  • 如果我有时考虑,我本来会拒绝批准他的,但他的要求提得突然,使我猝不及防。
    If I had time to think it over I would have refused him the permission, but the suddenness of his request took me at a disadvantage.
  • 苏在那里?她在她的房里。
    Where is Sue? She is in her room.
  • 你为何不请求法官给予更多的时来准备你的案子?
    Why don't you sue to the judge for more time to prepare you case?
  • 在巴涅尔的病人中,有一位公爵的女儿,她不仅害着跟玛格丽特同样的病,而且长得跟玛格丽特一模一样,别人甚至会把她们看作是姐妹俩。
    Among the other sufferers there, was the Duke's daughter who not only had the same complaint but a face so like Marguerite's that they could have been taken for sisters.
  • 满足两点之的一段时期。
    suffice for a period between two points.
  • 我必须一提的是,当时大家都兴高采烈。女人中虽有很多人是死者生前的熟人,但这会儿似乎对死者毫无怀念之情。
    Suffice it to say that everyone was in the highest spirits and that, of all the women there, many had known the dead girl and gave no sign that they remembered her.
  • 拥有或者允许有足够的空
    having or allowing sufficient room.
  • 如给足够的时,我们也能把它做好。
    Giving sufficient time, also we can do it well.
  • 当事人的相互关系当事人之关系密切、直接到足以支持对代表或紧靠这种关系中另一方的法律要求的关系
    A relation between parties that is held to be sufficiently close and direct to support a legal claim on behalf of or against another person with whom this relation exists.
  • 证明时和关心的投入十分地有价值。
    sufficiently valuable to justify the investment of time or interest.
  • 值得的非常有用的或重要的而值得耗费时、投入力量或引发兴趣的
    Sufficiently valuable or important to be worth one's time, effort, or interest.
  • 在夜尚能忍受这种高温,但白天就令人感到呼吸困难。
    The heat is tolerable at night but suffocate during the day.
  • 在夜尚能忍受这种高温,但白天就令人感到呼吸困难。
    The heat was tolerable at night but suffocating during the day.
  • 但是,在此期要对那些信用卡失窃采取措施——要打电话,让妻子将放在写字台最上面抽屉里的信用卡号码取出来,和一家家信用卡公司通电话——真是麻烦死了,要全部办完,准会要命。
    But in the meantime he will have to do something about the lost credit cards-call home, have his wife get the numbers out of the top desk drawer, phone the card companies-so difficult a process, the whole thing suffocating.
  • 这些人并不知道功能组别的原意是接选举,在那些对香港社会非常重要的界别,如经济、专业和基层选出代表,而不是由普选产生。
    This misses the point that these functional constituencies, in their very original design, were indirect elections to represent economic, professional and grass-root sectors of importance to Hong Kong's community. They were not intended to be elections through universal suffrage.
  • 这些人并不知道功能组别的原意是接选举而不是普选,目的是选出占香港人口极大比例,并对香港社会非常重要的经济、专业界别和基层代表。
    This misses the point that these functional constituencies, in their very original design, were indirect elections and were intended to represent economic, professional and grass-root sectors which are substantial and of importance to the community of Hong Kong. They were not intended to be elections through universal suffrage.
  • 那么你推荐哪餐厅呢?
    Well, where do you suggest?
  • 这房里有一种香气,使人想起春天的花朵。
    There is an aroma suggestive of spring flowers in the room.
  • 神风特攻队队员日本空军的飞机驾驶员,第二次世界大战期受训撞击军舰进行自杀性攻击
    A Japanese pilot trained in World War II to make a suicidal crash attack, especially upon a ship.
  • 这时间合适吗?
    Will that time suit?
  • 什么时间都行。
    Any time will suit me.
  • 这套房子有一卧室、一浴室和一起居室。
    The suite have a bedroom, bathroom and a private sit room.
  • 我想预订一个套间。
    I'd like to reserve a suite.
  • 是的,我总是预定一套房。
    Yes, I always reserve a suite.
  • 一个套我要付多少钱?
    How much do I charge for a suite?
  • 律师的办公室一套房,尤指律师所用的
    A suite of rooms, especially one used by lawyers.
  • 两天前,我预订过一个套
    I made a booking two days ago for a suite.
  • 我会在附近找个旅店为您订一个套的。
    I'll book a suite for you at another hotel nearby.
  • 卧室联起来变成一个套
    The two bedroom are joined together to make a suite.
  • 如果可能的话,我想要一个套,而不是双人
    But we'd prefer a suite to a double room, if possible.
  • 她租了一套底层的房
    She has rented a suite of rooms on the ground floor.
  • 这套房子有一卧室、一浴室和一起居室。
    The suite has a bedroom, bathroom and a private sitting room.