  • 他说完这些话便离开了房
    W-these words he left the room.
  • 穷困时,就一个人跑去马路上喝西北风,躲在亭子里喝自来水,或者索性蒙在被窝里睡两天,看看有趣的小说,以消磨这可怕的长日。
    When I'm broke, I'll go strolling around the streets alone on an empty stomach, or shut myself up in my small room with nothing to eat, or lie in bed sleeping for a couple of days or reading an interesting novel, just to while away the terrible long days.
  • 减小某特定范围内强弱信号之差别的一种电路。
    A circuit that decreases the difference between the strongest and the weakest signals in a particular range.
  • 病人挣扎着走出房
    The patient struggled out of the room.
  • 他们在房的四壁挂起彩灯。
    They strung up coloured lights round the room.
  • 他们把聊天的时拖得很长。
    They strung out their gossip for a long time.
  • 在长途赛马临近终点时,马与马这的距离拉开了。
    The horses were strung out towards the end of a long race.
  • 河对岸那平顶屋耸立在几根柱子上。
    Beyond the river, supported on struts, rose the flat-topped house.
  • 这是亚利桑那州图森市以北的沙漠中一个炙热的早晨,阳光烘烤着正在步行的十几个人。他们穿行于热带稀树大草原。沼泽地、人造海以及绵延数里的管道、水道、金属支柱和玻璃嵌板中
    It is a brilliant hot morning in the desert north of Tucson, Ariz., and the sun blazes down on a dozen or so people as they went their way through a savanna and around a marsh, an ocean, and miles of pipes, channels, steel struts and glass panels.
  • 为什么经历了这么长的时才吊销科佩尔曼私人营业执照?
    So why did it take so long to remove Stuart Copperman from his private practice?
  • 一种由两层被面缝合起来的寝具,被面中填充着棉絮之类的东西。
    a bed cover made of two layers of cloth filled with stuffing and stitched together.
  • 房子好像挺不通气的,开一扇窗子吧。
    This room seems stuffy - open a window.
  • 汤姆喝得酩酊大醉,在房里一走动就跌跌撞撞。
    Tom was three sheets to the wind and couldn't walk across the room without stumbling.
  • 听到这消息後,他怒气冲冲地走出房
    After hearing the news, he stump angrily out of the room.
  • 阅读这本书时,请牢记这则福特的故事,时时在字里行寻找认识他了不起的原因。
    Remember this Ford story as you read, and pick out the lines in which the secret of his stupendous achievement have been described.
  • 站在镜子前,连续5遍不断地说:"这就是我们公司的未来"。
    Stand in front of the mirror and say, "Here is our future" five times without stuttering.
  • 这架钢琴把房衬托得很有气派。
    The piano gives the room a touch of style.
  • 香港位于亚热带,差不多有半年时气候极为温和。
    Hong Kong's climate is sub-tropical, tending towards the temperate for nearly half the year.
  • (生物学)居于门和次纲之的分类组。
    (biology) a taxonomic group ranking between a phylum and below a class or subclass.
  • 拉下窗帘使房的光线变暗了。
    Pull down the window shade subdue the light in the room.
  • 她姐姐把自己所知道的那些情况低声地告诉她。这期,汉生只顾自己逗孩子。
    The latter talked in a subdued tone, telling the little she knew about it, while Hanson concerned himself with the baby.
  • 生物学中介于属和亚科之的分类单位。
    (biology) a taxonomic category between a genus and a subfamily.
  • 族动植物分类学中位于亚科和属或亚目和科之的一个范畴,通常包含有几个属
    A taxonomic category placed between a subfamily and a genus or between a suborder and a family and usually containing several genera.
  • 双方专家经过一年多时的努力,比较了中国、美国和香港地区1992年和1993年的贸易统计数据,处理了几十万条记录,整理了几百套分析表,根据翔实的数据形成了《中美商贸联委会贸易和投资工作组贸易统计小组工作报告》。
    The experts from both sides completed the work report of the Trade Statistics Subgroup of the Trade and Investment Working Group of the Sino-US Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade on the basis of abundant facts after they spent more than one year comparing 1992 and 1993 statistical data from China, the United States and the Hong Kong region, processing several hundred thousand records, sorting out several hundred analysis tables.
  • "时表随时可能改变,不另行通知。"
    The schedule is subject to change without notice.
  • 假若你得学习三四门课,便不可能为每一门课的课前准备都花上足够的时
    If you have three or four subjects to study for,you're not going to be able to devote enough time to each subject in order to be well prepared for each class.
  • 这题目的任务是判断他们看到的究竟是什么,观察时极短以致他们不能肯定看到的是哪幅图。
    The subject's task was to decide which of the three pictures they saw. The subjects saw the pictures for such a short period of time that they could not be sure which picture they saw.
  • 现象学研究人的经历中所有可能出现情况的学问,在此期,并不考虑客观现实和纯粹的主观反应
    The study of all possible appearances in human experience, during which considerations of objective reality and of purely subjective response are left out of account.
  • 大家知道,在抗日战争时期,我们党进行了一次时很长的整风运动,那次整风主要是克服主观主义、宗派主义、党八股,目的是把全党团结在毛泽东思想之下,团结在以毛泽东为首的党中央周围,领导群众,打败日本侵略者。
    As you all know, during the War of Resistance Against Japan our Party conducted a very long rectification movement, chiefly to overcome subjectivism, sectarianism and stereotyped Party writing, with the aim of rallying the entire Party membership under Mao Zedong Thought and around the Central Committee headed by Mao Zedong, so we could lead the masses in defeating the Japanese aggressors.
  • 他租下了这幢房子,然后把一个房转租给朋友。
    He rents the house and sublets a room to a friend.
  • 她那升华过的美不属于人
    such sublimated beauty was not of the earth.
  • 他俩之的感情被升华成一种永久的友谊。
    Their affection to each other is sublimated into a lasting friendship.