Chinese English Sentence:
  • 提供医疗服务的系统包括许多公立和私人设施,私人出资或政府指定的保险组织通常只补偿部,而不是全部治疗费用。
    The system that pro- vides medical services includes a bewildering array of public and private facilities reimbursed by a patch-work of privately-funded and government-mandated insurance schemes that usually cover part, but not all,of the cost of treatment.
  • 特别在运动后期,明确了发动贫雇农方针,从退押和惩治不法地主中,适当满足了贫雇农的经济要求,并随着运动的深入,在贫雇农积极动员起来的基础上,一步一步地改造了农会领导成和农村政权。
    In the later stage of the movement in particular, we made clear our policy of mobilizing the poor peasants and farm labourers, and satisfactorily met their economic needs by returning them the security money reimbursed by landlords and by expropriating law-breaking landlords. As the movement deepened, the poor peasants and farm labourers were mobilized, which provided the basis for systematically transforming the composition of the leadership of peasant associations and organs of political power in the rural areas.
  • 那是整个酬金补偿的一部,绝不应被称为或被认为是一种礼物。
    It is part of the reimbursement package and as such should never be referred to or considered a present.
  • 警队也十重视英文及普通话的语文训练,并设立了发还学费计划,以示鼓励。
    Much emphasis is also placed on English and Putonghua language training. Assistance in the form of financial reimbursement is available as an incentive.
  • 位于爱琴海和马尔马拉海之间的一个海峡,它将欧洲和亚洲土耳其离。
    the strait between the Aegean and the Sea of Marmara that separates European from Asian Turkey.
  • 他们可以充自主地发挥他们的才能。
    he gave free rein to his impulses; they gave full play to the artist's talent.
  • 多岛屿的海包含有大量散岛屿的海,如爱琴海
    A sea, such as the Aegean, containing a large number of scattered islands.
  • 补片,补钉补缀在较大的一片材料上的一小片材料,用来添补、加强或修补一磨损部、小洞或撕裂处
    A small piece of material affixed to another, larger piece to conceal, reinforce, or repair a worn area, hole, or tear.
  • 回顾过去,我们高兴地看到,中美两国经贸合作与交流不断加强,双边进出口贸易、投资合作规模进一步扩大,中美经贸关系业已成为中美双边关系中的重要组成部
    In retrospect, we are pleased to take note the constant reinforcement of Sino-US cooperation and communications in trade and economy. With the expansion of bilateral trade and investment collaboration, Sino-US economic and trade ties have become a crucial part of the overall bilateral relations.
  • 全党同志一定要从党和国家生死存亡的高度,充认识反腐倡廉工作的重大意义,把党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争进行到底。
    All the comrades in the Party must fully recognize, from the perspective of life and death of the Party and the state, the major significance of our fight against corruption and advocacy for clean governance and see through the development of Party's style, the building of a clean government and the battle against corruption.
  • 我们提倡的实事求是,是马列主义、毛泽东思想的一个基本组成部,因此提倡实事求是决不能离开马列主义、毛泽东思想的基本原理,决不能忽视毛泽东同志在这个问题上的伟大功绩。
    Therefore, our advocacy of it can in no way be construed to mean that we can separate ourselves from the basic tenets of Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought, or that we can neglect the great contribution Comrade Mao Zedong made in formulating this principle.
  • 但在兵力优裕的条件下,使用次要力量(例如县和区的游击队,以至从主力中出一部)于外线,在那里破坏敌之交通,钳制敌之增援部队,是必要的。
    But when we have the strength to spare, we should use our secondary forces (such as the county or the district guerrilla units, or even detachments of the main force) on exterior lines to disrupt the enemy's communications and pin down his reinforcements.
  • 联盟提供各种信息与享知识活动,如电子会议、网站、宣传小册子和录像、年度报告、能力建设和试验方案等各项活动。
    The Alliance offers a mix of information and knowledge-sharing activities, such as electronic conferencing, a web site, advocacy leaflets and video,annual reports, and capacity-building and pilot programmes.
  • 才不过四天,葛市长已在参加第二个执法人员的丧礼。他说一个对犯罪软弱的政府应对这种杀戮担责任——他呼吁恢复死刑。
    Mayor Koch, attending his second funeral for a law-enforcement officer in four days, said a government that has gone soft on crime shares the blame for the slaying – and he called for reinstatement of the death penalty.
  • 保可保证客户得到一家保险公司无力偿付的巨额保险。
    reinsurance enables a client to get coverage that would be too great for any one company to assume.
  • -加强国际合作,包括担责任及协调对难民收容国的人道援助;协助所有难民和流离失所者自愿地、有尊严地安全返回其家园,并顺利重新融入其社会。
    To strengthen international cooperation, including burden sharing in, and the coordination of humanitarian assistance to, countries hosting refugees and to help all refugees and displaced persons to return voluntarily to their homes, in safety and dignity and to be smoothly reintegrated into their societies.
