  • 在子女还小时,父母就应当考虑他们将来的职业方向并加以养,因为这时他们最易塑造。
    Let parents choose betimes, the vocations and courses they mean their children should take; for then they are most flexible;
  • 电功率单位等于伏特安
    a unit of electrical power equal to 1000 volt-amperes.
  • 噢!我看到这儿有标示:交流电一百伏特;二十安
    Oh, I see it's given 100 volts, 20 amps.
  • 他必须对国家所忧虑的事以及其种种弱点养出本能的认识,不管隐患是来自政治、经济、社会或科技方面。
    He needs to develop instincts about the concerns and vulnerabilities of his country, whether the threats be political, economic, social or technological.
  • 影片引起巨大轰动,费雯丽成为人尽皆知的人物,圣诞节刚过,她即投入《魂断蓝桥》的拍摄,并为影片初始的情节学习芭蕾舞,参加声音训班以提高演技。
    It opened to great reviews and Vivien became the talk of the town.Right after Christmas,she begin work on Waterloo Bridge,talking ballet lessons for a scene early On in the film,and voice lessons to improve her acting technique.
  • 过分小心的张德昨晚竟被排名第十二的种子选手,来自南非的韦恩·费瑞逼得他使出所有招数,……。
    Michael Chang, careful to a fault, let himself be pushed to the limit last night by 12th-seeded Wayne Ferreira of South Africa, ….
  • 很清楚的,新教育纲领对于养一个有道德修养的人非常重视。因为一个人的价值观正是他品性行为的泉源。
    If you take a look at the document, you would clearly see the emphasis placed on developing the moral person, since it is clearly a person's value system that constituted the wellspring for his actions and behavior.
  • 然而,每当面临困难的时候,许多公司因为考虑到经济的衰退会使人才市场供大于求而放松对人才的招聘。而同时,为了在保证业务不变的情况下提高利润,他们会削减用于雇员训项目的投入。
    Yet when times get tough, many companies ease up on recruiting, figuring a slow economy wi ll drive more applicants their way, and they spend less on training as a way to raise profits quickly without doing immediate damage to the business.
  • 2000年5月,国务院、中央军委颁布了《关于建立依托普通高等教育养军队干部制度的决定》,明确要充分发挥普通高等教育在国防和军队现代化建设中的作用,拓宽选拔养高素质军队建设人才的途径。
    In May 2000, the State Council and the CMC promulgated the Decision on Establishing a System for Training Military Cadres by Reliance on Regular Institutions of Higher Learning, clearly stressing the role of regular higher education in the modernization of national defense and the armed forces, so as to widen the channel for the selection and training of high-caliber personnel for the military.
  • 出路就在于养必备的技能和素质,并成功地运用到工作中去。
    The solution is to develop the necessary skills and qualities and apply them successfully in the workplace.
  • 参加计划的机构有630间,合共提供约25000个训名额和12388个实习名额。
    A total of 630 organisations participated in the programme, which offered some 25 000 training places and 12 388 workplace attachment opportunities.
  • 另一方面,再训局亦会和雇主商议,希望能物色更多职位空缺,以安排学员到实际工作地点接受特设的训练。叁与的学员除获得宝贵的工作经验外,也会获发放再训津贴,就业后十二个月内还会获得跟进服务。
    In consultation with employers, the ERB will identify more job vacancies for special tailor-made training at the employer's workplace which in addition to vital working experience, also gives trainees a re-training allowance and 12 months post-employment follow-up service.
  • 108.为了建立一个明确的教育和训晋级体制,让受雇人士和失业人士接受教育和训时,能逐步提升技术和资格,我们会就职业训练局和雇员再训局的课程,订定评核学员技术水平的客观标准,使雇主对这些课程更有信心,并承认所颁授的资格。
    108. To help ensure that both employed and unemployed people can benefit from a well-structured education and training ladder, we will develop a qualifications framework for programmes provided by the VTC and the ERB. This will provide an objective yardstick for assessing the skills standards of trainees and will help secure employers' confidence in and recognition of the qualifications.
  • 以及为年青人、我这年纪的人(学海无涯!)和我们更年轻的一代提供教育和训,让我们掌握正确的资讯运用技巧。
    as well as educating and training the young generation, people my age (it's never too old to learn), and our younger generation with the right skills to master information.
