  • 佩思苏格中部一城镇,位于泰河河畔、爱丁堡西北偏北。从11到15世纪中期为苏格的首都。曾是1559年约翰·诺克斯发表反对偶像崇拜演说的地方。人口42,000
    A burgh of central Scotland on the Tay River north-northwest of Edinburgh. The capital of Scotland from the11th to the mid-15th century, it was the site of John Knox's sermon against idolatry in1559. Population,42, 000.
  • 福尔柯克苏格中部的一自治都市,在爱丁堡以西。据说福尔柯克战役(1298年)第一次证明了长弓的决定性作用,爱德华一世军战败了苏格人。人口37,800
    A burgh of central Scotland west of Edinburgh. At the Battle of Falkirk(1298), said to be the first battle in which the longbow proved decisive, the troops of Edward I defeated the Scots. Population,37, 800.
  • 阿图瓦原法国北部一省,在皮卡迪和佛德间的英吉利海峡附近,是一历史地区。在不同时期分别由佛德尔,勃艮第,奥地利和西班牙统治
    A historical region and former province of northern France near the English Channel between Picardy and Flanders. It was ruled at various times by Flanders, Burgundy, Austria, and Spain.
  • 一种攀缘植物,成熟时结黑红色浆果;产于印度南部和斯里卡;引种于缅甸和阿萨姆邦。
    climber having dark red berries (peppercorns) when fully ripe; southern India and Sri Lanka; naturalized in North Burma and Assam.
  • 佛教的二大流派之一:流行于室利卡,缅甸,泰国和柬埔寨;强调通过个人信仰争取个人救赎。
    one of two great schools of Buddhist doctrine emphasizing personal salvation through one's own efforts; chiefly in Sri_Lanka (Ceylon); Myanmar (Burma); Thailand; Cambodia.
  • 茂密的新西灌木,由于其芳香的白色的花而被载植。
    bushy New Zealand shrub cultivated for its fragrant white flower heads.
  • 他们的频频战绩告诉全世界:韩国妇女已经可以问鼎箭坛;乒乓球也不只是小孩子的玩意儿;泳坛上,美国和澳大利亚仍独霸一方,但荷和意大利正在全力追赶。
    They were busily proving that Korean women sure can shoot arrows, that Ping? Pong isn't just kid stuff, that while Americans and Australians still rule swimming, the Dutch and Italians are bearing down.
  • 雷角加拿大的纽芬西南顶端卡伯特海峡的一个突出部
    A promontory of extreme southwest Newfoundland, Canada, on Cabot Strait.
  • 亚历山大鸡尾酒一种由可可香草甜酒,甜奶油和白地或杜松子酒调制而成的鸡尾酒
    A cocktail made with cr鑝e de cacao, sweet cream, and brandy or gin.
  • 这些设施种有大约500种药草、花、蕨类植物、仙人掌、肉质植物及其他室内植物。
    They contain some 500 species of herbs, orchids, ferns, cacti, succulents and other indoor plants.
  • 长有小瘤的无枝无刺仙人掌,开品红色的花结白色或绿色的果实;和龙舌相似;墨西哥东北部和美国西南部。
    usually unbranched usually spineless cactus covered with warty tubercles and having magenta flowers and white or green fruit; resembles the related mescal; northeastern Mexico and southwestern United States.
  • 3个小时之后,他来到了自己的家乡,直奔他的好友迈克·杜开的咖啡馆而去,跟独自站在柜台后面的迈克握了握手。
    Three hours later he arrived at his native town, went directly to the cafe of his old friend Mike Dolan and shook hands with Mike, who was alone behind the counter.
  • 科林·法雷尔是一名有着深色头发的爱尔演员,相貌英俊,银幕气质非凡。凭借在《虎地恋战》(2000)中饰演精明却又喜欢捣乱的新兵一角,法雷尔在美国一举成名。
    A handsome,dark-haired Irish actor with an intense screen presence,Colin Farrell shot to fame in the USA as a cagey army recruit with a penchant for troublemaking in Tigerland (2000).
