  • 明确人类基因组计划的指导目标,对于从道德上评判这项基因技术十重要。
    " Making the directives of the Human Genome Project apparent is important in making a moral judgment on this genetic technology.
  • 两个细菌的短暂的结合,其间一个细胞的基因组会部或全部地转移到另一个细胞中
    The temporary union of two bacterial cells during which one cell transfers part or all of its genome to the other.
  • 这个"音乐基因工程"固然不象"人类基因工程"那样具有划时代意义("人类基因工程"是通过确定30,000个基因来详细说明人类dna-脱氧核糖核酸),但是"音乐基因工程"和"人类基因工程"一样,也要通过大量的科学析。savagebeast公司试图建立一个高级精密的数据库,从而使音乐的划非主观化。
    The project is hardly as earth-shattering as the Human Genome Project, which attempts to define human DNA by identifying 30,000 genes. But much like that massive scientific work, Savage Beast's work attempts to create a sophisticated database in order to define music in non-subjective terms.
  • 这类音乐受欢迎的部原因在于古典音乐“没有语言障碍”。
    The genre's popularity is due in part to that fact that,with classical music,"there are no language barriers."
  • 高大的广泛布在北美东部的流苏龙胆,花为紫罗兰色或白色,有流苏。
    tall widely distributed fringed gentian of eastern North America having violet-blue or white fringed flowers.
  • 平和的申斥;略带几温和的讽刺;以柔和的恶作剧取笑他。
    a gentle reprimand; a vein of gentle irony; poked gentle fun at him.
  • 她的声音十分温柔。
    Her voice is very gentle.
  • 这样的行为兴一个绅士的身不相称的。
    Such conduct is not becoming to a gentleman.
  • 你们要开算账吗,先生们?
    Would you like separate checks, gentlemen?
  • (七)给中间派以三之一的位置,目的在于争取中等资产阶级和开明绅士。
    7. Our aim in allocating one-third of the places to the intermediate sections is to win over the middle bourgeoisie and the enlightened gentry.
  • 第六,各级党委要真正实行集体领导和个人工负责相结合的制度。
    Sixth, Party committees at all levels are genuinely to apply the principle of combining collective leadership and division of labour with individual responsibility.
  • 玛格丽特76岁的表姐罗兹说:“她的确是爱安东尼的。”但她的选择可能带有叛逆的成
    "She was genuinely in love with Tony," says her 76-year-old cousin Rhodes, but her choice may have been spiced, in part, by defiance.
  • 有时,人们真的相信“钱不重要,钱并非一切”等等;但只要是听说“某先生是百万富翁”时,没人不以十感兴趣的目光注视他。
    From time to time people have genuinely believed that money "doesn't matter", isn't everything, and so forth, but no one has ever failed, on being told "Mr X is a millionaire" to look at him with keen interest.
  • 岩石化学研究岩石的化学成的地球化学的
    The branch of geochemistry that deals with the chemical composition of rocks.
  • 生物的地理布生物出现或布范围的地理地区
    The geographic occurrence or range of an organism.
  • 生物地理学研究有机体地理布的学科
    The study of the geographic distribution of organisms.
  • 植物地理学对植物地理布的研究
    The study of the geographic distribution of plants.
  • 动物区系的动物地理布的或与动物地理布有关的
    Of or relating to the geographic distribution of animals.
  • 地理布风俗、习惯或另一特征的地理地区或布范围
    The geographic occurrence or range of a custom, a usage, or another feature.
  • 边境政治划或地理区域的隔线或边界;界线
    The line or frontier area separating political divisions or geographic regions; a boundary.
  • 地理布区某种植物或动物一般生长的地理位置
    The geographic region in which a plant or an animal normally lives or grows.
  • 动物地理学对动物的地域划进行的生物学研究,特别是这种划的原因和影响
    The biological study of the geographic distribution of animals, especially the causes and effects of such distribution.
  • 不公正划选区在选举中为让某党派有不公正的好处而(把一个地理区域)划成选区
    To divide(a geographic area) into voting districts so as to give unfair advantage to one party in elections.
  •  区直接选举的议员24人
    Members returned by geographical constituencies through direct elections 24
  • 生物学中研究动植物的地理布的支。
    dealing with the geographical distribution of animals and plants.
  • 对语言特性的地理布的研究。
    the study of the geographical distribution of linguistic features.
  • 统计图统计资料在地图上的地理
    A presentation of statistical data in geographical distribution on a map.
  • 根据气候和纬度大概划的地理带中的任何一个。
    any of the geographical zones loosely divided according to prevailing climate and latitude.
  • 香港特别行政区为五个地方选区,每个选区有四至六个议席。
    The HKSAR is divided into five geographical constituencies, each having four to six seats.
  • 亚洲的一个地理区,包括印度支那加上印度尼西亚、菲律宾和新加坡。
    a geographical division of Asia that includes Indochina plus Indonesia and the Philippines and Singapore.
  • 你也可以在不同的地理位置上建立支机构,而不必在间接成本上花钱。
    You also get to branch out geographically without spending money on overhead costs.
  • 这次参战的地域虽然是全国性的,参战的成却不是全国性的。
    Although geographically the war involves the whole country, it is not being waged by the whole nation.