  • 巴西的灌木,有两倍羽状的叶子和小的有穗的花,有平的不规的豆荚;有时被归为南美豆属。
    Brazilian shrub having twice-pinnate leaves and small spicate flowers followed by flat or irregularly torulose pods; sometimes placed in genus Piptadenia.
  • 日本时事通讯社引用巴西前锋埃迪尔森在这个月初所说的话:"这个球太大而且太轻了",而里瓦尔多说,这种球踢起来太飘了。
    "It's big and it's too light," Japan's Jiji news agency quoted Brazilian forward Edilson as saying earlier this month, while striker Rivaldo said it soared too far when kicked.
  • 违背违背一项法律、规或协议;违反
    A violation, as of a law, a regulation, or an agreement; a breach.
  • 现代音乐如爵士乐摆脱了旧的传统规
    Modern music like jazz has broken away from the old traditional rules. (喻)
  • 别多喝那种特殊酿造的贮藏啤酒,否你马上就会醉的。
    Don't drink too much of that special brew or it'll go straight to your head.
  • 除非这个故事曾使一个出租车司机和一个大学教授爱不释手,否它就不是足够好--布莱恩布兰德。
    Unless the story is at once as unputdownable to a taxi driver as to a university professor it is not good enough- Brian Burland.
  • 因为一个人自己实行的节操是约束自己和仆役的,而宣扬出去的节操,再加上公开的对贿赂的厌恨,是约束他人的。
    For integrity used doth the one; but integrity professed, and with a manifest detestation of bribery,doth the other.
  • 如果我的名字和他的一起出现,会给我的日子带来光彩,让我觉得自己终于成为了家庭中的一员。
    If my name appeared along with his, it would brighten my day and make me feel like I was part of their family unit after all.
  • 星的亮度用数字化尺度表示出来的一个天体的亮度,最亮的星的星等为-1。4;最昏暗的星等为6,在这种度量的规下,星等减小一个单位表示外观亮度增强2。512倍
    The degree of brightness of a celestial body designated on a numerical scale, on which the brightest star has magnitude-1.4 and the faintest visible star has magnitude6, with the scale rule such that a decrease of one unit represents an increase in apparent brightness by a factor of2.512.
  • 对于交谈的双方,英国的行为规要求有目光接触。
    British practice demands eye contact.
  • 宽松的规;这一计划的大致轮廓;感觉莫名其妙的恐惧。
    a broad rule; the broad outlines of the plan; felt an unspecific dread.
  • 昨晚广播了一特别消息。
    A special message was broadcast last night.
  • 在统一战线问题上,在党的组织问题上和在民众的组织问题上,须继续反对“左”的关门主义倾向,以便实现和各抗日党派的合作,发展共产党和发展民众运动;
    On questions of the united front and of Party and mass organization, we must continue the fight against the "Left" tendency towards closed-doorism if we are to achieve co-operation with the various other anti-Japanese parties and groups, expand the Communist Party and broaden the mass movement.
  •  我们将继续改善和发展同发达国家的关系,以各国人民的根本利益为重,不计较社会制度和意识形态的差别,在和平共处五项原的基础上,扩大共同利益的汇合点,妥善解决分歧。
    We will continue to improve and develop relations with the developed countries. Proceeding from the fundamental interests of the people of all countries concerned, we will broaden the converging points of common interests and properly settle differences on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, notwithstanding the differences in social system and ideology.
  • 167.公务员的薪酬水平,原上应和私营机构的大致相同。
    167. Civil service pay levels should in principle be broadly comparable to those in the private sector.
  • 本港注册机构及海外机构申请成为持牌银行的认可资格准大致相同;
    The authorisation criteria for locally incorporated applicants and overseas applicants to become a licensed bank are broadly the same.
  • 商品化促进了服务提供商的发展,他们中介代理了多种类型的、易按商业规实现商品化的组件。
    Commoditization encourages the growth of service providers who broker many types of components, which are easily customized by business rules.