  • 多佛尔与法国加莱市隔岸相对的英格东南部自治市,临多佛尔海峡。罗马灯塔遗址,自中世纪以来就是战略要地,该市白垩崖多岩洞和涵洞原为走私者所用。人口33,700
    A municipal borough of southeast England on the Strait of Dover opposite Calais, France. Site of a Roman lighthouse, it has been a strategic port since medieval times. The chalk cliffs rising above the city have caves and tunnels originally used by smugglers. Population, 33,700.
  • 伊斯教的领导的职位。
    the office of a caliph.
  • 伊斯教教主辖区下的地区。
    the territorial jurisdiction of a caliph.
  • 伊玛目在法律和神学上,哈利发是作为伊斯社会合法的最高领袖的穆罕默德的继承者
    In law and theology, the caliph who is successor to Mohammed as the lawful supreme leader of the Islamic community.
  • 我们去纽约的时候,你看要不要去看看弗克?
    Do you think we should call at Frank's when we go to New York?
  • 一定称呼我法克人。
    Do call me Frank.
  • 冷冷的微风;'caller'(冷冻的)是苏格术语'acallerbreeze'(冷风)里的。
    a cooling breeze; `caller' is a Scottish term as in `a caller breeze'.
  • 利等于每平方厘米发光表面一克卡的单位,用于测量太阳幅射量
    A unit equal to one gram calorie per square centimeter of irradiated surface, used to measure solar radiation.
  • 匙唇一种原产于北温带的陆地科植物(布袋布袋属),长有玫瑰红的花朵,花上带有常呈白色、紫色和黄色的充气袋状的花瓣
    A terrestrial orchid(Calypso bulbosa) native to north temperate regions, having a rose-pink flower with an inflated pouchlike lip usually marked with white, purple, and yellow.
  • 蒙小姐有资格参加俱乐部。
    Miss Cam is qualified for joining the club.
  • 英格东部的一座城市,靠近剑河;剑桥大学所在地。
    a city in eastern England on the River Cam; site of Cambridge University.
  • 剑桥英格中东部的一座享有自治权的市镇,靠近剑河且位于伦敦市东北偏北。它是古代的一座城镇,也是剑桥大学所在地,建于12到13世纪。人口100,200
    A municipal borough of east-central England on the Cam River north-northeast of London. It is an ancient market town and the site of Cambridge University, established in the12th to13th century. Population,100, 200.
  • 5月8日戒烟运动者们在全民戒烟运动中得到了来自泰国、柬埔寨和斯里卡等国的僧侣们的大力支持,然而殊不知他们面临的主要挑战之一却是如何劝诫僧侣们自己戒烟。
    Anti-smoking activists enlisted Buddhist monks from Thailand, Cambodia and Sri Lanka Wednesday to help fight the tobacco habit, but said one of their main challenges was persuading monks themselves to quit.
  • 莫里斯夫人现在伦敦,她打算途经剑桥去苏格
    Mrs Morris is in London and intends to make Cambridge in her way into Scotland.
  • 不用尚书郎,愿借千里足,送儿还故乡。
    A camel fleet to carry me to my native place.
  • 迈克尔·弗里在《卫报》上写道:“詹姆斯·卡梅隆可能以为他是世界之王,但结果可能只是一种新的地狱的君主,统治着大概是好莱坞历史上最糟时期的东西。”
    "James Cameron may think he is king of the world, but he could turn out to be a monarch of a new kind of hell, presiding over what could be the worst time in Hollywood history," Michael Freedland wrote in the Guardian.
  • 在苏格的梅尔罗斯,博德斯基础保健护理联合中心的精神健康习得性无助护理分站中,他们给病人用的不是镇静剂,而是用薰衣草油或甘菊油做一次按摩。
    Instead of being given a sedative to calm them, patients at the Mental Health Learning Disabilities Network of the Borders Primary Care Trust at Melrose in Scotland are given a massage using lavender or camomile oil.
  • 克露营玩得很开心。
    Frank had a ball at camp.
  • 争取爱尔统一的运动
    The campaign for aunited Ireland