  • 他保证平处理这件事。
    He give a pledge to handle the affair fairly.
  • 香港电台则负责提供开幕典礼及全体会议的现场电视共讯号。
    RTHK provided the live 'host' TV feed of the opening ceremonies and plenary sessions.
  • 这家总部设在芝加哥的杂志说,他们开招募女模特是为那些有可能在安然破产案中失业的员工提供第二次就业机会,因为安然司,这个昔日金融界的骄子如今已经沦落成为美国历史上惨遭破产的最大一家司。
    The Chicago-based magazine said the open call for models is a second chance for Enron Corp. employees who may have lost their jobs as the one-time Wall Street darling plummeted into the largest U.S. bankruptcy in history.
  • “安德里老,闭住你的鸟嘴,要不,看我掉下去砸在你的脑袋上。”约翰一直吊在柱顶上,接过话头说道。
    “Matre Andry,” said Jehan, still hanging fast to his capital, “hold thy tongue, or I fall plump on thy head.
  • 尽管英特尔起步慢,但其他司看来都作好准备进入这个市常
    Despite Intel's slow start, other companies appear poised to enter the market.
  • 这里的空气清新自由,人们的神态轻松安详,共场所也未见执法人员顾盼招摇,何须紧张?
    Instead, I found the atmosphere free and casual, and people around relaxed and poised, and I saw no law enforcement officers prowling about in public places. Hence no need to be nervous.
  • 毒害一个人思想;毒害了办室的气氛。
    poison someone's mind; poison the atmosphere in the office.
  • 50年前他在伦敦开了一个简陋的小铺子做生意,现在他创立的司已在全国建立了分支机构。事业是一点点发展起来的啊。
    He set up in business fifty years ago in a tiny, poky shop in London, and now the company he found has branches all over the country.Great oaks from little acorns grow.
  • 在这个问题上众的意见已两极分化.
    Public opinion has polarized on this issue.
  • 只要我国经济中有制占主体地位,就可以避免两极分化。
    So long as the public sector plays a predominant role in China's economy, polarization can be avoided.
  • 社会主义有两个非常重要的方面,一是以有制为主体,二是不搞两极分化。
    Socialism has two major requirements. First, its economy must be dominated by public ownership, and second, there must be no polarization.
  • 没有。因为我们在改革中坚持了两条,一条是有制经济始终占主体地位,一条是发展经济要走共同富裕的道路,始终避免两极分化。
    No, because in the course of reform we shall make sure of two things: one is that the public sector of the economy is always predominant; the other is that in developing the economy we seek common prosperity, always trying to avoid polarization.
  • 维护共秩序是警察的职责。
    It's the duty of the police to preserve the public order.
  • 比如,投保人不可以先购买两份财产保险,再对因失窃造成的损失向两家保险司索赔。
    For example, the policyholder may not buy two property insurance policies and collect from each policy for the same loss due to theft.
  • 根据大数定律,保险司只收取相对而言数额很小的保费便能承担风险,因为大数定律认为,尽管每个投保人都可能遭受损失,但在所有投保人中,只有少数人会真正受到损失。
    Insuring companies assumes risks for relatively small premium because of the law of large numbers , which assumes that while any one policyholder may suffer a loss, out of a total population of policyholders only a few will actually suffer a loss.
  • 遭受损失的投保人可向保险司提出索赔(要求支付赔偿金)。
    A policyholder who suffers a loss files a claim (a request for payment) with the insurance company.
  • 从某一特定的保险司购买保险的企业或个人被称为投保人。
    The businesses or individuals that buy insurance from a particular insurance company become policyholders.
  • 保险司由于缺乏警惕或保单持有人缺乏诚信而造成的损失。
    the loss to an insurance company resulting from possible lack of prudence or honesty on the part of policyholders.
  • 重要的事实只能压过那些以共利益为幌子而实际上纯粹寻租的活动,而当法院进行宪法讨论时,这是对国会政策制定权行使的一个至关重要的限制。
    Salient facts have the capacity to drown out purely rent-seeking activity that cloaks itself [657] in the public good, while constitutional discourse, when enforced by the Court, is a crucial restraint on the exercise of Congress's policymaking power.
  • 这辆汽车需要很好地擦一下。
    This bus could do with a good polish.
  • 约翰逊先生,我们对于贵司的削面打光机,一直感到有些麻烦呀!
    Mr. Johnson, we've been having a little trouble with your surfacing and polishing machine.
  • 他尊重记者但却尽量避免在开场合露面。
    He was polite to reporters but avoided publicity.
  • 一个主要的社会等级或秩序,全体民都被看作是国家的一部分并且原来拥有政治特权。
    a major social class or order of persons regarded collectively as part of the body politic of the country and formerly possessing distinct political rights.
  • 要想在这家司步步登高,就需要耍点手腕。
    You need to be a bit of a politician to succeed in this company.
  • 想进入共政府机关的政治人士。
    a politician who is running for public office.
  • 开声称她的抱负是要当政治家。
    Her declared ambition is to become a politician.
  • 《生活》杂志在一次由扬克洛维奇合资人司举办的独家民意调查中征集了这些意见。
    LIFE sought these opinions in an exclusive poll by Yankelovich Partners.
  • 推出新的服务方式前,司进行了全国范围的民意调查。
    Before starting the new service, the company carry out nationwide opinion poll.
  • 司在开始这项服务前,先进行了全国性的民意测验。
    Before starting the service the company carry out a nationwide opinion poll.
  • ”所以,林业司只能靠培植种子的果园来培养种子。果园里种满了种树用以相互受粉。
    As a result, timber companies had to grow seed by planting seed orchards, full of elite trees that were supposed to pollinate each other.
  • 国务院民意调查显示,美国的声望及影响力明显下降,而国务院一直不愿意布这些结果。所以又有新闻署的调查。
    The fact is that the State Department polls on our prestige and influence around the world has shown such a sharp drop that up until now the State Department has been unwilling to release them, and yet they were polled by the USA.
  •  国务院经济综合主管部门会同国务院有关部门布限期禁止采用的严重污染大气环境的工艺名录和限期禁止生产、禁止销售、禁止进口、禁止使用的严重污染大气环境的设备名录。
    The competent department for comprehensive economic and trade affairs under the State Council, in conjunction with other relevant departments under the State Council, shall publish a catalog of the techniques which seriously pollute the atmospheric environment ones that shall be prohibited from use within a time limit. It shall also catalog the equipment which seriously pollutes the atmospheric environment and which shall be prohibited from production, sale, import and use within a time limit.