  • 运动会的比赛项目规奇特,赛事的主题与其说是竞技比赛,不如说是大力士的较量。
    The games, which have strange rules, involve a spirit that has more to do with brute force than with athletics.
  • 在这项计划中,主人们要和宠物们一起进食,一起锻炼,一起称体重,而指导理论是这种人和宠物亲密无间的生活方式有助于双方共同减肥。
    Under the program, people and their pets eat together, exercise together, and weight in together, based on the theory that the buddy system will help pets and their owners lose weight.
  • 66.另外,特区政府的财政预算政策,是继续坚守审慎理财的原,确保政府开支会继续与中期经济增长配合。
    66. Our budgetary policy will continue to reflect the principle of fiscal prudence, ensuring that growth in government expenditure will be in line with medium term economic growth trends.
  • 在里根防御体系建立后,有关高层的信息,即像彼得-李在lawrencelivermore从事的工作一样,属于“防御信息”,属于国防部类。
    ] In the early 1980s, during the Reagan Defense Buildup, information about high-power lasers, which Peter Lee worked on at Lawrence Livermore, may well have been "defense information," a DOD category.
  • 你必须维护自己的权利,否他们还会欺负你。
    You must assert yourself or they will continue to bully you.
  • 事物平滑的表面出现裂缝或其他不规的痕迹。
    something irregular like a bump or crack in a smooth surface.
  • 包袱;累赘过剩的或累赘的习俗、规、主张或品性
    Superfluous or burdensome practices, regulations, ideas, or traits.
  •    第二十七条一切国家机关实行精简的原,实行工作责任制,实行工作人员的培训和考核制度,不断提高工作质量和工作效率,反对官僚主义。
    Article 27. All state organs carry out the principle of simple and efficient administration, the system of responsibility for work and the system of training functionaries and appraising their work in order constantly to improve quality of work and efficiency and combat bureaucratism.
  • 詹姆斯把中情局的任务看作是对平凡生活的一种有趣的改变,但是在他成为谍报人员之前,必须要通过"农场"的训练。在那里,经验丰富的伯克教给他工作诀窍和游戏规
    James regards the CIA's mission as an intriguing alternative to an ordinary life,but before he becomes an Ops Officer,James has to survive the Farm,where the veteran Burke teaches him the ropes and rules of the game.
  • 大家都急于想知道这好消息。
    Evrybody is burning to know the good news.
  • 而山东、辽宁无处不有韩商的影子。
    In Shandong and Liaoning, Korean businessmen are everywhere.
  • 遏制政策的妙处就在:它提供制订政策的人一个似乎易于遵行的指导原,告诉他们什么重要,什么不重要;什么是威胁,什么不是;资源应在何处使用,应有尽在何处撙节。可是冷战过去以后,还没有新的口号出现。
    The beauty of containment was that it provided a seemingly easy guide for policy makers, telling them what was important and what was not, what was a threat and what was not,where they should put their resources and where they should not. But with the passing of the cold war, no new byword has come along.
  • 换句话说,对应于地址空间的同一个位置,如果该位置的数据被缓存入高速缓存,其内容必须和主存中的一致。
    The cache and main memories must be kept in step(coherent). In other words, if a word of main memory is held in one or more locations in cache, then the system must make sure that the contents of cache and memory are the same.
  • 到了向上帝供奉的日子,该隐拿了些土地的产品献给天主;亚伯献出一些精选的乳羊。
    The day came when Cain brought some of the produce of the soil as a gift to the Lord;and Abel brought some of the first-born of his flock, the fat portions of them.
  • 德国的分裂,为二战期间和战后一系列国际条约所规定。而台湾问题,有《开罗宣言》、《波茨坦公告》等国际条约关于日本必须将窃取于中国的台湾归还中国的规定。
    Germany was divided according to a series of international treaties during and after World War II, while the Taiwan question involves provisions of the Cairo Declaration, the Potsdam Proclamation and other international treaties, stating that Japan must return Taiwan, which it had stolen from China, to the Chinese.