  • 年轻意味气质非凡,敢想敢干,超越欲望的怯懦,甘愿放弃对舒适生活的爱恋,出外闯荡。
    Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite, for adventure over the love of ease.
  • 青春意味在气质上勇敢战胜怯懦,进取精神战胜安逸享受。
    Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity, of the appeti te for adventure over the love of ease.
  • 从资产阶级占优势到无产阶级占优势,这是一个斗争的长过程,争取领导权的过程,依靠共产党对无产阶级觉悟程度组织程度的提高,对农民、对城市小资产阶级觉悟程度组织程度的提高。
    The change from the predominance of the bourgeoisie to that of the proletariat is a long process of struggle, of struggle for leadership in which success depends on the work of the Communist Party in raising the level of political consciousness and organization both of the proletariat and of the peasantry and urban petty bourgeoisie.
  • 研究表明根据人的不同活动水平,尽管在任意给定的时间内一种脑电波状态占据优势,其他三种脑电波状态也会一直混合存在
    Research has shown that although one brainwave state may predominate at any given time, depending on the activity level of the individual, the remaining three brain states are present in the mix of brainwaves at all times.
  • 许多国家也有了自己的“硅谷”,或正在手建设,但至今无一威胁到美国硅谷的领先地位。
    Many countries have, or are in the process of creating, their own "Silicon Valley". So far, none has as yet threatened the preeminence of the US prototype.
  • 即使在假日里,他也宁愿干点什么事,而不愿闲待
    Even on holidays, he preferred doing something to doing nothing.
  • 我们渡江后,就是本中央的精神,抱宁右勿“左”的态度去接管城市的,因为右充其量丧失几个月的时间,而“左”就不晓得要受多大的损失,而且是难以纠正的。
    After crossing the Yangtze, we took over cities, keeping in mind the principles of the Central Committee, preferring to lean Right rather than "Left". In this way we lost a few months' time at worst; otherwise, we would have suffered heavy losses and it would have been very difficult for us to correct "Left" mistakes.
  • (非正式)“我妈妈对合适的衣有这些陈腐的想法”。
    (informal) my mother has these prehistoric ideas about proper clothes.
  • 青铜器约在公元前1500年出现,标志本港史前史最后阶段。
    The final phase of Hong Kong's prehistory is marked by the appearance of bronze in about the middle of the 2nd millennium BC.
  • 我不明白你为什么对我们抱这么深的偏见。
    I cannot think why you are so prejudiced against us.
  • 那些有反苏成见的人,借诺蒙坎停战协定的订立和日苏互不侵犯条约的传闻,掀风鼓浪,挑拨中苏两大民族间的感情。
    People who are prejudiced against the Soviet Union are capitalizing on the Nomonhan truce agreement and on the talk about a Japanese-Soviet non-aggression treaty in order to make trouble and stir up ill feeling between the two great nations of China and the Soviet Union.
  • 反攻是战略防御和战略进攻之间的过渡的东西,带战略进攻前夜的性质,集中兵力就为达此目的。
    The counter-offensive is transitional between the strategic defensive and the strategic offensive, and in the nature of a prelude to the strategic offensive; it is precisely for the purpose of the counter-offensive that troops are concentrated.
  • 每个做父亲的应该为他的妻子和儿女想加入保险,以防早丧和长期卧病。
    Every father should insure himself against premature death or prolonged illness for the sake of his wife and children.
  • 虽然科学上从克隆羊到克隆人仍然是一次巨大的飞跃,而且现在把它当作一件不可避免的事情加以讨论未免为时太早,但是,克隆技术的发现意味我们至少不得不面对这样一个问题--“假若……,将会如何”。
    Scientifically it would still be a big leap to go from cloning a sheep to cloning humans, and it is premature to discuss this as if it were inevitably going to happen. But this discovery means that we have at least got to ask the question, "What if?
  • 他总是一心想教育事业。
    He always takes his preoccupation with the educational cause.
  • 魔,萦绕不由自主地被某一定式的想法或某种不想要的感情困扰,常伴有焦虑的症状
    Compulsive preoccupation with a fixed idea or an unwanted feeling or emotion, often accompanied by symptoms of anxiety.
  • 新娘勇敢的面对了公众对她的偏见,她流眼泪向记者们承认了自己疯狂的过去。
    The bride confronted the public's preoccupation with her past Wednesday, breaking down in tears as she admitted to reporters that she had led a wild youth.
  • 基督教——有人称之为“两个没落的世界(希腊和罗马)的最后叹息”——今日还保存这种特质,因为它还在为拯救的问题而烦虑,人们为离此尘世而得救的问题烦虑,结果把生活的问题也忘掉了。
    Christianity, which has been described as " the last sigh of two expiring worlds" (Greek and Roman), still retains something of that characteristic today in its preoccupation with the question of salvation. The question of living is forgotten in the question of getting away alive from this world.
  • 他心不在焉,正一心想别的事情。
    His mind switched off, he was preoccupied with another subject.
  • 我试图使他对我们的风险企业感兴趣,但他好像一心想别的事情,显然另有有利可图的事。
    I tried to interest him in our venture, but he seemed preoccupied with something else. No doubt he has other fish to fry.
  • 因为准备阶段中的主要步骤,就是军事上的准备退却,和为准备退却的政治上的动员。
    For the chief measures in the preparatory phase are the military preparations for withdrawal and the political mobilization for them.
  • 他忙着准备考试。
    He was busy preparing for the exam.
  • 我在忙准备下次考试。
    I'm busy preparing for the next examination.
  • 刘大娘正忙给我们做早饭。
    Aunt Liu is busy preparing breakfast for us.
  • 母亲正忙准备晚餐。
    The mother is busy preparing for the dinner.
  • 有七十个七次我拿起我的帽子,打算离去。——有七十个七次你硬逼我又坐下。
    Seventy times seven times have I plucked up my hat and been about to depart--seventy times seven times have you preposterously forced me to resume my seat.
  • 议会缓慢地,但却是不断地侵犯这种特权。
    The Parliament was slowly, but constantly gaining ground on the prerogatives.
  • 乌云预示暴风雨的到来。
    The clouds presage a storm.
  • 那样的密云预示暴风雨将要来临.
    Those clouds presage a storm.
  • 一个发球但地时在规定的区域外。
    a serve that lands outside the prescribed area.
  • 面临,在。。。面前
    In the presence of...
  • 他的语气渐渐平和下来,接又说到他孩子身上。
    His tone gradually became friendly, and presently he was telling me about his children.