  • 英语是日耳曼语系的一个支。
    English is a branch of the germanic family of language.
  • 西部日耳曼语德国、奥地利和部瑞士的日耳曼语
    The West Germanic language of Germany, Austria, and part of Switzerland.
  • 语言支系语系的支,如印欧语系的日耳曼支
    A subdivision of a family of languages, such as the Germanic branch of Indo-European.
  • 胎萌的在从母体植物离出来之前即发芽或产生种子的,如红树林
    Germinating or producing seeds that germinate before becoming detached from the parent plant, as in the mangrove.
  • 病毒兴细菌引起大部的疾病。
    Viruses and germs cause most sicknesses.
  • 英语文法中,动名词具有与现在词完全一样的形式
    In English grammar, the gerund has exactly the same form as the present participle
  • 英语文法中,动名词具有与现在词完全一样的形式。
    In english grammar, the gerund have exactly the same form as the present participle.
  • (语法)指动词;没有人称、数或者语气的变化(即词、动名词或者不定式)。
    (grammar) of verbs; having neither person nor number nor mood (as a participle or gerund or infinitive).
  • 格式塔疗法的目的旨在帮助一个人成为整体——帮助这个人意识到并承认他各个不完整的部,而且矫正它们,使之成为一个整体。
    The aim of gestalt therapy is to help one to become whole to help the person become aware of, admit to, reclaim, and integrate his fragmented parts.
  • 当一个人想发现并改变他接二连三的失败厄运时,当一个人想变得更像一个天生的成功者时,他可以使用格式塔型试验和事物处理析法来促使发生变化。
    When a person wants to discover and change his “losing streak,” when he wants to become more like the winner he was born to be, he can use gestalt-type experiments and transactional analysis to make change happen.
  • 这井不是说这一突破不需要历时数十载,而是说一旦完成这一突破——一旦你发现如何将成体细胞的基因图转化成卵细胞的基因图,并在妊娠过程中使脆弱的胚胎成活——大部的基础生物工作就已经完成。
    It's not that the breakthrough wasn't decades in the making. It's just that once it was complete -- once you figured out how to transfer the genetic schematics from an adult cell into a living ovum and keep the fragile embryo alive throughout gestation -- most of your basic biological work was finished.
  • 我十分惊讶。
    I can't/ couldn't get over.
  • 凡得90的学生列为甲等.
    A student who gets 90% is graded A.
  • 黄金海岸英国殖民地在黄金海岸南部的前英国殖民地,现为加纳的一部
    A former British colony in the southern part of the Gold Coast, now part of Ghana.
  • 犹太人居住区犹太人在中世纪居住的城市的一部;(城市中的)犹太人区
    A section of a medieval city inhabited by Jews; a ghetto.
  • 用压力使集中居住开、出或象在少数人集中区;隔离
    To set apart in or as if in a ghetto; isolate.
  • 在某些类中认为是大猫熊科。
    in some classifications considered the family comprising the giant pandas.
  • 幼虎队在巨人队派出威利出击,而同时又有两人占着易得的二、三垒时,真是危险万
    The Cubs were in trouble as the Giants had Willie coming to bat and two men in scoring position.
  • 产于苏门答腊的大型黑色长臂猿,第二脚趾与第三脚趾之间由蹼部相连。
    large black gibbon of Sumatra having the 2nd and 3rd toes partially united by a web.
  • 感谢你可爱的礼品。
    Many thanks for the lovely gift.
  • 智力上有天的孩子;智力上的影响。
    intellectually gifted children; intellectually influenced.
  • 她是一个很有天的演员。
    she was a fabulously gifted player.
  • 不可否认,她是这个班中最有天的学生。
    she is undeniably the most gifted student in the class.
  • 1997年,马刺队在nba选秀中拔得头筹,从而招进了来自威克福里斯特大学的高手蒂姆·邓肯,他高达7英尺,很有天
    Then, in 1997, the Spurs got the top pick in the NBA draft and landed the immensely gifted seven-footer, Tim Duncan of Wake Forest University.
  • 今天,从前的体育课的参与者们几乎即刻成了两个对立阵营:那些有天赋的运动员,他们曾参加多项运动,把体育课看成是又一次显示自己的机会;
    Today, former PE participants divide almost instantly into opposing camps: the gifted athletes, who played several sports and viewed PE class as one more chance to shine;
  • 从策略上说,可以在网络的不同部应用千兆位以太网和atm,以获得最佳效果。
    Gigabit Ethernet and ATM can be deployed strategically in different portions of the network for optimal results.
  • 因此,向千兆位以太网升级,从支持现有已安装的以太网的角度来看是容易的,但是需要进行细微周详的析研究。
    So a Gigabit Ethernet upgrade, easy from the standpoint of leveraging existing Ethernet installations, nonetheless entails careful consideration.
  • ieee(美国电气与电子工程师学会)在批准以太网规范的主要部方面已取得重大进展,并已有足够的标准支持产品设计。
    The IEEE has made significant progress on ratifying key portions of the Gigabit Ethernet specifications, and enough of the standard is already in place to support product design.
  • 土地象大棋盘一样成方块。
    The soil was squared off like a gigantic chess-board.
  •  从远处看去,莫高窟750多个大小洞窟,布在1700米长的山崖上,俨然一座庞大而壮观的整体建筑。
    Viewed from afar, the over 750 Mogao Grottoes of different sizes are scattered along a 1,700-meter cliff, just like a gigantic and majestic integral structure.
  • 吉尔伯特生于1986年11月18日星期一11点58
    Gilbert was born at 11: 58 on Monday November 18th 1986.
  • 吉尔伯特先生应用dna析的精确语言说:“不能排除理查德·埃伯林是个嫌疑犯。
    "Richard Eberling cannot be excluded as a suspect," Mr.Gilbert said, using the precise language of DNA analysis.