  • 游行,游行队伍节日或纪念日中有组织的公共队
    An organized public procession on a festive or ceremonial occasion.
  • 隆重地引导,例如队。
    lead ceremoniously, as in a procession.
  • 中级指挥训练课程于二月进行改革,加入一系有关重要管理课题的综合证书讲座,并由香港城市大学的专业讲师主讲。
    The Intermediate Command Course was changed in February to include a comprehensive and certificated package of lectures on key management topics delivered by professional lecturers from the City University of Hong Kong.
  • 兹证明下货物的原产地为中华人民共和国。
    This is to certify that the origin of the under mention goods is the people's republic of china.
  • 选举人应在选票上写明被选为总统之人的姓名,并在另一选票上写明被选为副总统之人的姓名。选举人应将所有被选为总统之人和所有被选为副总统之人,分别开名单,写明每人所得票数;他们应在该名单上签名作证,并将封印後的名单送至合众国政府所在地,交与参议院议长。
    they shall name in their ballots the person voted for as President, and in distinct ballots the person voted for as Vice-President, and they shall make distinct lists of all persons voted for as President, and of all persons voted for as Vice-President, and of the number of votes for each, which lists they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate;
  • 一系的情况、事件、意见
    A chain of circumstances, events, ideas
  • 锁在一起成一的动物、犯人或奴隶
    A group of animals, prisoners, or slaves chained together in a line.
  • 总经理和董事长并坐在桌子后面。
    The general manager and the chairman are sitting behind the desk side by side.
  • 中央军事委员会由下人员组成:主席,副主席若干人,委员若干人。
    The Central Military Commission is composed of the following: The Chairman; The Vice-Chairmen; and Members.
  •    第六十五条全国人民代表大会常务委员会由下人员组成:委员长,副委员长若干人,秘书长,委员若干人。
    Article 65. The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress is composed of the following: The Chairman; The Vice-Chairmen; The Secretary-General; and Members.
  • 中顾委委员可以席中央全会,顾委副主任可以席政治局会议,必要时顾委常委也可以席政治局会议。
    They may attend plenary sessions of the Central Committee as observers. The vice-chairmen of the Commission may attend meetings of the Political Bureau as observers and, when the Political Bureau deems it necessary, other members of the Standing Committee of the Commission may do so too.
  • 在不到一年的时间内,java已成了微软的pc操作系统windows系的主要挑战者,比dos和windows挑战传统的大型机和小型机的速度还要快。
    In scarcely a year, Java has evolved into a major challenger to Microsoft's Windows family of PC operating systems -- faster even than DOS and Windows, rising to challenge traditional mainframes and minicomputers.
  • 楚克尔曼,宾查斯生于1948以色小提琴家,尤以其室内乐表演而闻名
    Israeli violinist noted particularly for his performance of chamber music.
  • 鹦鹉螺一种鹦鹉螺属头足纲软体动物,尤其是蛛蜂鹦鹉螺,发现于印度洋和太平洋上,具有螺旋形珍珠线的壳,由一系充满空气的层构成
    A cephalopod mollusk of the genus Nautilus, especially N. pompilius, found in the Indian and Pacific oceans and having a spiral, pearly-lined shell with a series of air-filled chambers.
  • 另一端是小教堂,路易十一③曾叫人给自己在教堂里雕刻了一座跪在圣母面前的塑像,还把查理大帝④和圣路易——他认为这两位作为法兰西君王是得到上天无比信任的圣人——的塑像搬到小教堂里来,全然不顾大厅里那一长历代君王塑像中留下了两个空墙凹。
    the other by the chapel in which Louis XI caused his statue to be sculptured kneeling in front of the Virgin, and to which he had transferred—indifferent to the fact that thereby two niches were empty in the line of royal statues—those of Charlemagne and Saint-Louis: two saints who, as Kings of France, he supposed to be high in favour in heaven.
  • 描述,形容通过举…的特点或特性来描述;刻画…的性格
    To describe by enumerating the characteristics or qualities of; characterize.
  • 指数程式中的一个数字,用以表示一系数据的性质
    A number derived from a formula, used to characterize a set of data.
  • 海达人居住在加拿大不颠哥伦比亚省夏洛特女皇群岛和美国阿拉斯加威尔士王子岛的美洲印第安人
    A Native American people inhabiting the Queen Charlotte Islands of British Columbia, Canada, and Prince of Wales Island in Alaska.
  • 车员:天空晴朗,景色宜人。
    The sky is always blue and the scenery is charming.
  • fcs--桢检测序列
    FCS - Frame check sequence
  • 图2载一九九九年各主要制造行业的港产品出口值。
    Chart 2 shows the value of domestic exports of the major industries in 1999.
  • 车员:硬座车票价很便宜。
    The ticket is rather cheap.
  • 格子纵在国际象棋棋盘或西洋跳棋盘上一垂直排或在两名游戏者之间的方格
    Any of the rows of squares that run vertically or between players on a playing board in chess or checkers.
  • 车员:在出站口,您要把车票交给验票员查看。
    At the exit, you are required to give it to the ticket-checker.
  • 门捷夫,季米特里·伊凡诺维奇1834-1907俄国化学家,是第一个设计并出版元素周期表的人(1869年)
    Russian chemist who first devised and published the periodic table of the elements(1869).
  • 列车在芝加哥停吗?
    Does the train stop at Chicago?
  • 这时车厢中传来了车员的声音:“前方到站中芝加哥!”
    "Central Chicago next," the conductor called
  • 开往芝加哥的车停靠在第。
    The train for Chicago is on track 9.
  • 外宾:车长,我感到很不舒服。
    Chief conductor, I feel very ill.
  • 对不起,你是车长吗?
    Excuse me, are you the train chief?
  • 摩西率领以色的子民离开了埃及。
    Moses led the children of Israel out of the Egypt.
  • 中国许多地区的计划生育部门为育龄夫妇开展了婚育系保健服务活动。
    The family planning departments in many places have initiated health-care-at-childbirth services for couples of childbearing age.