  • 区别和评价事物、形成观念的心智力。
    the mental ability to form an opinion by distinguishing and evaluating.
  • 讲话的力是区别人类与动物的标志之一。
    Ability to talk is one way of distinguishing human being from animals.
  • 这些金条上都打有识别标记,小偷们只有先将它们熔化才有可销赃。
    The bars are stamped/with distinguishing marks and will have to be melted down before the thieves can hope to dispose of them.
  • 过多的债务或是债务结构不良都可破坏投资的兴趣,而最终导致投资减少。
    Too much debt, or badly structured debt, can distort investment incentives and lead eventually to disinvestment.
  • 一种转换精神状态的药物。
    a drug that can produce mood changes and distorted perceptions.
  • 被扭曲的形象,这种扭曲的形象只有以一种特殊的方式去观察才变的明显。
    an image distorted in such a way that it becomes visible only when viewed in a special manner.
  • 够逼真地再现大声音的系统。
    the capacity of a system to reproduce loud sounds without distortion.
  • 这完全是歪曲。共产党员决不够容忍这种歪曲,而且必须坚决反对这种歪曲。
    This is sheer distortion that a Party member not only must not tolerate, but must firmly oppose.
  • 街上的嘈杂声使我不专心读书。
    The noise in the street distracted me from my reading.
  • 教室外边的喧闹声使学生们不集中注意力。
    The school students were distracted by the noise outside the classroom.
  • 痛苦与快乐,都会使情侣不专注于爱情。
    Pain and pleasure,either one,can distract a lover from concentrating on his love.
  • 痛苦与乐趣,都会使情侣不专注于爱情。
    Pain and pleasure, either one, can distract a lover from concentrating on his love.
  • 所以最好不要依靠零零碎碎的忠告;它们扰乱和误引的可多于安定和指导的可也。
    And therefore rest not upon scattered counsels; they will rather distract and mislead, than settle and direct.
  •  你可以看看贾德,我想——她在剧中的角色喜欢穿着内衣裤走来走去,还常常穿着高跟鞋——但即使这样的动作也只吸引你的目光片刻,这部电影也许比贾德的上部片子《双重危险》更加愚蠢可笑。
    You can look at Judd, I suppose -- her character likes to walk around in her underwear, often while wearing high heels -- but even that activity will distract you only momentarily from a movie that may be even sillier than Judd's last film, Double Jeopardy.
  • 外边的喧闹声使她不集中注意力。
    She was distracted by the noise outside.
  • 噪音使他不专心读书。
    The noise distracted him from his reading.
  • 收音机的音乐使我不专心读书。
    The music of the radio distracted me from my read.
  • 他们的叫喊声使一场绑架未实现--莉萨挣脱了出来。
    Their shouts distracted the would be kidnapper and Lisa broke free.
  • 外面孩子们的吵闹声使我不专心读书。
    The noise made by the children outside distracted me from my reading.
  • 男友走后,无论什么都不排遣我的失落感。
    After my boyfriend went away, nothing distracted me from my sense of loss.
  • 邻人突然登门,使他不专心学习。
    He was distracted from his studies by the sudden arrival of a neighbour.
  • 美国民众可已被有关贫富差距正在加大的两个报告转移了注意力。
    Americans may have been distracted by two reports reminding them of a widening gap between the rich and poor.
  • 一种可性是,断绝喜爱的毒品一天后,服用量大的人出现了停药症状或是变得暴戾。烦乱,从而导致他们在测试中表现糟糕。
    One possibility is that, deprived of their favourite drug for a day, heavy users suffer withdrawal symptoms or become so grumpy and distracted that they do badly in tests.
  • 适应特殊环境的感觉忧伤。
    generalized feeling of distress.
  • 当布朗听说他即将离开军队时,他深感痛苦,他不想像没有朋友和战友怎样生活。
    When Brown was told that he was being invalided out of the army, he was very distressed: he could not imagine life without friends and comrades.
  • 然而,atm不单独地高效地分配这些服务。
    ATM, however, cannot efficiently distribute these services alone.
  • 权力分散在地方政权中分散(中央政权)的管理职或权力
    To distribute the administrative functions or powers of(a central authority) among several local authorities.
  • 与把要洗的衣服分配到20台洗衣机里相比,编写同时使用20台微处理器的程序要难得多。
    And writing a program that can use 20 processors at once is much harder than distributing laundry to 20 washers.
  •  对生活有特殊困难的缺乏劳动力的继承人,分配遗产时,应当予以照顾。
    At the time of distributing the estate, due consideration shall be given to successors who are unable to work and have special financial difficulties.
  • 五角大楼希望利用它所谓的可转换通讯系统来克服这些缺点,这个系统是一个庞大的网络,够管理和发送所有军事信息。
    The Pentagon hopes to overcome these shortcomings with what it calls a transformational communications system, a giant web capable of managing and distributing all military information.
  • 书商来了,我问他是否把那些即将被扔掉的小人书送给我们。
    Soon the distributor arrived and I asked him if we could have the comic books.
  • 我希望贵方指定我为贵方产品在整个加拿大的独家经销商。
    I hope you'll appoint me to act as your sole distributor in the whole of canada.