  • 任何人都可以教你使用一個程序,但當技術發生諸多變化時,除非你掌握了怎樣做的要領,否則你會成為一個計算機盲。
    Anyone can teach you to use a program,but unless you get the gist of what you're doing when the technology changes,you'll be left computer illiterate.
  • 雖然我們要面對一些不明朗的因素,但我相信亞洲金融危機會在數年內消除,屆時,我們會看到地區經濟慢慢穩步復蘇。
    Some glaring uncertainly still needed to be resolved, but I would expect the Asian financial crisis to bottom out in a number of years and we shall then witness a slow but sure road towards recovery.
  • 雖然我們要面對一些不明朗的因素,但我相信亞洲金融危機會在數年內消除,屆時,我們會看到地區經濟慢慢穩步復蘇。
    Some glaring uncertainties still need to be resolved, but I would expect the Asian financial crisis to bottom out in a number of years and we shall then witness a slow but sure road back to recovery.
  • 雖然我們要面對一些重大的不明朗因素,尤其是印尼的經濟前景,然未趨明朗,但我預期亞洲金融危機會在一兩年內結束,屆時亞洲的經濟必定能夠走出𠔌底,逐漸復原。
    Some glaring uncertainties, particularly those in Indonesia, still need to be resolved, but I would expect the Asian crisis to bottom out in a year or two and we shall then witness a slow but sure road to recovery.
  • 然而,c++然允許使用全局數據以及全局函數,所以然難以避免衝突。
    However, C++ still allowed global data and global functions, so clashing was still possible.
  • 從全球來看,在20世紀80年代已經估計出每年消失的熱帶森林大約為1%,但是舊是相當不可靠的。
    Globally, the rate of loss of tropical forests for the 1980s has been estimated at about 1 percent per year, but there is still considerable uncertainty.
  • 前景似頗暗淡,但我們滿懷希望。
    The future looks rather gloomy , but we live in hope.
  • 她和其他同樣成功的“超級女性”一起,成為那些數百萬名或許沒掙那麽多錢、但極為自如地花錢買自己所愛的女性仿效的榜樣。
    She has been joined by other established Superwoman as the role models for millions of women who may be less well rewarded but who still feel gloriously free to dispose of their incomes exactly how they like.
  • 耐剋公司表示,這些鞋質量很好,曬幹以後然可以穿。但問題出在想很少人能同時揀到一雙鞋,絶大部分都是一隻一隻地出現,想要出售恐怕很睏難了。
    Nike says the shoes will be perfectly usable, once dried, but pairs were not tied together, most likely preventing a glut of free shoes that might dampen sales.
  • 即使病了她繼續工作,她真是不怕吃苦。
    She keeps coming to work even when she is ill: she's a real glutton for punishment.
  • 即使病了她繼續工作,她真是不怕吃苦
    She keeps coming to work even when she is ill: she 's a real glutton for punishment
  • "金子然是一種貴重金屬,但是常常能在山裏的溪流中找到。"
    Gold is still a valuable metal but is often found in the mountain streams.
  • apple公司然衹是wintelgoliath方面(意指微機的體係結構由ms-windows操作係統和的intel的cpu組成)的小人物。
    Apple is still a pip-squeak to the Wintel Goliath.
  • 美國總統大選戰況激烈,佛州兩郡的人工計票繼續進行,對於邁阿密德郡停止人工計票,副總統戈爾的律師團誓言上訴到底,即使計票結果將於星期日公佈。
    Two Florida counties scrambled to tally by hand more ballots in the achingly tight presidential election on Friday, as lawyers for Vice President Al Gore vowed to extend their legal battle into next week.
  • 一腳植根鄉村福音歌麯,另一腳踏入世界流行歌壇,僅6年裏專輯在全球的發行量就接近1900萬,現年33歲的歌手未顯露任何語無倫次的跡象。
    With one foot in her gospel country roots and the other in the world of pop,the 33 year old singer,with worldwide sales of her albums approaching 19 million in just six years,shows no sign of sputtering.
  • 任期四年以後,再度面臨選舉,密西西比州州長馬布斯然難以兌現他上一次競選諾言——對美國最貧窮的州政府進行改革。
    After four years in office and up for re-election, Gov. Ray Mabus of Mississippi is still having a hard time making good on his former campaign promise to bring governmental reform to the nation's poorest state.
  • 格雷厄姆是在接受福剋斯電視臺采訪時作此表示的。他說:“我們最可靠的情報預測顯示,本·拉丹然活着,可能藏身於巴基斯坦西部的部落地區。”
    "Our best intelligence estimate continues to be that he is alive and probably someplace in those tribal areas on the western side of Pakistan," Bob Graham told Fox television.
  • 年邁的祖父母然享受着融融的天倫之樂。
    The old grandparents are still basking in the love of their family.
  • 姑娘在她爹和奶奶被侵略者殺害後然表現得很堅強。
    The young girl bore up well after her dad and granny were killed by the aggressors.
  • 還沒等他問為什麽,女人就已經下了車,匆匆走嚮附近的草坡,懷裏抱着紫丁香。
    Before he could ask her why she wanted to stop, the woman was out of the car and hurrying up a nearby grassy slope with the lilacs still in her arms.
  • 道路有時由政府建造,並嚮公衆免費開放,但建造道路的勞動須由産品支付報酬。
    Roads are sometimes made by the government, and opened gratuitously to the public; but the labour of making them is not the less paid for from the produce.
  • 因為人的貪性不變,記性不好,雖有前車之鑒,可是栽了進去。
    This is because greed is part of human nature and short memory is an investor trait, we just never seem to learn from past mistakes.
  • 在為死去的丈夫傷心。
    She is still grieving for her dead husband.
  • 他們的女兒死去已一年多了,但他們現在很悲痛。
    Their daughter died over a year ago, but they are still grieve.
  • 他們的女兒死去已一年多了,但他們現在很悲痛。
    Their daughter die over a year ago, but they is still grieve.
  • 巫師和巫醫,護符和物神都是非洲型態不可缺少的部份。
    Sorcerer and witch doctor, grigri and juju, are still an integral part of the African pattern.
  • 儘管她處於半昏睡狀態,但盡力嚮我露出了微笑。
    Although she was groggy, she managed to flash me a grin.
  • 我現在能感受到自己站在舞臺上,滿臉緋紅,透過舞臺腳燈看父親使勁鼓掌和開懷大笑時的心情。
    I can still feel myself standing on that case stage, blushing furiausly and gazing over t he footlights to see my father's grin as he applauded loudly.
  • 嚮諾列加好言相求真是荒唐得無以復加。裏根對自己所做顯然毫無城府——有時他說他在與諾列加協商,有時又說並無其事——布什雖感痛苦也好忍耐,對他是忠心耿耿。
    The pleading with Noriega is beyond absurd. Reagan apparently has no clue as to what he is doing-sometimes he says he is negotiating with Noriega, other times he says it is just a rumor-and Bush grits his teeth and loyally supports him.
  • 目前雖有較多的民意似乎傾嚮接受北京所提出的“一國兩製”,但這其中有許多問題有待釐清,不能草率以對。
    While there seems to be a growing inclination towards acceptance of the Beijing-proposed “one country, two systems” formula, there is a need to get down to the nitty-gritty and the matter must be handled carefully.
  • 受傷的男子不很清醒, 衹能含糊地說出事故的情形.
    The injured man was still groggy and could only give a garbled account of the accident.
  • 受傷的男子不很清醒,衹能含糊地說出事故的情形
    The injured man is still groggy and can only give a garble account of the accident