  • 英国人对巧克力冰淇淋的头缩略。
    colloquial British abbreviation for chocolate ice cream.
  • 他鬼鬼祟祟地向公园门的那个陌生人靠上去,试图向人兜售偷来的戒指。
    He sidled up to the stranger in front of the park and tried to sell him the stolen ring.
  • 帕拉代斯美国加利福尼亚中北部一个未取得自治权的社区,位于萨克拉门托以北的内华达山脉的山脚。人25,408
    An unincorporated community of north-central California in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada north of Sacramento. Population,25, 408.
  • 克洛维斯美国加利福尼亚州中部的一座城市,位于弗雷斯诺附近内华达山脉的山麓小丘中,是加工业中心。人50,323
    A city of central California in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada near Fresno. It is a processing center. Population,50, 323.
  • 井蛙观太空,天仅井大。
    To a frog in a well heaven is only a sieve in size.
  • 老人深深叹了口气。
    The old man sighed a deep sigh.
  • (松了一气)多谢,多谢!
    ( sigh ) thanks a lot.
  • 我不禁叹了口气
    A sigh escaped my lips.
  • 我们全都松了一气。
    We all heaved a sigh of relief.
  • 他叹了一气就扑通一声坐到椅子上。
    He flumped down into his chair with a sigh.
  • 她叹了一气,随即陷入沉思。
    She heaved a sigh and became lost in thought.
  • 他找到钱包时松了一
    He heave a sigh of relief when he find his wallet.
  • 他找到钱包时松了一
    He heaved a sigh of relief when he found his wallet
  • 工作做完时,我们大家都松了一气。
    We all heaved a sigh of relief when the work was done.
  • 读完女儿的来信,怀特太太宽慰地松了
    After reading her daughter 's letter, Mrs. White breathed a sigh of relief
  • 当我们听说他们平安无事时,都松了一气。
    We all heaved a sigh of relief when we heard that they were safe.
  • 读完女儿的来信,怀特太太宽慰地松了气。
    After read her daughter's letter, mrs. white breathed a sigh of relief.
  • “那房子怎样,查克斯先生?”“唔,”他叹了一气说,“说来话长。”
    "…what about that house, Mr Chucks?" "Why, thereby hangs a tale." replied he, giving a sigh…"
  • 谈到压力的问题,她叹了一气后说:“唉呀,所有可以发生的坏事,都已经发生了。”
    Referring to stress, she heaved a big sigh and said: “Aiyah, anything bad that can happen has already happened.”
  • 伦敦德里北爱尔兰西北部一自治社区,位于贝尔法斯特市西北。建在546年圣哥伦巴所造的一所男修道院的遗址上,为一港和制造业中心。人68,000
    A borough of northwest Northern Ireland northwest of Belfast. Built on the site of an abbey founded by Saint Columba in546, it is a port and manufacturing center. Population,68, 000.
  • 贝特英国东南的一个城镇,位于哈斯汀的贝特(1066年)。征服者威廉为庆祝他的胜利在此建造了贝特修道院。人4,987
    A town of southeast England, site of the Battle of Hastings(1066). William the Conqueror built Battle Abbey to commemorate his victory here. Population,4, 987.
  • 准星枪炮上,瞄准用的小圆金属突起,如来福枪上的准星
    A small metal knob on the muzzle of a firearm, such as a rifle, used for sighting.
  • 《藏汉对照拉萨语词典》
    Tibeto-Chinese Lhasa Vernacular Dictionary
  • 通俗说法;语词;说话通俗的人;大多数人的通俗语言;某个动物物种的学术名称和通俗名称。
    common parlance; a vernacular term; vernacular speakers; the vulgar tongue of the masses; the technical and vulgar names for an animal species.
  • 圣莫尔神父府邸,地形起伏如一座碉堡,有一座大炮台,许多箭孔、枪眼、铁雀,萨克逊式宽阔大门上端,在吊桥的两边槽之间,刻有神父的纹章;
    the Hotel of the Abbe de Saint-Maur,having the vanity of a stronghold, a great tower, machicolations,loopholes, iron gratings, and over the large Saxon door,the armorial bearings of the abb? between the two mortises of the drawbridge;
  • 你就不想换个味去观光吗?
    Don't you want to go sightseeing for a change?
  • 在十字路设路标;这条路已经设路标了。
    sign an intersection; This road has been signed.
  • 叫他住口。
    Tell him to sign off.
  • 铁路道口防护
    railway highway level crossing signal
  • 断开连到ds1接的信令路径
    disconnects the signaling path to the DS1 interface
  • 羞怯而又局促不安的站在门;需要大胆而不是羞怯的回答的问题;一个非常不自信的年轻人。
    stood in the doorway diffident and abashed; problems that call for bold not timid responses; a very unsure young man.
  • 哨声或吹哨发信号(如召集)的动作。
    the act of signalling (e.g., summoning) by whistling or blowing a whistle.