  • 她一生都过贫困的生活。
    She has lived in poverty all her life.
  • 火药了火,忽然向上喷起来。
    The powder ignited and suddenly puffed up.
  • 一天,一辆小货车满载猎人来到电工室。
    One day a pickup truck filled with hunters drove up to the powerhouse.
  • 类似的商业合作将随中国经济的逐渐强大变得非常普遍。
    Such business deals will be even more common as China develops into an economic powerhouse.
  • 当然,找工作或建立关系网不只是列一张工作单位的名单,同时还意味要通过某些公司协会或其他公关组织的活动去结识专业人员——你可拜访他们的办公室并进行自我介绍,使他们不断增进对你的了解。
    Beyond just making a list, job prospecting or net working means meeting professionals through some activities in associations or other PR ( public relations organizations going to their offices and introducing yourself, and keeping them up to date.
  • 为记住在一个英语单词中可能有三个组成部分的顺序,应照例从左向右读这个词时,并想前缀—词根—后缀或prs。
    To remember the order of these three possible word parts in an English word, read the word from left to right as usual and think Prefix-Root-Suffix or PRS.
  • 因而人们想得到比野蛮时代更好的衣、器皿和家具,而多余的食物也使部落的一部分人能生产这些东西。
    A desire arises for better clothing, utensils, and implements, than the savage state contents itself with; and the surplus food renders it practicable to devote to these purposes the exertions of a part of the tribe.
  • 别着急,坚持练习。
    Take it easy and keep practicing.
  • 那个瑞典人除了嘴唇还在微微动以外,站一动也不动。他还在练习。
    The Swede stood quite still, except that his lips moved slightly. He was still practising.
  • 新加坡能够推行务实的政策,除了政府的强势,高效和廉洁之外,还有一个重要的基础,这就是新加坡有稳定和谐的劳资政三角关系。
    Besides having a strong, clean and efficient administration, Singapore has been able to pursue such pragmatic policies because it enjoys a stable and harmonious tripartite relationship among employers, workers, and the government.
  • 这里用得中国的一句老话:“星星之火,可以燎原。”
    Here we can apply the old Chinese saying, "A single spark can start a prairie fire."
  • 玛丽推四轮婴儿车在街上走。
    Mary wheeled the pram along the street.
  • 看到布朗先生推一辆送牛奶的手推车我非常吃惊。
    I was struck all of a heap to see Mr Brown pushing a pram.
  • 商店的橱窗外聚那么一大群人,推婴儿车的年轻妇女无法走过去。
    There was such a crowd outside the shop window that the young woman with the pram couldn't get by.
  • 当一个人有过多的力量时,他的走路的姿势便会变成扬扬阔步或跳舞了。
    When a man has an over-supply of energy, his walking becomes transformed into prancing or dancing.
  • 诸圣日前夕,万圣节前夕10月31日,在美国、加拿大以及英伦诸岛的孩子们穿化装服走家串户接受款待并且做些恶作剧以庆祝这个节日
    October31, celebrated in the United States, Canada, and the British Isles by children going door to door while wearing costumes and begging treats and playing pranks.
  • 跪着的人,如祈祷
    One who kneels, as to pray.
  • 解放前,我经常和家里人一起到处流浪,过朝不保夕的生活。
    Before liberation I was always wandering with my family from place to place, making a precarious living.
  • 交通事故的增加,必须采取适当的预防措施。
    The increase of traffic accidents necessitates proper precautions.
  • 他们带墨镜,穿旧衣,他们采取了特别提防措施,不使任何人认出他们是谁。
    Dressed in dark glasses and old clothes, they had taken special precautions so that no one should recognize them.
  • 小路等沿着悬崖。
    The path verges on a precipice.
  • 当卷地而来的黄沙顺崖壁瀑布般泻下时,这里的底层洞窟曾几乎大半被埋。
    When the sweeping yellow sand came rushing down over the precipices like a waterfall, the greater part of the bottom layer grottoes were all but buried underneath more than once.
  • 沿山腰下来有一条陡峭的山路。
    A precipitous path led down the mountainside.
  • 像是沿边缘精确的切割了一样具有清楚、明显的轮廓。
    having a clean and distinct outline as if precisely cut along the edges.
  • 形势的变化,中国在保持必要防御力量的前提下,单方面实行了一系列裁减军备的措施:
    As the international situation has changed, China, while retaining the precondition
  • 多年来,随形势的变化,中国在保持必要防御力量的前提下,单方面实行了一系列裁减军备的措施:大幅度裁减军队员额;维持低水平国防支出;严格管制敏感材料、技术及军事装备的转让;全面实行国防科技工业的军转民等。
    As the international situation has changed, China, while retaining the precondition that the nation maintain necessary defence capabilities, has unilaterally adopted a series of measures aimed at disarmament. These include greatly reducing military staff, reducing defence spending, strictly controlling transfers of sensitive materials, technology and military equipment and converting defence technologies industry to civilian production.
  • 人们往往认为乌鸦进食时,其中的几只时不时地绕那一区域俯冲,是警戒可能想捕食它们的天敌。
    While they are feeding, some crows constantly dash around the area, keeping watch for predators that might want to eat crow.
  • 它们并非在警戒捕食自己的对手,那些四处飞、看上去十分警觉的乌鸦,实际上只是在寻找机会,看能不能从鸦群别的成员那儿偷点东西。
    Instead of watching out for predators,those crows that are flying around and looking so vigilant are really just looking for something that they can steal from another member of the flock.
  • “那么,”我接说,“我以前的房主人姓林惇啦?”
    `Then,' I continued, `my predecessor's name was Linton?'
  • 我期待这份新工作,然而我可能会觉得很难达到我的前任的水平,她在退休前干了15年。
    I'm looking foreward to my new job although I way find it difficult to measure up to my predecessor, who did it for fifteen years before she retired.
  • 但是这种主动,已随其本身带许多不利因素及其在战争中也犯了些主观错误(详论见后),与乎我方具备许多有利因素,而开始了部分的减弱。敌之在台儿庄失败和山西困处,就是显证。
    But her initiative is beginning to wane to some extent because of her many inherent disadvantages and of the subjective errors she too has committed in the course of the war (of which more later) and also because of our many advantages The enemy's defeat at Taierhchuang and his predicament in Shansi prove this clearly.
  • 即使看起来很健康的克隆生物也会携带畸形病变的基因,而且他们的寿命通常会比正常生物的要短,因为克隆过程中的细胞随年龄的增长,dna会逐渐遭到破坏。
    Even animal clones that look healthy may have genetic abnormalities or be predisposed to a decreased life span because the cells used in the cloning process acquire DNA damage as they age.