| - 参加农村集体经济组织的劳动者,有权在法律规定的范围内经营自留地、自留山、家庭副业和饲养自留畜。
Working people who are members of rural economic collectives have the right, within the limits prescribed by law, to farm private plots of cropland and hilly land, engage in household sideline production and raise privately owned livestock. - 许多农家女学会了棉花摘早蕾、稻麦间作、地膜覆盖、生态养殖、立体化栽培、果树高接换头等各项新技术,创造了可观的经济效益。
Many women learned to use variety of new techniques, such as picking cotton buds early, intercropping of rice and wheat, cropping the grain covered with film, fish feeding and poultry raising in an ecological way, space-saving planting as well as fruit tree top grafting. They have made great economic result. - 我在农场度过了愉快的一周,成天无所事事,只是吃饭、睡觉、欣赏风景,更让人难以忘怀的是观赏那绚丽多彩的日落。
I spent a happy week in the farm with nothing to do but eat and sleep and enjoy the scenery-and crowning it all, glorious sunset. - 如果发现农奴私自同居,就会受到残酷鞭打。
If slaves were found living together secretly, they were cruelly whipped. - 地主们出租土地来残酷剥削农民。
The landlords exploited the peasants cruelly by farming out their land. - 敌百虫一种无色的结晶状混合物,c4h8cl3o4p,用作农用的杀虫剂
A colorless crystalline compound, C4H8Cl3O4P, used as an agricultural insecticide. - 根据“绿洲生态,灌溉农业”的特点,新疆展开了大规模的农田水利建设,全面启动塔里木河综合治理工程,先后四次从博斯腾湖向下游调水10.5亿立方米。
On the basis of “oasis ecology and irrigated farmland,” Xinjiang has carried out large-scale farm water conservancy construction. The multi-purpose project to harness the Tarim River has, on four occasions, diverted 1.05 billion cu m of water from Bosten Lake to the lower reaches of the river. - 所以,20年前,一位四国岛的农民就产生了种植方便储藏在冰箱内的方形西瓜的念头。
So, about 20 years ago, a farmer on the island of Shikoku in southwestern Japan came up with the idea of making a cube-shaped watermelon that can easily fit in the fridge. - 原因:一是农会会员漫山遍野,梭镖短棍一呼百应,土匪无处藏踪。
The reasons are: First, the members of the peasant associations are everywhere spread out over the hills and dales, spear or cudgel in hand, ready to go into action in their hundreds, so that the bandits have nowhere to hide. - 客人们享用的大餐是从远在几公里之外的托农运来的,由那里的一个烹饪学校操办所有菜品。
The meal was prepared by a culinary school in Thonon, several kilometers from the summit site. - 如果国家的可耕面积已经不足以供养全部居民,已经不足以吸收全部农业人口,则人口的多余部分就势必要向辽远地区寻找适于耕种的土地;
If the cultivable area of the country no longer suffices to sustain the population and to employ the agricultural population, the redundant portion of the latter seeks territories suitable for cultivation in distant lands; - 已经办理审批手续的非农业建设占用耕地,一年内不用而又可以耕种并收获的,应当由原耕种该幅耕地的集体或者个人恢复耕种,也可以由用地单位组织耕种;
Whereas a cultivated land which has been occupied for non- agricultural construction upon approval and can sure start construction within one year is found cultivable and yieldable, it should be cultivated by the unit or individual that originally cultivates the land or cultivated by units occupying the land. - 城区的迅速扩大在很多情况下侵占了宝贵的可耕地,使人们普遍认识到发展不能以牺牲农业为代价。
The rapid expansion of urban areas has in many cases encroached on valuable cultivatable land , and led to a general recognition that development must not be carried at the cost of agriculture . - 农民们还必须砍倒树木,清理大片土地进行耕耘。
The farmer still must cut down trees, clear a lot of land and cultivate the soil. - 耕作;使用农业技术改进。
cultivate by growing; often involves improvements by means of agricultural techniques. - 渔农处鼓励农友种植优质蔬菜,引进优质禽畜品种,并加强疾病防治措施。
Farmers are encouraged to cultivate premium vegetables and to introduce good quality livestock and improved disease control measures. - 好多农业院校自己培育品种,自己种田,怎么不是劳动?
Many agricultural colleges and schools cultivate new strains and do their own farming. Why shouldn't this be regarded as labour? - 灌溉率用来灌溉指定地区特定农作物从栽培到收获时期内的用水总量
The total volume of water required to irrigate a given area in order to cultivate a specific crop until harvest. - 庄稼种植的植物或农产品,如谷物、蔬菜或水果
Cultivated plants or agricultural produce, such as grain, vegetables, or fruit. - 农田与相关的建筑所构成的整体。
farm buildings and cultivated land as a unit. - 农业防治
cultural method of pest control - 他们不愿工农在政治上抬头,也不愿工农在文化上抬头。
They do not want the workers and the peasants to hold up their heads politically or culturally. - 由于西藏位于高寒地区,自然条件恶劣,历史上曾长期遭受封建农奴制的黑暗统治,经济文化较为落后,国家对西藏的发展给予特别照顾。
Because of its high altitude, poor natural conditions and the dark rule of the feudal serf system for an extended period in the past, Tibet is comparatively backward economically and culturally, so the state has given special care to Tibet's development. - 海滨省;沿海的农民;近海文化。
a maritime province; maritime farmers; maritime cultures. - 弗吉尼亚州最吸引游客的地方不是芒特弗农(乔治·华盛顿总统的故乡),蒙蒂塞洛(汤姆斯·杰斐逊总统的故乡),甚至不是威廉斯堡(由洛克非勒家族重建的殖民地时代的首府和主题公园),而是波托马克·米尔斯,华盛顿南二十英里的一家商业中心。
The most popular tourist attraction in the state of Virginia is not Mount Vernon, home of president George Washington, nor Monticello, home of presi- dent Thomas Jefferson, nor even Williamsburg, the colonial capital-cum-theme park originally restored by the Rockefellers. It's Potomac Mills, a shopping cen-tre about twenty miles south of Washington, D.C. - 很奇怪,南昌方面传来消息,说蒋介石、张静江诸位先生的意见,颇不以湖南农民的举动为然。
Curiously enough, it is reported from Nanchang that Chiang Kai-shek, Chang Ching-chiang and other such gentlemen do not altogether approve of the activities of the Hunan peasants. - 当前,农业需要核转移来生产更好的家畜。
Currently, the agricultural industry demands nuclear transfer to produce better livestock. - 狐狸可给农民带来祸害。
Foxes can be a curse to farmers. - 昆虫会成为农夫的一大祸害。
Insects can be a curse to farmers. - 富农沙皇俄国时期拥有土地的富裕农民,在十月革命中被共产党划为剥削者
A prosperous landed peasant in czarist Russia, characterized by the Communists during the October Revolution as an exploiter. - 瓦萨里详细记述了列奥纳多的出生。他是位律师和一位农家女子的私生子,她住在意大利托斯纳区佛罗伦萨市附近的一个叫作芬奇的小村子里。(因此他取名为列奥纳多·达·芬奇——芬奇的列奥纳多)。
Vasari gives the details of Leonard's irregular birth as the illegitimate son of a notary and a peasant woman in the little village Vinci (hence the name Leonardo da Vinci-of Vinci) near Florence in Tuesday in Italy. - 农民协会要早晨捉土豪劣绅,知事不敢挨到中午,要中午捉,不敢挨到下午。
If it demanded the arrest of a local tyrant in the morning, the magistrate dared not delay till noon;if it demanded arrest by noon, he dared not delay till the afternoon.