  • 他正在后备队员中养几名年轻新手。
    He is bringing on some youngsters in the reserve team.
  • 1996年,与国际农业发展基金合作,并在国际开发企业这一非政府组织的协助下,在赞比亚训当地制造商生产和销售这种水泵。
    In cooperation with the International Fund for Agricultural Development and with the assistance of International Development Enterprises, a non-governmental organization, in 1996 local manufacturers in Zambia were trained to produce and sell the pumps.
  • 结缕草一种结缕草属的匍匐草,原产于东南亚和新西兰,而且作为草场被广泛
    Any of several creeping grasses of the genus Zoysia, native to southeast Asia and New Zealand and widely cultivated for lawns.
  • (五)许克祥、唐生智、白崇禧、朱德、吴尚、熊式辉等部的俘虏兵;
    men captured from the forces under Hsu Keh-hsiang, Tang Sheng-chih, Pai Chung-hsi, Chu Pei-teh, Wu Shang and Hsiung Shih-hui;
  • 继续实施人才强国战略,养和吸引各类人才特别是高层次急需人才,为他们充分发挥聪明才智和干成事业创造良好条件。
    We should continue implementing the strategy of making China strong by giving full play to the role of talented people. We should train and attract more people with expertise in all fields, especially people of a high caliber and with expertise badly needed in China. To achieve this purpose, we must create the kind of conditions whereby they can fully develop their abilities and carve out successful careers for themselves.
  • 有许多训班与夜校。
    There are many training classed and night classes.
  • 你们提供什么培训?
    What training do you provide?
  • 2010.满意的薪水、专业的训、完善的福利--大型跨国公司及国有企业开出的这些极具吸引力的条件使得高校学生无不为之神往。但根据人力资源咨询公司麦可思的一项调查显示,2010年有约半数的毕业生在私企供职。
    Handsome pay, professional training, good benefits – appealing packages offered by large multinational and state-owned companies make them the most desired employers among college students. But according to the annual graduate survey by employment research company MyCOS, about half of all graduates will end up working for privately-owned enterprises in
  • 需要做个培养。
    A culture should be done.
  • 转行也就意味着你要做一些训。参加这些训也许可以获得相关学位,通过实习或参加训来获得新的工作技能。
    Changing your career may mean you have to undergo some training. That could take the form of earning a degree, doing an internship or taking courses to learn some new skills.
  • 养一种自信的风格,并以确凿事例为支撑,从而让别人的注意力集中在你的想法和提议上。好的政治家们能根据观众来调整传达的信息,而且总是准备充分。
    Develop an assertive style, backed with solid facts and examples, to focus others' attention on your ideas and proposals. Good politicians can adjust their messages for their audience and are always well-prepared.
  • 想要知道实际情况,就和那些已经在你的理想行业工作的人士谈谈。你可以通过大学校友会,专业社团,或该行业的训学校那里找到这样的专业人士。
    To get the real story, talk to people who work in the field you're targeting. You can find them through your college alumni association, professional associations, and schools with programs in the field.
  • 曾经有一位媒体训老师教过我如何围绕谈话点谈话,这个办法在很多场合都管用--包括面试。
    I once had a media trainer teach me how to stick to talking points, and it works for a wide range of situations -- including job interviews.
  • 视员工为客户。要吸引更多的客户,你就必须首先吸引公司的员工。加大训和辅导方面的投资。让每个员工都了解公司发展的目标,让他们充满不断前进并作出贡献的动力。养和奖励公司中20%最优秀的、可为公司产生80%效益的员工,而把那最差劲的10%却带给你80%头痛的员工清除出去。
    Treat employees like customers. If you want to inspire your customers, you must first inspire your employees. Invest heavily in training and mentoring. Explain the organization's goals so that everyone has the information and motivation to contribute. Nurture and reward the top 20% of your staff who produce 80% of the results, and actively weed out the bottom 10% who give you 80% of the headaches.
  • 养未来的领导人。每年挑选出25名最优秀的员工,给他们4到5个月的时间像下地狱一样去完成一些非常艰苦的具体任务。
    Groom future leaders. Select 25 of your best people each year and put them through hell together on specific projects for four or five months.
  • 他被养成一名律师。
    He was trained to be a lawyer.
  • 爱情就象照片,需要大量的暗房时间来养。
    Love is photogenic. It needs darkness to develop.