  • 位于图瓦卢群岛上的一个岛国;以前该群岛成为去尔伯特和埃利斯群岛殖民地的一部,年获得独立。
    an island country on the Tuvalu islands; formerly part of the British colony of Gilbert and Ellice Islands until it withdrew in 1075 and became independent in 1978.
  • 夏威夷以西南的密克罗尼西亚中的一组岛屿;英属吉尔伯特殖民地和埃利斯群岛的非正式的一部,直到年成为了基里巴斯共和国的一部
    a group of islands in Micronesia southwest of Hawaii; formerly part of the British colony of Gilbert and Ellice Islands until it became part of the Republic of Kiribati in 1979.
  • 她结婚之前本是位很妩媚的姑娘,但婚后她丈夫要她穿华贵的衣装,过的装饰打扮,现在她看上去只不过像周围的其他阔妇人一样罢了。
    She was an attractive girl before she married, but then her husband gilded the lily by making her wear expensive clothes and she now looks just like all the other rich wives around her.
  • 我缴付的高额税款除去了我大部的收入。
    The high taxes that I paid takes the gilt off the gingerbread.
  • 我缴付的高额税款除去了我大部的收入
    The high taxes that I pay takes the gilt off the gingerbread
  • 你假日到达旅馆,却发现自己定的房间给了别人,那才令人扫兴呢。
    It takes the gilt off the gingerbread when you arrive on holiday only to find that the room you've booked has been allocated to someone else.
  • 这种杜松子酒还差百之十五才到强度标准。
    This gin is 15 per cent under proof.
  • 用轧棉机从棉花中把种子离出来。
    separate the seeds from (cotton) with a cotton gin.
  • 用轧棉机去籽用轧棉机把种子从纤维中离出来
    To remove the seeds from(cotton) with a cotton gin.
  • 轧棉机是把棉籽从棉花里离出来的机器。
    A gin is a machine to separate seed from cotton.
  • 他在椅子边上小心翼翼地坐了下来,却为两只手十担心,因为它们不论放在什么地方都仿佛碍事。
    He sat down gingerly on the edge of the chair, greatly worried by his hands. They were in the way wherever he put them.
  • ”在最近的一次实验室测试中,光力学疗法在10钟之内杀死了一种引起齿龈炎的病菌的”99.9%临床实验也定在今年的晚些时候进行。
    In a recent lab test, photodynamic therapy killed 99.9 percent of the bacteria that cause gingivitis in -- 10 minutes. Clinical trials are scheduled for later this year.
  • 测试产品的种类繁多,由体式冷气机以至人鐇产品都有顾及。
    The tests included a wide range of goods, from room air conditioners to ginseng products.
  • 歌手十注意保护自己的嗓音。
    a singer takes good care of his voice; the giraffe cannot make any vocalizations.
  • i形金属横梁,工字梁由短翼缘和一个十字部做成象字母i的钢制托梁或主梁
    A steel joist or girder with short flanges and a cross section formed like the letter I.
  • 围绕植物割一条带会因为打断水和养料的循环而杀死它。
    cut a girdle around (a plant) so as to kill by interrupting the circulation of water and nutrients.
  • 我刚刚与女朋友手。
    My girlfriend and I just split up.
  • 大部任务都是姑娘们完成的。
    Girls performed most of the tasks.
  • 这两个女孩是不能离的朋友。
    The two girls are inseparable friends.
  • 把钱分给孩子们。
    Give the money out to the children.
  • 给各方面一个满意的部
    give pleasant proportions to.
  • 一部一部发。
    given out in portions.
  • 分发自由通行证
    Giving out free passes.
  • 大方的慷慨给予的或享的
    Liberal in giving or sharing.
  • 分娩分娩的行为
    The act of giving birth.
  • 有钱时我些给穷朋友用,或者跑到馆子里大吃大喝一顿,或者买许多我爱吃的虾米、牛肉干、鸭肫肝和糖果回来;
    When I have money, I'll share it with friends in need, or go to a restaurant to eat and drink to my heart's content, or buy and bring home many things I like to eat, such as dried shrimps, dried roast beef, salted duck's gizzard and liver, candies.
  • 当水面上升到堤堰高度的十之九时,出现了冰川洪水,称为jokulhlaups。
    Glacial outburst floods, known as Jokuiblaups, occur when the water rises to about nine-tenths of the height of the dam.
  • 冰川覆盖北欧大部和北美;人类进化时期。
    from 11 thousand to 2 millions years ago; extensive glaciation of N hemisphere; time of human evolution.
  • 冰河的急剧而下的部,好像冰冻的瀑布。
    a steep part of a glacier resembling a frozen waterfall.
  • 冰瀑冰川的一部,类似于从峭壁上泻下的冰冻了的瀑布
    The part of a glacier resembling a frozen waterfall that flows down a steep slope.
  • 崩解在边缘崩裂以致一部离开去。用于冰川或冰山
    To break at an edge, so that a portion separates. Used of a glacier or an iceberg.
  • 冰河沉淀形成的不层的土壤,由沙、粘土、砂砾和漂石混合而成。
    unstratified soil deposited by a glacier; consists of sand and clay and gravel and boulders mixed together.