  • 塞氏还有一句比这更高的话(这话由一个异教徒说,几乎是太高了):“一个人有凡人底脆弱而又有神仙底自在无忧,那就是真正的伟大”。
    It is yet a higher speech of his than the other (much too high for a heathen): It is true greatness to have in one the fragility of a man and the security of a God. Vere magnum habere fragilitaterm hominis securitatem da.
  • 亏你想得来!实际上爸爸已洗过餐具了!
    Imagine that! Dad actually did the washing up!
  • 爸爸的朋友转过身去爆发一阵大笑,爸爸则微笑着摇着头。
    My dad's friend turned and burst into laughter. My dad smiled and shook his head.
  • 父亲曾说,芬科先生是一名色的小提琴家。
    Mr. Finkle, Daddy said, was a fine violinist.
  • 当我看到妈妈悲伤的双眼和挤不笑容的面孔时,便决定把爸爸和我的礼物送给她。
    As I looked into my mother's sad eyes and unsmiling face, I decided to give her daddy's and my gift.
  • 他扔下步枪,拔匕首,向敌兵飞扑过去。
    Dashing down the rifle, he drew out a dagger and streaked towards the enemy soldier.
  • 对他们来说把马拉多纳逐锦标赛就能证明他是个“肮脏、骗人的迪耶果”(想想你说得快的话,听起来就像在说肮脏骗人的拉丁人),并且他们拉每一个当过英国足球运动员的人,对他落井下石。
    To them Maradona's expulsion from the tournament proved he was"Dirty-cheat Diego"(the idea is that you say it fast and it sounds like Dirty cheatin' Dago), and they dragged out every has-been British footballer to kick him when he was down.
  • 达盖尔,路易斯·雅克·曼德1789-1851法国艺术家和发明家,发明了银版摄影术,能洗照片的正画
    French artist and inventor of the daguerreotype process for obtaining positive photographic prints.
  • 中国的聂卫平九段将战。
    Ninth-dan Chinese Nie Weiping will take over.
  • 洛克希德公司执行主管丹·特勒普说,“有些公司的营业收入不再断续增长。根本看不有此可能。”
    "Some companies are no longer going to have continued earnings growth. It's just not in the cards." Says Dan Tellep, chief executive of Lockheed Corp.
  • 他的舞艺无出其右.
    As a dancer, he is second to none.
  • 她作为一名优秀的舞蹈演员而名。
    She was well known as an excellent dancer.
  • 浮华的纨绔的,与花花公子有关的或表现纨绔习气的;浮华的
    Of, relating to, or characteristic of a fop; dandified.
  • 她有个出色的嗓子。
    She had a jim-dandy voice.
  • 其实,杰克的确是个很色的小家伙。
    Jack is, in fact, a real little jim-dandy of a fellow.
  • “我们今晚去吧”“好极了,8点钟见”
    “Let’s go out tonight! ”. “Fine and dandy; I’ll see you at 8.”
  • 他按生在丹麦来说是丹麦人。
    He is a Dane inasmuch as he was born in Denmark.
  • 他冒着生命危险把那个孩子救来了。
    He rescued a child at the risk of his own life.
  • 那堆火迸火星,十分危险。
    The fire is sparking dangerously.
  • 希刺克厉夫病得很危险。当他病得最厉害时,他总是要我常在他枕旁。我料想他是觉得我帮他不少忙,还猜不我是不得已的。
    Heathcliff was dangerously sick: and while he lay at the worst he would have me constantly by his pillow: I suppose he felt I did a good deal for him, and he hadn't wit to guess that I was compelled to do it.
  • 丹尼尔人意料地向父母宣布了他的婚事。
    Daniel sprang his marriage on his parents.
  • 400位富豪中最年轻的是30岁的丹尼尔·齐夫,他和现年非别34岁和38岁的两个哥哥继承了其父--it媒体版业巨头威廉姆·齐夫的财产,而丹尼尔获得了其中的12亿。
    The youngest among the 400 was 30-year-old Daniel Ziff, who shares a $1.2 billion inheritance from his father William Ziff Jr. with his two brothers, ages 34 and 38.
  • 丹麦设计师约恩·乌特松的这一作品是所有现代杰建筑的鼻祖。
    The Sydney Opera House, by the reclusive Danish architect Jorn Utzon, is the mother and father of all modern landmark buildings.
  • 克尔恺郭尔,瑟伦·阿比1813-1855丹麦宗教哲学家,现代存在主义先驱。他坚持在寻找宗教的真理时个人决定和信仰选择的需要,因而反对新教教条和黑格尔主义。他的著作包括非此即彼和恐惧与颤栗(均版于1843年)
    Danish religious philosopher. A precursor of modern existentialism, he insisted on the need for individual decision and leaps of faith in the search for religious truth, thereby contradicting Protestant dogma and Hegelianism. His works include Either/Or and Fear and Trembling(both1843).
  • 我对这种阴湿天气极其厌倦,该太阳了。
    I’m fed up with this dank weather; it’s time we had some sunshine.
  • 阳光穿过树叶照在地上,现一块块亮斑。
    The sun shinning through the leaves dappled the ground.
  • 你怎敢说这样的话?
    How dare you say such a thing?
  • 他们怎么竟敢做这样的事。
    How dared they do such a thing?
  • 谁敢来打我们,他们进得来不去。
    Anyone who dared invade China would never get out again.
  • 我深知自己已坠入了爱河,可却没有胆量说来。
    I knew I was falling in love, but dared not speak it.
  • 任何敢于反对新专政的人都被驱逐国。
    Anybody who dared to oppose the new dictatorship was cast out of his own country.
  • 女英雄因勇气与无畏的行为而名的女人
    A woman noted for courage and daring action.