  • 们在山腰上成扇形散开,搜索那个男人。
    The soldiers fanned out across the hillside in their search for the man.
  • 们在山坡上成扇形散开。
    The soldiers fanned out across the hillside.
  • 们开始在山腰聚集
    The soldiers began to group on the hillside.
  • 雇佣被外国军队雇佣来服役的职业军人
    A professional soldier hired for service in a foreign army.
  • 二,扩大红军,不走由扩大地方赤卫队、地方红军到扩大主力红军的路线,而要走“招买马”“招降纳叛”的路线。
    In expanding the Red Army, some people follow the line of "hiring men and buying horses" and "recruiting deserters and accepting mutineers", rather than the line of expanding the local Red Guards and the local troops and thus developing the main forces of the Red Army.
  • 历史上曾经有过这种草木皆、人人自危的时期,在美国有过这种时期,
    Historically,both China and the United States have experienced such periods when hysteria becomes the norm.
  • 征召军官让吉姆签约在军中服役四年。
    The recruiting officer signed Jim up for a four-year hitch.
  • 他们正同士们打曲棍球。
    They went playing the soldiers at hockey.
  • 空军士拥有这一军衔的人
    A person who holds this rank.
  • 在地上掘一个散兵坑
    Hollow out a foxhole in the ground
  • 们宣誓效忠于女王陛下。
    The soldiers swore to pay their homage to the Queen.
  • 那些新还在为思念家乡而叹息。
    The new soldiers are still lamenting for their homeland.
  • 此次失败的原因是:(1)一部官动摇思家,失掉战斗力;一部官不愿往湘南,缺乏积极性。
    The causes of our August defeat were as follows: (1) some officers and men, who were wavering and homesick, lost their fighting capacity, while others, who were unwilling to go to southern Hunan, were lacking in enthusiasm;
  • 武汉失陷后日本的甜言蜜语,例如放弃其所谓“不以国民政府为对手”的方针,转而承认以国民政府为对手,例如所谓华中、华南撤的条件,乃是诱鱼上钓取而烹之的阴险政策,谁要上钓谁就准备受烹。
    Japan's honeyed words after the fall of Wuhan -- for instance, the suggestion that she would abandon the policy of "not accepting the National Government as the opposite party in negotiations" and would instead recognize it as such, or that she would withdraw her troops from central and southern China on certain conditions -- are nothing but cunning bait to hook the fish, so that whoever swallows the bait must expect to be well and truly cooked.
  • 致在战争中殒落的光荣的士
    to honor fallen soldiers.
  • 依照法律服役和参加民组织是中华人民共和国公民的光荣义务。
    It is the honourable duty of citizens of the People's Republic of China to perform military service and join the militia in accordance with the law.
  • 类似帽兜的围巾能围住肩膀的类似的围巾,供士和海员围戴
    A similar hood often covering the shoulders, worn by soldiers and sailors.
  • 在训练开始就经历了磨难。
    The new soldiers were put him through the hoop at the beginning of the training.
  • 为炮设计的能够全方位水平旋转的望远装置。
    a telescopic device for an artillery piece that can be rotated horizontally in a full circle.
  • 一中队骑兵
    A squadron of horse.
  • 有两个士兵骑着马。
    There were two soldiers on horseback.
  • 一个骑在马背上的士
    a soldier mounted on horseback.
  • 被训练在马背上战斗的部队
    Troops trained to fight on horseback.
  • 屋顶上的轻骑兵
    Hussard sur le toit, Le(Horseman on the Roof, The)
  • 有人看见一个骑蹄声嗒嗒地沿街向师部飞奔而来。
    A horseman was seen pounding up the street towards division headquarters.
  • 纵马奔上斜坡,消失在山脊那边。
    The horseman dashed up the slope and disappeared on the other side of the ridge.
  • 观都市近郊壮美的建筑和花园;观军械库、大仓房、交易所和基金会;观马术、击剑、训及诸如此类的操演;
    Houses and gardens of state and pleasure, near great cities; armories; arsenals; magazines; exchanges; burses; warehouses; exercises of horsemanship, fencing, training of soldiers, and the like;
  • “你打算干什么,抢国库吗?”一个士问道。“谁知道?”小孩面孔的荷西答道。
    "What are you going to do, rob the Treasury?" asked a guard. "Quien Sabe?" replied baby-faced hose.
  • 一种专为士准备的医院。
    a hospital for soldiers.
  • 她取得了职业人质谈判能手特里·桑的协助。他是一名生于澳大利亚的退伍的特种航空,在过去的9年里使尽浑身解数,处理过多起世人瞩目的绑架案。
    She retains the services of professional hostage negotiator Terry Thorne,an Australian born SAS veteran who over the past nine years has handled numerous high profile kidnappings,using every means at his disposal.
  • 在激烈的战场上,士们遭到猛烈炮火的攻击。
    In the hottest of the battle, the soldiers were exposed to a heavy fire.
  • 为军队士提供住处。
    provide housing for, of military personnel.