Chinese English Sentence:
  • 阿伯尼日利亚东南部一城市,位于尔科特港口的东北部。是一个重要的集贸和交通中心。人口210,700
    A city of southeast Nigeria northeast of Port Harcourt. It is an important market and transportation center. Population,210, 700.
  • 姆雷特:生存还是毁灭,这是一个值得考虑的问题,默默忍受厄运的打击,还是挺身反抗无涯的苦难,并通过斗争把它们扫清,这两种行为,哪一种更高贵?
    Hamlet: To be, or not to be: that is the question: Wether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer, The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them.
  • 尔滨位于中国的东北
    Harbin lies in the northeast of China.
  • 佳木斯中国最东北的城市,位于尔滨东北以北。是一个工业中心和河港。人口350,000
    A city of extreme northeast China east-northeast of Harbin. It is an industrial center and a river port. Population,350, 000.
  • 默菲斯特挪威北部一个城市,位于大西洋的一个岛上。它是欧洲最北部的一个城市,从5月17日至7月29日终日可见太阳。人口7,208
    A town of northern Norway on an island in the Arctic Ocean. It is the northernmost town of Europe, with uninterrupted daylight from May17 to July29. Population,7, 208.
  • 燥风,马丹风一种沿非洲大陆西北岸吹送的干燥多沙的风
    A dry, dusty wind that blows along the northwest coast of Africa.
  • 头两任秘书长是挪威的特里格夫·赖伊和瑞典的达格·马舍尔德。
    The first two Secretaries-General were Trygve Lie of Norway and Dag Hammarskj?ld of Sweden.
  • 周日,挪威康王储在奥斯陆大教堂和心上人梅特-马里特-霍伊比举行盛大婚礼,交换了结婚誓言。
    On Saturday, Crown Prince Haakon, the heir to the Norwegian throne, exchanged vows with Mette-Marit Tjessem Hoiby in Oslo Cathedral.
  • 然而,仍然有许多挪威人支持康王储做出的选择-迎娶自己心爱的人。
    And many Norwegians support Haakon's decision to marry a woman he obviously loves.
  • ,我应该到政府那儿告你!
    I should notify the government about you.
  • 利法克斯加拿大诺瓦斯克提亚的首府和最大的城市,位于濒临大西洋的这个省的南部中心位置,建于1749年,当时是作为美国独立战争的一个重要的海军基地,后又在1812年战争及以后两次世界大战中起过重要作用。人口114,594
    The capital and largest city of Nova Scotia, Canada, in the south-central part of the province on the Atlantic Ocean. Founded in1749, it served as an important naval base in the American Revolution, the War of1812, and both World Wars. Population,114, 594.
  • 1920年11月他与利斯正式离婚。
    In November, 1920, they were officially divorced.
  • 吉司羊肉一种苏格兰菜,由绵羊或牛切碎的心,肺,肝与板油,洋葱,燕麦片和调味料混合在被屠宰动物的腹中煮熟而成
    A Scottish dish consisting of a mixture of the minced heart, lungs, and liver of a sheep or calf mixed with suet, onions, oatmeal, and seasonings and boiled in the stomach of the slaughtered animal.
  • 有效支援了当地经济发展,新疆克拉玛依、吐、塔里木等各大油田和泽普、独山子、乌鲁木齐、克拉玛依等各大石化企业,都充分发挥人才、资金、技术优势,扶持地方企业,投资搞建设,贯穿塔克拉玛干大沙漠南北的沙漠石油公路,就是由塔里木油田投资7.85亿元建设的。
    Local economic development has been effectively supported. The large oilfields in Xinjiang, such as Karamay, Tuha and Tarim, and major petrochemical enterprises in Zepu, Dushanzi, Urumqi and Karamay, fully using their human resources and financial and technological advantages, have aided local enterprises and invested in local construction. The Desert Petroleum Highway, which runs from north to south across the Taklimakan Desert, was built with an investment of 785 million yuan from the Tarim Oilfield.
  • 古实《圣经·旧约》中姆的长子
    In the Old Testament, the oldest son of Ham.
  • 苏族语奥马人所说的苏族语
    The Siouan language of the Omaha.
  • 但这位68岁、土生土长的奥马人却有着不平凡的生活经历。
    But the 68-year-old Omaha native has led an extraordinary life.
