  • 他气鼓鼓地在就寝的时间爬上床,接他妻子也上了床。
    He went stumping up to bed at his usual time, followed presently by his wife.
  • 他的经验使他有效地管理公司。
    His experience enabled him to preside over the business in an efficient way.
  • 总统候选人等待即将当选的希望的消息
    A presidential candidate waiting in the wings.
  • 首相被指控管理一个总统制类型的政府或开展一场总统制类型的竞选运动。
    The prime minister is accused of running a presidential-style government or a presidential-style election campaign.
  • 假如不这样地从组织上去动员群众和宣传群众,即是说,各级政府的主席团、国民经济部和财政部不力抓经济建设的工作去讨论、检查,不注意推动群众团体,不注意开群众大会做宣传,那末,要达到目的是不可能的。
    Our objectives cannot be attained unless we use various organizational means to mobilize the masses and conduct propaganda among them in the manner described, that is to say, unless the presidiums and the economic and finance departments of the government bodies at all levels actively attend to discussing and checking up on the work of economic construction, unless they spur the mass organizations into action and hold mass propaganda meetings.
  • 她的身躯,好象是阴影构成的,几乎没有足以显示性别的实体,只是一小撮透微光的物质,秀长的眼睛老低垂,我们可以说她是寄存在人间的天女。
    Her person seemed made of a shadow; there was hardly sufficient body to provide for sex; a little matter enclosing a light; large eyes forever drooping;-- a mere pretext for a soul's remaining on the earth.
  • 她说:“这是我见过的最漂亮的地毯。”她盯看了一会儿又说:“你根本用不什么书橱。”
    "This is the prettiest carpet I have ever seen," she said. She gazed at it for some time then added,"You don't need bookcases at all.
  • 这些潮流预示一个稳定、繁荣的世界,在这个世界上,中产阶级价值观风靡亚洲和欧美。
    These trends point to a stable, prosperous world, with the bourgeois values prevailing in Asia and Euro-America.
  • 在美国,张淑云怀不可告人的目的,继续捏造事实,诬蔑上海市儿童福利院的工作,这完全是别有用心的。
    In the United States, Zhang continued her prevaricating, spewing stories slandering the work in the Shanghai children's welfare home. Obviously, she did all this with ulterior motives.
  • 巫术,魔力被认为是控制自然或超自然力量的东西或是可以作为预防性药物或治疗物的东西,例如宗教仪式或圣物
    Something, such as a ritual practice or sacred object, believed to control natural or supernatural powers or serve as a preventive or remedy.
  • 我在1975年有幸访问过中国,从那以来,贵国发生了巨大的变化,中国取得了举世闻名的成就,在开放方面、在企业方面、在经济自由方面都是如此,人们从所有进步中可以看到中国有巨大的潜力,中国已经加入了世界贸易组织。
    It was my honor to visit China in 1975, and a lot has changed in your country since then. China has made amazing progress in openness, and enterprise, and economic freedom. And this progress previews China's great potential. China has joined the World Trade Organization, and as you live up to its obligations, they will bring changes in China's legal system.
  • 这只大鸟用爪子抓捕获物。
    The big bird carried its prey in its claws.
  • 这项决定折磨着他。
    The decision prey on his mind.
  • 你穿那条宽大的裤子看上去真滑稽!
    You look priceless in those big trousers!
  • 根据建立社会主义市场经济体制的要求,中国政府将重在以下三个方面继续推进粮食流通体制的改革:一是尽快形成以市场定价为主的粮食价格形成机制,进一步发育和健全粮食市场体系,将粮食的地区间计划调拨逐步改为产、销区通过市场流通来实现各地区的供求平衡。
    In accordance with the requirements for founding a socialist market economy system, the Chinese government will focus on continually propelling the reform of the grain circulation system in the following three respects. First, establishing a pricing mechanism as soon as possible, whereby grain prices are primarily decided by the market; further developing and improving the grain market system; and gradually changing the planned inter-regional allocation and transfer of grain to the practice whereby the producing and marketing regions achieve a balance between supply and demand among regions through market circulation.
  • 我的责任驱策着我。
    My duty pricked me on.
  • 普律当丝侧耳朵听
    said Prudence, pricking up her ears.
  • 通过刺和色在皮肤上制造图案的过程。
    the practice of making a design on the skin by pricking and staining.
  • 这是明摆着的责任。
    It's a prima facie duty.
  • 这位首相真正控制政府。
    The Prime Minister really manages the government.
  • 新闻记者一直在硬逼向白宫发言人打听详细情况。
    Newspaper reporters have been trying to prise the details from the White House spokesman.
  • 这一点是通过试验发现的:在暗室里的桌子上放一个粘糖浆的三棱镜,三棱镜投射出光谱或人造彩虹,蜜蜂就会飞向光谱的各个部分来吃糖浆。
    This has been found out by training bees to come for syrup to various parts of a spectrum or artificial rainbow thrown by a prism on a table in a dark room.
  • 老监狱人满为患,新监狱像杂草般繁生,监狱管理成了新兴的行业。
    New facilities sprout like weeds as the old prisons fill up, and prison management is the new growth in-dustry.
  • 地上覆盖一层皑皑积雪.
    The ground was covered in a pristine layer of snow.
  • 这意味一艘探测器到到达恒星所需的总能量要少得多。
    That means the total power required for a probe to reach the stars is much less.
  • 虽然已有技术可用于安全的电子邮件,但广泛部署仍是个问题。然而,随更多的公司和普通电子邮件用户看到了确保其信息安全的需要,终有一天使用数字证书会变得透明,成为你日常生活的一部分。
    Although there is technology available for secure e-mail, widespread deployment is still problematic. However,as more companies and regular e-mail users see the need to secure their messages,the use of digital certificates will one day become a transparent part of your everyday activities.
  • 他接说:'在这点上我们的态度是明确的。'
    "'On this point', be proceeded, 'our attitude is clear.'"
  • 现在请你接往下讲。
    Now please proceed with your story.
  • 咱们接刚才的往下干。
    Let's proceed with what we were doing.
  • 游行队伍沿街道前进。
    The procession passed along the street.
  • 队伍沿街道慢慢前进。
    The procession passed along the street slowly.
  • 我们等那行列走过。
    We waited for the procession to go by.