  • 磨碎使…被碎或磨成粉末
    To become crushed, pulverized, or powdered by friction.
  • 那只盒子被扁了,是不是什么东西从上面过了?
    The box is crushed; did something run it down?
  • 葡萄酒是榨葡萄而制成的。
    Wine is made by crushing grapes.
  • 碎,碎的行为;极大的
    The act of crushing; extreme pressure.
  • 榨或碎水果得到的饮料。
    drink produced by squeezing or crushing fruit.
  • 通过轧、折叠而制成或变成皱的。
    made or become wrinkled as by crushing or folding.
  • 榨汁酿酒榨葡萄汁酿酒的过程
    The process of stamping or crushing grapes for wine.
  • 没有任何预兆,200万公吨石头、煤块、土块呼啸着向当地的小学冲下来,将树连根拔起来,将房屋倒。
    Two million tonnes of rock, coal and mud began to move with a thunderous roar towards the local school, uprooting trees and crushing houses.
  • 由机械力在晶体上产生的电能。
    electricity produced by mechanical pressure on a crystal.
  • 同时表示他很鼓励年青人“向外发展”,寻找伴侣;他认为本地女孩的眼界过高,要求太多,男士们因此得通过各种途径,设法满足她们,包括填平彼等心目中的5个c等的欲望,因而得面对各方面没完没了的力,实在太辛苦了。
    He said that young people should be encouraged to "go outside Singapore" to look for a spouse, as Singaporean women are either too demanding or have high expectations. As a result, men resort to various means to satisfy their never-ending needs, including their desire to possess the five "Cs. " This can be tiring and tough for the men.
  • 我们本土的多才多艺的学者陈瑞献谈到了西方的都市人如何通过寻求“开悟”的心感状态来纾解力,取得心灵的平静,这种“开悟”可叫做“顶峰经验”。
    Homegrown "multi-media" scholar-artist Tan Swie Hian gave a succinct account of how city-dwellers in the West have been gravitated towards the East as they seek stress-relief and inner peace. Their efforts often culminate in "peak experiences" or spiritual enlightenment.
  • 我们本土的多才多艺的学者陈瑞献谈到了西方的都市人当他们通过寻求“开悟”的心感状态来纾解力,取得心灵的平静时,如何被东方文化吸引.他们的行为经常到“开悟”或“顶峰经验”状态。
    Homegrown "multi-media" scholar-artist Chen Rui Xian gave a succinct account of how city-dwellers in the West have been gravitated towards the East culture as they seek stress-relief and inner peace through spiritual enlightenment. Their efforts often culminate in "peak experiences" or spiritual enlightenment.
  • 中国共产党自1921年诞生后,就在政治纲领中明确地提出,“推翻国际帝国主义的迫,达到中华民族的完全独立”,“打倒军阀,统计表中国为真正民主共和国”,并领导人民进行了艰苦卓绝的斗争,取得了民族民主革命的胜利。
    After its birth in 1921, the Communist Party of China set the clear-cut goal in its political program to "overthrow the oppression by international imperialism and achieve the complete independence of the Chinese nation" and to "overthrow the warlords and unite China into a real democratic republic".It led the people in an arduous struggle culminating in victory in the national democratic revolution.
  • 中国共产党自1921年诞生后,就在政治纲领中明确地提出,“推翻国际帝国主义的迫,达到中华民族的完全独立”,“打倒军阀,统计表中国为真正民主共和国”,并领导人民进行了艰苦卓绝的斗争,取得了民族民主革命的胜利。
    After its birth in 1921, the Communist Party of China set the clear-cut goal in its political program to "overthrow the oppression by international imperialism and achieve the complete independence of the Chinese nation" and to "overthrow the warlords and unite China into a real democratic republic"; it led the people in an arduous struggle culminating in victory in the national democratic revolution.
  • 5.把充满力的局势变成积极的富有建设性的局势,这是上述四种方法的终极--也是衡量是否具有真正承受力能力的尺度。
    5. Transform stressful situations into positive ones. This is a culmination of the first four ideas, and the measure of becoming truly stress-tolerant.
  • 她将双手放在他的上腹部,右手握成拳,用左手抱住右拳,然后轻轻地下去再向上推。
    Placing her hands just above his stomach,she made a fist with her right hand and cupped it with her left.Then she gently pressed in and up.
  • 我还记得,在主权交接之前,许多评论家预言从一九九七年七月一日开始,香港的言论自由会受到抑。
    I remember before the Handover there were many commentators who predicted a curb on press freedom on and after July 1, 1997.
  • 奶酪从经缩过的牛奶凝聚物制成的固体食物,经常是风干的并且是陈年的
    A solid food prepared from the pressed curd of milk, often seasoned and aged.
  • 由挤过的凝乳精制而成的一种固体食品。
    a solid food prepared from the pressed curd of milk.
  • 变压器涌流
    inrush current of transformer
  • 记录变动的电或电流的波纹形式的装置。
    a device for making a record of the wave forms of fluctuating voltages or currents.
  • 在线路上用来防止过电或过电流损坏交换设备或用户设备的装置。
    Device used to prevent excessive voltages and/or currents on a line from damaging exchange equipment or subscribers′ apparatus.
  • 贬抑,使惭愧制或击溃(别人的)骄傲;使自卑
    To curtail or destroy the pride of; humiliate.
  • 他的汽车被警察扣
    His car was held in the custody of the police.
  • 由于供给突然被切断,我们感到了沉重的力。
    A sudden and severe strain was placed upon us by the cutting off of these supplies.
  • 缩周期上述机器缩过程的周期
    The engine cycle during which this process occurs.
  • 那辆卡车差点把一个骑自行车的人着了。
    The truck nearly ran over cyclist.
  • 那辆出租汽车差点把一个骑自行车的人着。
    The taxicab nearly run over a cyclist.
  • 他的计划是:将一根大可纶带固定在笑笑的肺动脉上,以防血流到肺部。一旦他的血得到控制,笑笑也许会成为永久性地更改血流的第一人选。
    His plan: place a Dacron band on Shao-Shao's pulmonary blood pressure was under control, Shao-Shao might be a candidate for procedures to reroute the blood flow permanent1y.
  • 一种保护计算机系统免受危险的高电冲击破坏的电路。
    A circuit that protects a computer system from dangerously high voltage surges.
  • 让学生们预先接受聘用的力非常大--许多公司许诺给予"爆性"津贴:这类津贴过期就会消失,以至于芝加哥大学去年秋天写信给各用人单位,坚持要求给予工商管理硕士学生6周时间来仔细考虑是否接受所提供的工作。
    So intense is the pressure on students to accept?many companies dangle “ exploding” bonuses that disappear after a certain time?that the University of Chicago last fall sent a letter to employers insisting that M.B.A.students be allowed six weeks to mull an offer.
  • 召开会议是完全的政治行为-丹尼尔·格曼;政治力;政治集团;政府机关;政治方针。
    calling a meeting is a political act in itself- Daniel Goleman; political pressure; a political machine; political office; political policy.