  • 公寓楼的一层上的一套房
    a suite of rooms usually on one floor of an apartment house.
  • 我能不能从7月6日到12日预定一套两室房
    Can I reserve a suite of two rooms from July 6th till 12th?
  • 迪克冲完澡后,发现他在22楼的一套房被洗劫一空。
    When Dick finished his shower he found his 22nd floor suite had been picked clean.
  • 谢谢,我将为下周预订一个套共需要多少钱?
    Thanks, I will book a suite for next week.What's the damages?
  • 特殊房大楼里留作特殊用途或给特殊人留的房
    A suite of rooms within a larger building set aside for a particular purpose or person.
  • 我想预订二十个套
    I'd like to book 20 suites.
  • 我们的标准套房除卧室外,还有一个客厅和一个卫生
    Our standard suites have a bedroom with sitting room and bathroom.
  • 驾单座双轮马车的标准血统马之的小跑或溜蹄比赛。
    a horse race between people riding in sulkies behind horses that are trotting or pacing.
  • 银子长时暴露在空气中就会变灰暗。
    The silver was tarnished by the long exposure to the air; Her reputation was sullied after the affair with a married man.
  • 两者之非得是零对整体的游戏吗?
    Is it a zero-sum game?
  • 喀拉喀托火山位于苏门答腊和爪哇之的一个火山岛。1883年8月,该岛火山的一次猛烈的喷发使该岛裂开,并引发了一场使36,000多人丧生的海啸
    A volcanic island of Indonesia between Sumatra and Java. A violent explosion in August1883 blew the island apart and caused a tidal wave that killed more than36, 000 people.
  • 例子之一是《岩圣母》,它是列奥纳多对解剖学、植物学和地质学研究的总结,画得也十分出色。
    An example is The Virgin of the Rocks which is the summation of Leonardo s studies in anatomy, botany, geology as well as being superbly painted.
  • 格式塔物理的、生物的、心理的或象征的结构或形态,其构成因素并不是各组成部分的简单相加,而是一种完整的结构或形式
    A physical, biological, psychological, or symbolic configuration or pattern of elements so unified as a whole that its properties cannot be derived from a simple summation of its parts.
  • 在广州文化假日酒店当公关小姐。暑期全职,上课时兼职。
    Public relations girl at Guangzhou Holiday Inn. Full-time in summers, part-time during school.
  • 他们中只有一个人登上过顶峰。
    Only one of them had made the summit.
  • 老师把所有的孩子都叫进房里。
    The teacher summoned all the children to the room.
  • 我有好长一段时没有收到她的来信了。
    I have not heard from her for a month of Sundays.
  • 他一边思索着,一边继续前行,过了好长一段时,他来到一片向日葵地边。
    As he thought about this matter, he kept walking for a long time until he arrived to a field of sunflowers.
  • 夜歌晚间唱的歌
    A song sung in the evening.
  • 她发烧期又颊深陷。
    His cheeks had sunk in during the fever.
  • 你可以看到她的脸颊生病期都凹下去了。
    You could see her cheeks had sunk in during her illness.
  • 采光井紧临建筑物的开敞、凹陷空;建筑物的通道
    An open, sunken space next to a building; an areaway.
  • 太阳又明亮又温暖;阳光明亮的房
    the sun was bright and hot; a bright sunlit room.
  • 晴朗的一天、向阳的房、阳光充足的花园
    A sunny day, room, garden
  • 房子又向阳,又透亮。
    This room is sunny and bright.
  • 我想要一向阳的房
    I'd like a room on the sunny side, please.
  • 我想要一向阳的房
    I 'd like a room on the sunny side please.
  • 我想要一向阳的房
    I'd like a room on the sunny side k please.
  • 午前,上午太阳升起到中午的一段时
    The period of time between sunrise and noon; morning.
  • 夜晚从日落到日出的一段时,尤指不见光的时
    The period between sunset and sunrise, especially the hours of darkness.
  • 第三时举行这种仪式所指定的一天中的时,通常是太阳升起后第三个小时
    The time of day appointed for this service, usually the third hour after sunrise.
  • 晨祷申正经祈祷时,传统上是在半夜或凌晨2点,但通常是在日出时
    The time of day appointed for this service, traditionally midnight or2 a.m. but often sunrise.