  • 雷德说,他发现大幅提高学费打折率的大学现了毕业率降低的状况,就连在录取上非常挑剔的大学也是如此。
    Mr. Redd says he found that universities that have sharply increased their tuition? discount rates have seen graduation rates fall, and that's true even among highly selective schools.
  • 他在刚刚因为发怒而涨得满脸通红时,会找一些幸运的事,重新乐观起来,然后恢复常态。
    Then, just when he's getting redder in the face, he counts his blessings, finds his inner optimism and pulls back.
  • 苔色素由此类植物提的红色染料
    The reddish dyestuff obtained from any of these organisms.
  • 如果你明年准备搬这所房子,花大力气重新装饰是不值得的。
    It isn't worth expending too much energy on redecorating the house if you're going to move out of it next year.
  • 拔除杂草,疏通河道,清理垃圾。50年代初,从宫内清除去的上百年的垃圾竟达250,000立方米,自此院容焕然一新。故宫博物院制定了“着重保护、重点修缮、全面规划、逐步实施”的古建维修方针,经过几十年的努力,许多残破、渗漏、瀕临倒塌的大小殿堂楼阁得到了修复和油饰,愈显金碧辉煌。
    Where previously the dirty and dilapidated halls and courts lay under weeds and piles of rubbish, some 250,000 cubic metres of accumulated debris were now cleared out, giving the place a sparkling fresh look. A policy of comprehensive rehabilitation was also launched, and in time the crumbling palace buildings, repaired and redecorated, looked resplendent once more.
  • 定期分离并积累起来的用于还债的基金。
    a fund accumulated regularly in a separate account and used to redeem debt securities.
  • 该剧的演未能补救剧本的缺点。
    The acting barely redeems the play.
  • 定期售和兑换股票的管理投资公司。
    a regulated investment company that regularly sells and redeems its shares.
  • 耶稣的血将我们从罪恶中拯救来。
    We are redeemed from sin by the blood of Jesus.
  • 有一个比较能弥补的因素,就是财富的捐、对社会的回馈,无论是对慈善事业也好、对宗教也好、对教育事业也好,倒可能比过去要看得开。
    But a redeeming tendency is emerging, too. People are more generous nowadays in giving to the public by means of donations to charity, religious bodies, or educational institutions. They are more liberal with their money than before.
  • 面对这一时期,北京体育应该为首都全面建设小康社会、率先基本实现现代化,为实现承办一届历史上最色奥运会的承诺,为达到符合奥运会承办城市标准的国际体育先进水平,造福于人民群众做不懈的努力和应有的贡献。
    In this period, Beijing sports should make unremitting efforts and make its due contribution to the building of the Capital into a well-off society in an all-round way and to ensuring its lead in accomplishing modernization by and large, to redeeming its promise of hosting the best ever Olympics in history, and to attaining an international advanced sports level that conforms to the standards for an Olympic host city and bringing benefit to the people.
  • 独自游,会使你寻找到自信并建立起单身生活所需要的战胜孤独的信心。
    Traveling alone redeems itself by demanding self-reliance and building the kind of confidence that serves the single life well.
  • 目录服务也是当前网络操作系统的一项关键内容,它也正在由目录驱动网络(den)倡议书进行重新定义,该倡议书由cisco系统公司与微软公司一起挑头提
    Directory services, also key component of current network operating systems, are being redefined by the Directory Enabled Network (DEN) initiative spearheaded by Cisco Systems in conjunction with Microsoft.
  • 赎罪从罪恶及其后果中解脱
    A redemption from sin and its consequences.
  • 重生的罪人;被从错误和腐朽中拯救来而重生的。
    a regenerate sinner; regenerate by redemption from error or decay.
  • 汤姆言不逊的恶习简直不可救药。没人愿请他参加聚会了。
    Tom's swearing is beyond redemption; no one invites him to party any more.
  • 人事编制小组委员会负责审核政府提有关开设、重新调配和删除首长级职位,以及更改公务员职系和职级架构的建议。委员会并就所审核的事宜向财务委员会提建议。
    The Establishment Subcommittee examines and makes recommendations to the Finance Committee on the Government's proposals for the creation, redeployment and deletion of directorate posts, and for changes to the structure of civil service grades and ranks.
