  • 变色蜥蜴,安乐蜥一种主要的西半球热带地区安乐蜥属属蜥蜴,其特征是具有无韧性喉皮和变色
    Any of various chiefly tropical New World lizards of the genus Anolis, characterized by a distensible throat flap and the ability to change color.
  • 吴总理鼓励华族认真学好华文,可会引起他们更大的猜疑。
    PM Goh's call for Chinese Singaporeans to learn the Chinese language more seriously may make them even more suspicious.
  • 一种不稳定的酸,从硫氰酸盐中提取。
    an unstable acid that can be obtained by distilling a thiocyanate salt.
  • 她下学期当你们的老师的可性非常大。
    There is a distinct posibility that she'll be your teacher next term.
  • 够作为不同的东西被察觉出来或者清楚的被察觉。
    capable of being perceived as different or distinct.
  • 他辨别声音的力很强。
    His distinction of sound is excellent.
  • 在七八月间听到其与众不同的叫声。
    its distinctive song is heard during July and August.
  • 想想那些带着信心步人法庭,并且以无比的确信,赢得法官和陪审团支持的律师吧:难道你不想让一位使你放松心情,以平和的语气回答问题,而且展现专业知识的医师为你看病吗?
    Imagine that lawyer presenting her case with confidence,gaining the ear of judge and jury because she is distinctively self-assured.Wouldn't you rather be treated by a physician who sets you at ease,answer your questions plainly,and demonstrates a knowledge of his field?
  • 即使有的标记本来不区分有关商品或服务,成员亦可依据其经过使用而获得的识别性,确认其可否注册。
    Where signs are not inherently capable of distinguishing the relevant goods or services, Members may make registrability depend on distinctiveness acquired through use.
  • 他能清楚地发音。
    He can pronounce distinctly.
  • 清楚地分清这两个双胞胎。
    He could separate the twins distinctly.
  • 显然是可的;处在他的位置上,我可以清楚地看明白自己。
    it's distinctly possible; I could clearly see myself in his situation.
  • 我现在不要结婚,可是在两三个月左右以后我显然可要和她结婚。
    I don't want to get married just now, but it's distinctly on the cards that I might marry her in a couple of months or so.
  •  附图的大小及清晰度,应当保证在该图缩小到三分之二时仍清晰地分辨出图中的各个细节。
    The scale and the distinctness of the drawings shall be as such that a reproduction with a linear reduction in size to two-thirds would still enable all details to be clearly distinguished.
  • 附图的大小及清晰度应当保证在该图缩小到4厘米×6厘米时,仍清晰地分辨出图中的各个细节。
    The scale and the distinctness of the figure shall be as such that a reproduction with a linear reduction in size to 4cm x 6cm would still enable all details to be clearly distinguished.
  • 从远处我认出他们。
    I can distinguish them at a distance.
  • 区分出正在演奏的各种不同的乐器吗?
    Can you distinguish the different musical instruments playing now?
  • 区分那两个物体吗?
    Can you distinguish between those two objects?
  • 辨别这两件东西吗?
    Can you distinguish these two things?
  • 缺份绿色和黄色。
    inability to distinguish blue and yellow.
  • 这两个东西我区分开。
    I can distinguish(between) those two objects.
  • 缺份绿色和红色。
    inability to distinguish green and purplish-red.
  • 看清远处不同的物体吗?
    Can you distinguish objects at a distance?
  • 他不能辨别真假。
    He can't distinguish between truth and falsehood.
  • 缺份红色和紫红色。
    inability to distinguish red and purplish blue.
  • 眼力好的人看清远处的物体。
    A person with good eyesight can distinguish distant objects.
  • 我们当然分辨是非。
    We certainly can distinguish(between)right and wrong.
  • 我不明白您怎么区分这两者。
    I don't see how you can distinguish between the two.
  • 我们已被培养成辨别是非的人。
    We were brough up to distinguish between right and wrong.
  • 区分接近相等的两个值的力的一种度量。
    A measure of the ability to distinguish between nearly equal values.
  • 根据蛇身上的斑纹就把。
    Vipers are distinguishable from other snakes by their markings.
  • 够被辨别或者区别。
    not capable of being distinguished or differentiated.