  • 布鲁图,马库斯·朱尼厄斯85?-42古罗马的政治家和将军,图谋暗杀凯撒。在后来与马克·安东尼和屋大维的权战中,在菲利皮战役中失利并自杀
    Roman politician and general who conspired to assassinate Julius Caesar. In the subsequent power struggle with Mark Antony and Octavian, Brutus was defeated at the Battle of Philippi and committed suicide.
  • 她急着要使我明白引起这场执的那些事情。
    She was anxious to enlighten me about the events that led up to the dispute.
  • 艾丽丝再也不住这里了;孩子们答应再也不吵了。
    Alice doesn't live here anymore; the children promised not to quarrel any more.
  • 我今天来这里受奖,还代表着地球上千百万人民、代表反种族隔离运动、代表各国政府和组织。他们和我们一起反对一个不人道的制度,以求尽快结束那违背人性的南非种族隔离的罪行,而不是与南非这个国家及它的各族人民做斗
    I am also here today as a representative of the millions of people across the globe, the anti-apartheid movement, the gov ernments and organizations that joined with us, not to fight against South Africa as a country or any of its peoples, but to oppose an inhuman system and sue for a speedy end to the apartheid crime against humanity.
  • 可能操作系统应是让人厌烦的,但unix的风险是造成对其自己的完全冷漠,更谈不上与其它系统竞的努力。
    Maybe operating systems should be boring, but Unix risks creating total apathy toward itself, apart from any competitive efforts.
  • 这次整风之所以必要,是因为战非常艰苦,又处在接近胜利的关头,正需要我们更加密切地联系群众以取胜利,而党内存在着成分不纯作风不纯的现象,一部分同志有消极失望的情绪和严重脱离群众的现象,这些现象必须加以克服,才能前进。
    This movement was necessary because the war had become extremely intense and we were at the point of winning, so we needed to forge still closer ties with the masses. However, undesirable phenomena in the Party--impurities in membership composition and work style, and apathy, low morale and serious estrangement from the masses, as had been found among some comrades--had to be overcome before we could continue.
  • 自从玛丽的父亲与我的父亲吵后,她不再跟我来往,她甚至不同我讲话。
    Mary will have nothing to do with me since her father quarreled with mine. She won't even apeak to me.
  • (古典神话)被厄里斯女神扔下的金苹果;刻有“最美丽的人”,赫拉、亚典娜和阿芙罗狄蒂都想得到;因而就产生一系列导致特洛伊战的事件。
    (classical mythology) a golden apple thrown into a banquet of the gods by Eris (goddess of discord--who had not been invited); the apple had `for the fairest' written on it and Hera and Athena and Aphrodite all claimed it; when Paris (prince of Troy) awarded it to Aphrodite it began a chain of events that led to the Trojan War.
  • 核战争的灾变
    The apocalypse of nuclear war.
  • 才华横溢的“现代启示录”以战为手段,开始了一段回到极度疯狂的过去的超现实之行。
    The brilliant "Apocalypse Now" used war as a vehicle for a surreal journey into the depths of insanity[8].
  • 14世纪法国著名的预言家诺查丹玛斯曾预言人类末日将在公元1999年7月来临,喧嚣尘世的《圣经密码》一书亦声称第三次世界大战将在公元2000元来临以前爆发,而这一次的战将是史无前例的残酷,人类最终会在2006年由于核战而如恐龙般绝迹于这个千疮百孔的世界。
    The famous 14th Century French prophet Nostrademus had predicted that the Apocalypse would come in July 1999. The Bible Code, a best-selling book, predicts that World War Three would erupt before the year 2000. It would be a war with unprecedented brutality, and mankind would become extinct, like the dinosaurs, in 2006 when nuclear warfare finally destroys the Earth.
  • 讲到神和人的分别,神不过有一些在天上起雷霆,在地上养植物的神力而已,他们能永生,喝花蜜造成的神酒,而不喝酒——其实所用的果实也不很两样。我们觉得可以亲近这一群的家伙,背了一个行囊和阿波罗(apollo——司日轮、音乐、诗、医疗、豫言等之神)或雅典娜(athene——司智慧、学术、技艺、战之女神)一同去打猎,或在路上拦住了麦裘理(mercury——商人、旅客、盗贼及狡猾者之保护神)和他闲谈,正如和美国西方联合电报局(western union)的信差闲谈一样,如果这阵谈话谈得太有趣的话,我们可以想象麦裘理说:“不错,好的。
    So far as the difference between gods and men is concerned, the gods merely had divine powers of hurling thunderbolts in heaven and raising vegetation on earth, were immortal, and drank nectar instead of wine the fruits were pretty much the same. One feels one can be intimate with this crowd, can go hunting with a knapsack on one's back with Apollo or Athene, or stop Mercury on the way and chat with him as with a Western Union messenger boy, and if the conversation gets too interesting, we can imagine Mercury saying, "Yeah. Okay.