  • 例如,将统计和数学的程序库包括在核心的rdbms中,决策支持系统的用户就能完成复杂的数据析,无须重新发明车轮(即无须重复劳动——译注)。
    For example, by including statistics and mathematics libraries in the core RDBMS, users of decision support systems will be able to perform complex data analysis without reinventing the wheel.
  • 佩特于1873年出版的论列奥纳多的文章描写《蒙娜·丽莎》时用了壮丽散文中的庄重语调,在开头部,他说:“如此神奇地在水边出现的仪态表达了千百年来男人所追求的东西。”《蒙娜·丽莎》被重新塑造成了浪漫主义中引诱男人堕落的“妖冶女人。”
    Pater's great essay on Leonardo, published in 1873, describes the Mona Lisa in grand tones of magnificent prose beginning: The presence that rose thus so strangely beside the waters is expressive of what, in the ways of a thousand years, men had come to desire, Mona Lisa is reinvented as the femme fatale of Romanticism.
  • 资本主义一种经济制度,在该制度中,生产资料和配为私人或企业所有,生产的发展与从自由市场中所获利润的聚集和再投入成比例
    An economic system in which the means of production and distribution are privately or corporately owned and development is proportionate to the accumulation and reinvestment of profits gained in a free market.
  • 任何一种财产,不论多么不适合于劳动者使用,但只要这种财产或得自这种财产的价值用于生产性再投资,它就是资本的一部
    and all property, however ill adapted in itself for the use of labourers, is a part of capital, so soon as it, or the value to be received from it, is set apart for productive reinvestment.
  • 分成各种宗派的倡议
    Advocacy of separation into religious denominations.
  • 另外有两个委员会,即社区关系市民谘询委员会和防止贪污谘询委员会,则别负责检讨社区关系处和防止贪污处的工作,以及提供有关的意见。
    Two other committees, the Citizens Advisory Committee on Community Relations and the Corruption Prevention Advisory Committee, review and give advice on the work of the Community Relations Department and Corruption Prevention Department respectively.
  • 当我们以我们的充实为乐时,那末,我们便能很快乐地跟我们的果实手了。
    When we rejoice in our fulness, then we can part with our fruits with joy.
  • 我们对此感到十高兴,特此转告,并谢谢贵方的合作。
    We rejoice at the good news, and pass it on to you with our own gratitude for your cooperation.
  • 斗争风雨的严峻考验证明,从总体来看,我们的文艺队伍是好的。有这样一支文艺队伍,我们党和人民是感到十高兴的。
    Through the ordeal of struggle, by and large our writers and artists have proved good, and the Party and people rejoice in this.
  • 当pc机供应商和制造商为他们占据了市场统治地位而兴高采烈时,这个阵营的另一部在oracle公司和sun公司的带领下提出了网络计算机(nc)的概念。
    While PC vendors and manufacturers rejoice over their present dominance in the marketplace, the other side of the camp by Oracle and Sun Microsystem scale up with the concept of network computers.
  • 另有一些谘询组织,例如区委员会,主要处理所属地区或社区的问题。
    Some advisory bodies, such as the Area Committees, deal essentially with district affairs.
  • 如果我们勇敢得能够去爱,坚强得能够去宽容,大度得能够去享他人的幸福,明智得能够理解身边充满爱,那么我们就能取得别的生物所不能取得的成就。
    If we are brave enough to love, strong enough to forgive, generous enough to rejoice in another ‘s happiness, and wise enough to know there is enough love to go around for us all, then we can achieve a fulfillment that no other living creature will ever know.
  • 我们享共同的欢乐。
    We partake in the general rejoicing.
  • 几年前曾经做过一次新加坡是否有可能重新加入马来西亚的调查,居然有初级学院学生说:新加坡不曾是马来西亚的一部
    Some years back, there was a survey on whether Singapore could possibly rejoin Malaysia. Guess what? There were junior college students who said that Singapore was never a part of Malaysia.
  • 就以柜台轮候号码的类,几个按钮代表几种服务,但是若同时需要两种或更多项的服务,结果得拿多个轮候号码,但是办完a项时,b项的轮期难免已过,又得重新再拿轮候号码,碰到长龙,又得重新轮候。
    The use of different queue numbers based on types of services is one such example. The problem begins when you need multiple services and thus more than one queue number. When you are done at one counter, more often than not, your number at the other counter would have been called - which means you will have to rejoin the queue and wait your turn again.
  • 一种从铁路干线出来的后来又同干线会合的铁路线。
    a railway line that branches from the trunk line and then rejoins it later on.