  • 篷卡语篷卡人讲的苏语,方言上和奥玛语相近
    The Siouan language of the Ponca, dialectally related to Omaha.
  • 德基赫语为印第安语群的一个分支,包括奥马语、彭加语、奥赛治语、堪萨语和夸保语
    A branch of the Siouan linguistic family comprising the Omaha, Ponca, Osage, Kansa, and Quapaw languages.
  • 在简短序幕之后,影片《救大兵瑞恩》镜头直接切换到战争场面,长达24分钟的战斗场景真实地再现了1944年6月6日奥马海滩登陆的情。
    After a brief prologue[1], "Saving Private Ryan" goes straight into the battle scene, a 24 minute recreation of the D-Day[2] landing at Omaha Beach on June 6, 1944.
  • 里如何得到这种稀奇古怪的东西,是一个他津津乐道的有趣的故事。
    How Harry came into the possession of this outlandish stuff makes an interesting story which he is fond of relating.
  • 农考特最希望能被维也纳音乐界权势集团所接受。对维也纳人来说,他始终有点像是外人。
    Most of all,Harnoncourt wants to be accepted by the Viennese establishment,to whom he has always been a bit of an outsider.
  • 伍德尔,维多利亚·克拉芬1838-1927美国改革家。妇女选举权和自由恋受的直言不讳的倡导者,她是第一个竞选美国总统的妇女(1872年)
    American reformer. An outspoken advocate of woman suffrage and free love, she was the first woman to run for the U.S. presidency(1872).
  • 美国边境和运输安全部的副部长胡特金森5月19日说,如果当初使用这样一套系统,那么签证过期的9·11劫机者穆罕默德·阿塔和没能在学校出示学生签证的尼·汉珠尔就可以被制止了。
    Homeland Security Department undersecretary Asa Hutchinson said Monday such a system could have caught hijackers Mohammed Atta, who had overstayed his visa on a previous occasion, and Hani Hanjour, when he failed to show up at school as required by his student visa.
  • 不,可这又不是开玩笑,因为指挥约翰·施特劳斯的音乐是一件非常严肃的工作。我们坚信:农考特肯定会打破我们对维也纳华尔兹固有的观念。
    But no,it's not a joke.Conducting Johann Strauss is a serious business,and we can lay a safe bet that Harnoncourt will overturn our preconceptions of the Viennese waltz.
  • 利酸樱桃一种属于蔷薇科的欧亚小型观赏树(马利樱桃李属),开白花,结黑色卵形的单个种子的小核果,中东地区将其果实用于烹调
    A small Eurasian ornamental tree(Prunus mahaleb) of the rose family, having white flowers and small, ovoid, black drupes with single seeds that are used in Middle Eastern cooking.
  • 里:我的左手不太动得了,抓不住东西或其它什么的……龙尼(一把抓住里的手,摇了摇):像牛似的有力气,你这个孩子,想骗我吗。
    Harry: I can't move my left hand very well. Lost its grip or something?? Ronnie(gripping Harry's hand in a shake): Strong as an ox. You're a sham, Harry boy.
  • 恰图良,艾拉姆·伊利切1903-1978出身亚美尼亚的俄国作曲家,作品包括钢琴和小提琴协奏曲、交响乐和芭蕾舞曲,如加扬(1942年)
    Russian composer of Armenian parentage whose works include concertos for piano and violin, symphonies, and ballets, such as Gayane(1942).
  • 文·法伊夫的宝宝才一个月大,在她看来,"宝宝是上帝赐给我的礼物,然而成为寡妇、独自生孩子却不是礼物,那是十分残酷的事情"。
    "I think he's a gift," said Haven Fyfe of her 1-month-old Parker, "but I did not think being pregnant and being a widow was a gift. I thought it was very cruel."
  • 列《诗篇》中113-118篇的总称,用于犹太教的逾越节或别的固定的节日
    A chant of praise consisting of Psalms113 through118, used during Passover and on certain other holidays.
  • 我听说约翰逊家已经同德逊家和解了。
    I hear the Johnsons have patched up their quarrel with the Hudsons.
  • 到了周末卢旺达爱国阵线(tutsi人组成)副主席玛兹卡明白指出:情势已经转变。他说,“现在他们(hutus)是叛徒了。”
    By the weekend the R.P.F. vice chairman, Patrick Mazimhaka, made clear that the tables were turned. "They are the rebels now," he said.