  • 模仿好人与冒好人之间大有分别。
    There is much difference between imitating a good man and counterfeiting him.
  • 1993年2月,全国人民代表大会常务委员会作出了《关于惩治假冒注册商标犯罪的补规定》,进一步强化了惩治假冒注册商标犯罪和处罚商标侵权行为的力度。
    In February 1993, the National People's Congress Standing Committee adopted the Supplementary Regulations on Punishing Criminal Counterfeiting of Registered Trademarks to further intensify punishment for such counterfeiting and other infringements.
  • 对于将非专利产品或非专利方法冒专利产品或专利方法的,由专利管理机关责令停止冒行为,公开更正,并处以罚款。
    Whoever counterfeits a patented product or wrongly appropriates a patented technique will be ordered by the patent administrative authorities to cease all acts of counterfeiting, to provide the public with notification of his or her violation, and to pay a fine.
  • 满不确定性的、易变的局势;政变之后一切都不稳定。
    a fluid situation fraught with uncertainty; everything was unstable following the coup.
  • 礼貌的行动使大城市里的生活满人情味
    Acts of courtesy that humanize life in a big city.
  • 上面满是团块的满或被团块覆盖的
    Covered or filled with lumps.
  • 分的证据表明,当世界上那些现代文明的发源地尚处于游牧状态时,人们就已在毛织物的织造和染色、皮革的制作和看来难度更大的金属加工方面达到了相当高的技艺水平。
    There is ample evidence that while those parts of the world which have been the cradle of modern civilization were still generally in the nomad state, considerable skill had been attained in spinning, weaving, and dyeing woollen garments, in the preparation of leather, and in what appears a still more difficult invention, that of working in metals.
  • 这种特性塞已越来越耽误下一代操作系统。
    This feature cram has increasingly delayed the next generation of the operating system.
  • 新的苦刑,和新的施刑者,那第一断层就为这些所塞着。
    New means of torture, and new torturers, crammed into the depths of the first ditch.
  • 作为已故现代公司创始人郑周永的在世长子,人们普遍认为他只是一名毫无个性和特色的行政管理人员。他只能维持现状:生产模仿日本车的便宜货,使之斥市场。
    Chung, the eldest living son of Chung Ju Yung, Hyundai's late founder, was widely deemed a colorless executive who would promote the status quo: cranking out cheap knockoffs of Japanese cars and flooding the market with them.
  • 用空板条箱权充桌子
    Using an empty crate as a makeshift for a table
  • 用空板条箱权桌子。
    Use an empty crate as a makeshift for a table.
  • 挤满了青蛙的沟;满是跳蚤的毯子;挤满了汽车的公路;爬满了蚂蚁的野餐桌;挤满了客人的房子;长满了蝗虫的田地;满是昆虫;挤满了观众的游行路线;满了微生物的一滴水。
    ditches alive with frogs; a blanket alive with fleas; roads crawling with cars; a picnic table crawling with ants; a house overflowing with guests; fields overrun with locusts; swarming with insects; parade route swarming with spectators; a drop of water teeming with microorganisms.
  • 鱼的精液或满精液的生殖腺;乳脂状腺体。
    fish sperm or sperm-filled reproductive gland; having a creamy texture.
  • 文艺创作必须分表现我们人民的优秀品质,赞美人民在革命和建设中、在同各种敌人和各种困难的斗争中所取得的伟大胜利。
    Our literary and artistic creations must give expression to our people's outstanding qualities and celebrate their triumphs in revolution, in construction and in struggles against all kinds of enemies and hardships.
  • 生气勃勃的满活力的或多产的;创造力旺盛的
    Full of productivity or vitality; exuberantly creative.
  • 我们本身所受的教育不大鼓励创意,因此,我们对创意有点陌生,甚至感到惶惑,但是,只要我们按部就班,先使教学有创意,再让学生进行有创意的学习,最终,学生的创意必定能得到分的发展。
    The education we have had did not encourage creativity and hence with it we feel uncomfortable or even puzzled and threatened by it. Nevertheless, take one step at a time: first we teach creatively, next we make students learn creatively, and then their creativity will ultimately flourish.
  • 总之,我们在教学中加入创意的成分,并不是搞花样跟时髦,而是和下一代的生存息息相关,我们本身所受的教育不大鼓励创意。因此,我们对创意有点陌生,甚至感到惶惑,但是,只要我们按部就班,先使教学有创意,再让学生进行有创意的学习,最终,学生的创意必定能得到分的发展。
    In sum, introducing creativity into teaching is neither for frills and thrills nor for looking fashionable but because creativity is intimately tied up with the younger generation's survival. The education we have had did not encourage creativity and hence with it we feel uncomfortable or even puzzled and threatened by it. Nevertheless, take one step at a time: first we teach creatively, next we make students learn creatively, and then their creativity will ultimately flourish.
  • 改革开放20年来,由于各方面的积极性、主动性和创造性得到分调动。使社会生产力得到了极大的解放和发展,中国国民经济高速发展,综合国力迅速增强。
    Over the past 20 years of reform and opening, the full mobilization of the enthusiasm, initiative and creativeness of all quarters has greatly emancipated and developed China's social productive forces, resulting in the rapid growth of the national economy and comprehensive national strength.
  • “那是芝加哥河。”他指着一条浑浊的小河,河里塞着来自远方的帆船。
    "This is the Chicago River," and he pointed to a little muddy creek, crowded with the huge masted wanderers from far-off waters nosing the black-posted banks.
  • 我们还没分准备好,出发的日期就不知不觉地来了。
    The day for departure crept upon us before we were fully prepared.
  • 国际上很难预料会发生什么问题,但是,可以说是非常动荡、满危机的年代。
    It is hard to predict what may happen internationally, but the 1980s are likely to be a decade of great turbulence and crises.
  • 调查委员会委员们的补性交谈
    Crosstalk among members of the panel.
  • 人群满期望的静静等待着。
    the silenced crowd waited expectantly.
  • 2002年世界小姐竞赛的获胜者是土耳其小姐,加冕仪式在伦敦举行,满争议的本界世界小姐竞赛终于结束了。
    And the winner is,Miss Turkey.The controversy-plagued Miss World 2002 competition is finally over with the crowning in London of this year's pageant victor.
  •  战争中,有很分的理由先敲定战略才谈结构和组织。
    There are many reasons why structure and organisation must follow the crystallisation of the strategy in war.
  • 而共产党正在满活力地向前进发,老挝、非洲、古巴、整个世界、他们都在前进。
    I think the Communist has been moving with vigor Laos, Africa, Cuba, all around the world, they are on the move.
  • "我们研究了一长串在古巴与美国之间搭建桥梁的办法,"他说,并补一句,"显然,释放俘虏将为那座桥梁的一块砖。"
    "We went over a laundry list that could build bridges between Cuba and the United States, " he [Cardinal O'Connor] said, adding, "Obviously, releasing prisoners would be a brick in that bridge."
  • 正发育的孩子必须睡眠足.
    A growing child needs plenty of sleep.
  • 我们有裕的时间完成这项工作。
    We have plenty of time to finish the job.
  • 我们有分的时间赶火车。
    We have plenty of time to catch the train.
  • 他精力充沛。
    He has plenty of go.