,这是不是你最后的决定?”
    Fernand made no reply, nor did he attempt to check the tears which flowed down the cheeks of Mercédès, although for each of these tears he would have shed his heart's blood; but these tears flowed for another. He arose, paced a while up and down the hut, and then, suddenly stopping before Mercédès, with his eyes glowing and his hands clinched,--"Say, Mercédès," he said, "once for all, is this your final determination?"
  • 米松主要用于治疗人体机能失调的一种合成葡萄糖酸
    A synthetic glucocorticoid used primarily in the treatment of inflammatory disorders.
  • 姆攥起了小拳头--紧紧地,他的信念使我第一次但并不是最后一次感到惊奇--我已经无可救药地爱上了他。
    Sam made a fist-- hard, his conviction surprising me for the first time, but not the last-- and I was a goner.
  • 为了代替这一切,代替这整个高卢历史②,代替这全部峨特艺术,人家给了我们什么名堂呢?
    What have they given us in exchange for all this, for this great page of Gallic history, for all this Gothic art?
  • 莫:很抱歉,格雷勃先生因交通阻未及时赶回,不过格雷勃先生打电话回来说他很快就到。请您稍等,好吗?
    I'm sorry. My Graber is delayed due to traffic. But Mr. Grabber called just now and said he would be back soon. Would you mind waiting?
  • 港口渐渐淤塞了。
    The harbour gradually filled in.
  • 王和他圆桌骑士中传说的给找到圣杯的骑士的座位;对其他坐在上面的人有致命的危险。
    the legendary seat at King Arthur's Round Table reserved for the knight who would find the Holy Grail; it was fatal for anyone else to sit in it.
  • 一种被吊在城堡或要的入口处的铁制的或木制的门;可以被降下来以阻止住通路。
    an iron or wooden grating that hangs in the entry to a castle or fortified town; can be lowered to prevent passage.
  • 苔丝庄重地点头示意说:“现在请先别这么称呼我,在我的家乡,人们说,对一个未结婚的姑娘,就拿她未婚夫的姓名称呼她,是会给她带来恶运的。
    Mercédès courtesied gravely, and said--"That is not my name, and in my country it bodes ill fortune, they say, to call a young girl by the name of her betrothed before he becomes her husband.
  • 那机器因油污的堵而运转失灵。
    The machine got clogged with grease.
  • “这些被单中有一两床太脏了。”“我才不在乎呢。他伤风鼻,什么臭味都闻不到。”
    "One or two of the sheets were rather greasy." "He should worry. The cold had affected the membranes of his nostrils to that he couldn't smell anything."
  • 坐在自己的汽车里,我们宁愿堵交通也不愿给人让路。
    Locked into our automobiles, we prefer gridlock to giving way.
  • 真人真事:1996年一架装有普拉特和威特尼飞机引擎公司生产的一个小塑料部件阻了飞机油路并使其迫降。
    True story: In 1996, a small plastic part clogged an oil line and grounded a jet equipped with Pratt & Whitney engines.
  • 两名士兵守卫着要的大门。
    Two soldiers guarded the gate of the fort.
  • 朱庇特现身于墨勒面前以至他向她求爱时,都是打扮朴素,举止谨敛的。
    To Semele Jupiter had appeared, and had paid court in unostentatious manner and simple guise.
  • 那男孩把一块口香糖进嘴里。
    The boy pop a piece of gum into his mouth.
  • 用于炮或弹的物体
    Material for gun wads.
  • 猛烈的炮火把敌人逐出要
    Heavy gunfire dislodged the enemy from the fort.
  • 水汨汨地从孔中流下去.
    The water gurgled as it ran down the plug-hole.
  • 吉普脱衣舞娘露丝·李到达好莱坞的时候只带着十二个空衣箱而已。
    Gypsy rise lee. the strip-tease artist, have arrive in hollywood with twelve empty trunks.
  • 于阗系塞人居地。
    Yutian was the habitat of the Sai people.
  • 塔斯河冥府的五条河流之一
    One of the five rivers of Hades.
  • 常春花在希腊诗歌和神话中,冥府和死者的花对于珀尔福涅是神圣的
    In Greek poetry and mythology, the flowers of Hades and the dead, sacred to Persephone.
  • 珀尔福涅得墨忒耳和宙斯的女儿,她被冥神哈得斯劫持但被其母所救,从此以后每年在人间过六个月,然后在地狱过六个月
    The daughter of Demeter and Zeus who was abducted by Hades but rescued by her mother and thereafter spent six months of the year on earth and six months in the underworld.