  • 我们有过点小论,不过休很宽容并且作了道歉。
    We had a slight argument but Hugh did the handsome thing and apologized.
  • 想到有可能发生另一场战,我们不寒而栗。
    The prospect of another war appalled us.
  • 这场可怕的战何时结束?
    When will this appalling war end?
  • 企业里浪费惊人,也是普遍现象,要好好整顿,取利润多上缴一点。
    The waste in some enterprises is appalling. And it is a common phenomenon. This situation should be rectified so that the enterprises may hand in more profits to the state.
  • 我们主张通过协商解决国际端,而不主张诉诸武力。
    We advocate solving international dispute by negotiation, instead of appealing to arms.
  • 代表、取或者符合广大群众的利益的。
    representing or appealing to or adapted for the benefit of the people at large.
  • 在20世纪,有些人选择对无情的独裁者实施绥靖政策,让他们的威胁日益增长而发展成为种族清洗和全球战
    In the 20th century, some chose to appease murderous dictators whose threats were allowed to grow into genocide and global war.
  • 《协定》一方面试图告诫前线指挥官什么时候可以使用地雷,什么时候不能使用地雷;另一方面却又允许他们在战中自行决定这一协定是否适用。
    While the Convention tried to tell commanders in the field when it was okay to use the weapon and when it was not okay to use the weapon, it also allowed them to make decisions about the applicability of the law in the midst of battle.
  • 论中的所有问题做出冷静的评价。
    made a cool appraisal of all the issues in the dispute.
  • 今年我国外经贸的主要任务是,努力扩大出口,力一定程度的增长,努力增加外贸收汇,适当增加进口;
    The major tasks of China's foreign trade and economic cooperation this year are: to strive to expand exports and try to achieve growth of certain extent, and to appropriately increase imports;
  • 过去一切阶级在得统治之后,总是使整个社会服从于它们发财致富的条件,企图以此来巩固它们已经获得的生活地位。
    All the preceding classes that got the upper hand, sought to fortify their already acquired status by subjecting society at large to their conditions of appropriation.
  • 未有议地批准;被认可。
    go unchallenged; be approved.
  • 首先,取按时到达(但不要早到)。
    First of all, arrive approximately on time (but not early).
  • 一旦战爆发,人道主义往往就被抛到脑后了。
    Humanitarianism is apt to be forgotten when the balloon goes up.
  • 他总是容易给讨论带来吵,而非解决办法。
    He is more apt to contribute heat than light to a discussion.
  • 恶性中较轻的一种趋向于暴躁、不逊、喜或顽强,等等;
    The lighter sort of malignity,turneth but to a crossness, or forwardness, or aptness to oppose, or difficultness,or the like;
  • 侯赛因约旦国王(1952年后)。自从1967年在阿以战中丧失对西约旦的控制权后,他在阿以冲突中一直尽量保持中立
    King of Jordan(since1952). Since he lost control of western Jordan in the Arab-Israeli War(1967), Hussein has attempted to remain neutral in Arab-Israeli conflicts.
  • 仲裁者折衷调解沣了他们的纷
    An arbiter compromised their differences.
  • 仲裁者对解决这次端有权威性的发言权
    The arbiter will have the last say in resolving this dispute.
  • 同时,实行鼓励出口和吸引外资等多种政策,深入开展严厉打击走私和骗汇、逃汇、套汇的斗,避免了对外贸易和利用外资出现大的波动,外汇储备有所增加。
    In order to avoid serious fluctuations in the level of foreign trade and the utilization of foreign funds, we adopted various policies such as encouraging exports and attracting foreign funds and stepped up our efforts to crack down on smuggling and other illegal practices such as obtaining foreign currency under false pretenses, not turning over foreign currency owed to the government and illegal arbitrage. As a result, our foreign exchange reserves increased somewhat.