  • 人事编制小组委员会负责审核政府所提有关开设、重新调配和删除首长级职位,以及更改公务员职系和职级架构的建议,并就该等事宜向财务委员会提交建议。
    The Establishment Subcommittee examines and makes recommendations to the Finance Committee on the Government's proposals for the creation, redeployment and deletion of directorate posts, and for changes to the structure of grades and ranks in the Civil Service.
  • 人事编制小组委员会由23位委员组成,负责审核政府有关开设、重新调配和删除首长级职位,以及更改公务员职系和职级架构的建议,并就该等事宜向财务委员会提建议。
    The Establishment Subcommittee has 23 members. It examines and makes recommendations to the Finance Committee on the Government's proposals for the creation, redeployment and deletion of directorate posts, and for changes to the structure of Civil Service grades and ranks.
  • 年内,因应自愿退休计划而现的职位调派和职务转变,培训处继续全力提供协助,举办了四百多个研讨会和课程,内容包括资讯科技、语文、办公室程序、主管人员辅导技巧和思维改革等,参加人数超过9000人。
    In this regard, the momentum to help redeployment and job transition of staff affected by the VR exercise was sustained during the year. Over 400 seminars/courses on various areas including information technology, languages, office procedures, counselling skills for supervisors and mindset change were offered to more than 9 000 staff.
  • 你提的方案将纳入重建的范畴。
    Your program will come within the general heading of redevelopment.
  • 未来的开发区在地图上清晰地标来了。
    The areas of future redevelopment are set down clearly on a map.
  • 私人机构所提供的单位部分会利用重建或契约修订的土地兴建,其他单位则会建于政府售的新土地。
    Flats to be provided by the private sector will come from redevelopment and lease modification and some from new land sold by the government.
  • 新法例于一九九八年四月实施,订明在不分割份数地段上拥有九成或以上业权的业主可向土地审裁处申请令单售整个地段。
    The new legislation says an owner (or owners) of 90 per cent or more of the undivided shares of a lot which justifies redevelopment can apply to the Lands Tribunal for an order to sell the whole lot.
  • 而必须像基督那样,向那些受到环境诱惑的人指从第二条路通往第一条路的途径;
    Each of us, like Christ himself, must point to those paths which will redirect from the second way to the first the steps of those who have allowed themselves to be tempted by the approach roads;
  • 该次讨论被看作是参议员森·帕蒂·d·瓦什想要为自己提的修正法案寻求支持的举措。该修正法案旨在建议布什总统将用于"婚姻激励"政策的钱转而用于"对那些极端弱势家庭提供帮助",比如那些过早"为人父母"的青少年,或是那些照顾残疾儿童的人们等。
    The event was called to drum up support for a Senate amendment that would redirect Bush's marriage-incentives money to other programs that ''strengthen protections for the most disadvantaged families,'' such as teen parents and those who care for disabled children.
  • 就是在那些已经分了土地的地方,因为问题很多,也应根据这个方针,从现有的实际情况发,专门研究,订办法,分别地实行调整。
    Even in those areas where land has been redistributed, because of the many problems, we should, in accordance with this guideline and in light of the actual conditions, make a special study of the problems, work out solutions and make the necessary readjustment.
  • 经验证明,当我们在军事上还没有取得面的控制,国民党和地富武装力量还没有在当地被肃清,大多数农民还没有分配土地的要求和组织起来,本地的正派的区村干部还没有大批涌现来,而外来干部又尚未熟悉情况和联系群众的时候,就马上实行土地改革,不仅是主观主义的,而且是冒险主义的。
    Experience has proved that when we do not have an entire area under our control militarily, when the armed forces of Kuomintang and the landlords and rich peasants have not yet been eliminated, when the great majority of peasants are not demanding land redistribution and have not been organized, and when honest local cadres at the district and village levels have not emerged in large numbers and cadres sent in from other areas are not yet familiar with the local conditions and have not forged ties with the masses, an attempt to carry out land reform promptly is not only subjective, but adventurist.
  • 那炼铁厂喷射红光到空中。
    The forge belched redly at the sky.
  • 结膜炎结膜发炎,症状是现红肿并伴有眼泪
    Inflammation of the conjunctiva, characterized by redness and often accompanied by a discharge.
  • 如今,每年5月,我们自家的院子都会散发浓烈的紫丁香的芬芳。
    Now, every May, our own yard is redolent with lilacs.
  • 他非常认真地做了计划。
    He planned with redoubled care.