  • 这封信盖纽约的邮戳。
    The letter is postmarked New York.
  • 他推迟了旅行的时间,不愿冒风浪横渡。
    Rather than risk a bad crossing, he postponed his journey.
  • 他推迟了旅行的时间,不愿冒风浪横渡。
    Sooner than risk a bad crossing, he postponed his journey.
  •  中央人民政府本民族团结的精神,一再责成西藏地方政府负责惩办叛乱分子,维护社会治安,并对西藏地方政府的噶伦表示,“中央不改变西藏地区推迟改革的决定,并且在将来实行改革时仍要采取和平改革的方针”。
    The central people's government, in the spirit of national unity, repeatedly urged the Tibetan local government to punish the rebels to maintain public order. Meanwhile, it told the Galoins of the Tibetan local government, "The central government will not change its decision on postponing reform in Tibet and in the future, when the reform is conducted, the policy to be followed will still be one of peaceful reform."
  • 画家要求模特取斜倚的姿势。
    The artist asked his model to take a reclining posture.
  • 画家要求模特儿取斜倚的姿势。
    The artist ask his model to take a recline posture.
  • 摆姿势摆出特定的位置或姿势,如为画肖像而坐
    To assume or hold a particular position or posture, as in sitting for a portrait.
  • 反观国民党,从抗战开始,它就眼于在敌占区积蓄力量,眼于战后优势,努力争取伪军伪组织,派人打入、长期埋伏,在敌占区建立它的党和特务组织,依靠封建势力为基础,以掌握各种封建组织乃至帮会、土匪,其成绩是不可轻视的。
    In contrast, the Kuomintang, ever since the outbreak of the war against Japan, has concentrated on building up its strength in enemy-occupied areas to achieve superiority in the postwar period. It has been working hard to win over puppet troops and organizations and sent people to work in enemy-occupied areas and lie low for the necessary duration, establishing Kuomintang organizations and a secret service. Relying on feudal forces, it has been trying to keep under its control various feudal organizations and even secret societies and bandits. The Kuomintang's achievements in all this are not to be belittled.
  • 事实上的,实际的存在的,不仅仅是潜在的或可能的
    Existing and not merely potential or possible.
  • 咱们今晚是到外边去吃饭呢?你还是愿意留在家里凑合吃顿便饭?
    Shall we go out for dinner tonight? Or would you rather stay home and take potluck?
  • 这便是potluck这一表达方式的由来。由于参加的每个人都带来了食物,他们帮摆桌子和餐具,帮刷洗碗盘。
    So that's where you get the expression "potluck", because everybody brings the food together and everybody helps. They help serve it, they help set it up, and they help clean it.
  • 乔治·华盛顿总统的居所;它位于弗吉尼亚州的东北部,俯瞰波拖马可河。
    the former residence of George Washington; in northeastern Virginia overlooking the Potomac river.
  • 窗台上放几盒天竺葵。
    Pots of geraniums stood on the windowsill.
  • 今天的传媒时代,孩子的童年被掌上游戏机和游戏网站所充斥。由此才更显得《哈里·波特》系列丛书的作者j.k.罗琳是多么功不可没,是她帮孩子找回了阅读的乐趣。
    In a media age where so many children's lives are dominated by Pokemon and PlayStation, the industry lauded author J.K. Rowling (the author of Harry Potter)for re-introducing kids to the joys of reading.
  • 雨天码丽在家里闲混
    Bad weather found Mary pottering about at home.
  • 这些女孩子对那位新电视歌星迷了。
    The girls are potty about the new television singer.
  • 他对她真正着迷了!
    He's just potty about her!
  • 我为她做的小袋很特别,红绿相间还镶白边。
    I had made a special pouch for her, red and green with white lace.
  • 小猫窜上去,叼它迅速钻进了灌木丛去吃。
    The little cat pounced on it and carried it quickly into the bushes to eat.
  • 马都在沿着跑道奔驰.
    The horses came pounding along the track.
  • 一辆拖拉机沿道路隆隆地驶过去。
    A tractor was pounding down the road.
  • 一个骑马的人带总司令的命令嘚嘚地飞奔而来。
    A rider came pounding up with an order from the commander in chief.
  • 这时,从厨房里传来了哗啦一声巨响,紧接又听到沉重的脚步声。
    Then a crash sounded from the kitchen followed by the pounding of footsteps.
  • 大炮整夜地轰击山上的要塞。
    All night long the guns were pounding away at the fortress on the hill.
  • 今早下着倾盆大雨。
    It is pouring with rain this morning.
  • 今天早上下倾盆大雨。
    It was pouring with rain this morning.
  • 因此我们在倾盆大雨中往前走
    So we walked in the pouring rain.
  • 穿上你的雨衣外面下大雨。
    Put on your rain coat--it's pouring outside!
  • 嘴巴地;或以不高兴的方式。
    with a pout or in a pouting manner.
  • 撅嘴地说撅嘴说或表达撅嘴
    To utter or express with a pout.
  • ”这时候小女孩就板脸噘嘴说:“我不再是小女孩了。
    " The little girl would pout and say, " I' m not a little girl anymore.
  • “你从不和我说话,我给你干了三个星期,而你什么也没教给我。”我撅嘴说。
    "Well, you've never talked to me. I've worked for three weeks, and you have not taught me anything," I said with a pout.