Chinese English Sentence:
  • 一美元八十七美分。
    One dollar and eighty- seven cents.
  • 他是个十岁的老人。
    He is a man eighty years old.
  • 这只手表价值十元左右。
    The watch is worth about eighty yuan.
  • 据统计,他已发表了十篇论文。
    According to statistics, he has published eighty thesis.
  • 他年已旬,但仍老当益壮。
    He is eighty, but still hale and hearty.
  • 他一直辛苦工作直到年过十。
    He toiled on till he was past eighty.
  • 我刚才是以每小时十英里的速度追上你的。
    I was doing eighty when I overtook you.
  • 这老人不可能比十岁小多少。
    The old man cannot be much under eighty.
  • 按计数顺序十的序列数。
    the ordinal number of eighty in counting order.
  • 那总共八十台币。
    That will be a total of eighty N T.
  • 他祖父现在一定快十岁了。
    His grandfather must now be getting on for eighty.
  • 我这个月透支十美元。
    I'm eighty dollars in the hole this month.
  • 夏甲生以实玛利时,亚伯兰是十六岁。
    Abram was eighty-six years old when Hagar bore Ishmael.
  • 请付元九角五分。
    That'll is eighty eight dollars ninety five cents, please.
  • "作家已年过旬,但她仍在勤奋地创作。"
    The writer's past eighty but she's still writing industriously.
  • 他虽有十岁了,但仍然充满了活力
    Although he is eighty, he is still very much alive
  • 一直到今天,全球各地对高行健获得诺贝尔文学奖的议论仍持续不断,来自四方面的言论环绕着文学、政治、作家的艺术观等话题展开讨论,各种观点和角度也几乎都有人提出过,其中当然也有很多评论者对高行健的得奖表示欣喜雀跃,如旅美中国学者刘再复将高行健获奖肯定为“汉语写作的胜利”;
    The global debate on the highly-revered prize for Gao is still going on, focusing on literary, political issues as well as Gao's views on the arts. Many viewpoints and perspectives have been raised.Many commentators are elated that Gao has received the prestigious award. Chinese academic Liu Zaifu, who is now living in the United States, has affirmed it as a "victory for Chinese-language writers".
  •    ()选举最高人民检察院检察长;
    To elect the Procurator-General of the Supreme People's Procuratorate;
  • 证监会于二零零零年月设立证券及衍生工具团网络。
    The Securities and Derivatives Communication Network (SDNet) that electronically links members of the securities and futures community was launched by the SFC in August 2000.
  • 一九一年六月二十二日在十一届六中全会预备会期间的讲话
    Speech during the preparatory meeting for the Sixth Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee, June 22, 1981
  • 这些是一九七年我们党的十一届三中全会以来一直这样讲的,从来没有变过。
    That has been our view ever since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee, held in 1978.
  • 中国现在发生的变化主要是从一九七年底开始的,我指的是我们党的十一届三中全会。
    For the most part, the current changes in China started at the end of 1978, when the Third Plenary Session of our Party's Eleventh Central Committee was held.
  • 这种情况,迫使我们在一九七年十二月召开的党的十一届三中全会上决定进行改革。
    Under these circumstances, in December 1978, at the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Party, we were compelled to decide on a course of reform.
  • 迄一九九年底为止,当局共批出了9036份合格证明书予成功申请的人士。
    Up to end 1998, 9036 certificates of eligibility had been granted to successful applicants.
  • 年龄在十岁以上的男女有投票表决权。
    Men and women of eighteen and above are eligible to vote.
  • 一九九至一九九九学年共有10934名合资格学生获发津贴,总额达1,370万元。
    In the 1998-99 academic year, $13.7 million was disbursed to 10 934 eligible students.
  • 香港特区根据《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》提交的首份报告,已收纳在中国的第和第九份报告内,并于二零零一年七、月间由联合国消除种族歧视委员会审议。
    The HKSAR's initial report under the ICERD — which formed part of China's eighth and ninth report — was examined by the UN Committee on Elimination of Racial Discrimination in July/August 2001.
  • 台风维克托于月二日吹袭香港,天文台须悬挂九号烈风或暴风风力增强信号,这是天文台自一九三年台风爱伦袭港以来所悬挂的最高热带气旋警告信号。
    The passage of Typhoon Victor on August 2 necessitated the hoisting of the Increasing Gale or Storm Signal No.9, which was the highest warning signal since Typhoon Ellen in 1983.
  • 今年,除去移居外地的人数不计,我们预料有超过万人从海外回流返港定居及工作,较去年的六万多人还要多。
    This year, after netting off emigration, we expect more than 80,000 people to come back from overseas to live and work in Hong Kong, higher than the balance of more than 60,000 last year.
  • 圣日芮维埃芙山像一个巨大圆瓶兀自隆起在东南边,这倒是很值得从圣母院顶上观看一下的:只见那许许多多狭窄弯曲的街道(今天的拉丁区),那密密麻麻的屋宇,从山顶上向四面方撒散开来,几乎一溜笔直地沿着山坡俯冲下去,直至河边,有的像要跌倒,有的像要再爬起来,但又都似乎彼此相互扶持。
    Mount Sainte-Genevieve formed an enormous mound to the south; and it was a sight to see from the summit of Notre-Dame how that throng of narrow and tortuous streets (to-day the Latin Quarter),those bunches of houses which, spread out in every direction from the top of this eminence, precipitated themselves in disorder, and almost perpendicularly down its flanks, nearly to the water's edge, having the air, some of falling, others of clambering up again, and all of holding to one another.
  • 为了解决货币兑换交易成本相对较高的问题,以及汇率动荡的不确定性,马德里欧盟委员会启动了欧洲货币联盟的第一阶段:在1990年7月1日之前实现其中个成员国内部资本流动的完全自由化。
    Resolving to tackle the relatively high transaction costs linked to currency conversion and the uncertainties linked to exchange-rate fluctuations, Madrid European Council launched the first stage of EMU: full liberalization of capital movements in eight Member States by 1 July 1990.
  • 自《防止盗用版权条例》于一九九年五月制定后,光碟制造商必须向海关关长申领制造光碟牌照。
    Following the enactment of the Prevention of Copyright Piracy Ordinance in May 1998, optical disc manufacturers are required to take out a licence from the Commissioner of Customs and Excise.