  • 五花腌猪肉(肉层肥瘦相
    Streaky bacon, ie with layers of fat and lean in it
  • 小溪自岩涓涓流过。
    A stream trickled through the rocks.
  • 这趟电车多长时跑一趟?
    How often does the streetcar run?
  • 风在夜刮得更猛了。
    The wind strengthened during the night.
  • 和谈期,敌人力量已大为增强。
    Our enemy has greatly strengthened during the truce talks.
  • 在一个长时的繁重的脑力劳动后出去散步是一个好习惯。
    It is a good practice to take a walk when you have done strenuous mental work for a long time.
  • 但他对父亲写给儿子的信给予最多评语,认为它们是文化价值观的传承,极力强调家庭成员、亲戚朋友之的感情。
    But he devotes most of his comments on the father to son letters which he sees as the transmission of cultural values in which the relationship between family members, extended family and friends are strenuously upheld.
  • 我必须强调我们没有多少时了。
    I must stress that we haven't much time.
  • 研究表明:在健康人群中,那些工作时很长但是却对工作现状不满的人死于心脏疾病的几率是正常人的两倍。
    Healthy people with stressful jobs who work long hours but get little satisfaction from what they do have twice the risk of dying from heart disease as satisfied employees, according to a study.
  • 压力或别的紧张刺激能使工作记忆的容量减少到三个或四个单元,即使是专家也不例外。
    Time pressure or other stressors can reduce the capacity of working memory to three or four chunks, even for the expert.
  • 他因谋杀未遂罪坐了很长时的牢。
    He did a long stretch for attempted murder.
  • 由两个架子之担架支撑的长的窄餐桌。
    a long narrow dining table supported by a stretcher between two trestles.
  • 做热身活动为准备某项体育比赛而在赛前很短一段时内做锻炼、伸体或练习等
    To prepare for an athletic event by exercising, stretching, or practicing for a short time beforehand.
  • 过去有一段时,针对苏联霸权主义的威胁,我们搞了“一条线”的战略,就是从日本到欧洲一直到美国这样的“一条线”。
    In view of the threat of Soviet hegemonism, over the years we formed a strategic line of defence -- a line stretching from Japan to Europe to the United States.
  • 明显合法和确实不合法二者的中地带。
    a gray area between clearly legal and strictly illegal.
  • 他几大步就穿过了房
    In a few strides he crossed the room.
  • 他两大步就穿过了房
    With two strides he crossed the room.
  • 高校的竞争有助于改变国家的态度。
    Strife on college campuses helped change the attitude of the nation.
  • 在内乱期,家长们通常走把他们的子女们安置在安全的地方。
    During periods of civil strife, parents usually try to keep their children out of harm's way.
  • 因罢工而受阻的旅客本周末要耽搁很长时了。
    Strikebound travellers face long delays this weekend.
  • 联合会基金付给罢工期工人的工资。
    money paid to strikers from union funds.
  • 罢工者和雇主的长期斗争尚未结束。
    The long struggle between the strikers and their employers is not yet played out.
  • 我们大家受她摆布已经很长时了。
    She's had us all on a string for too long.
  • 流行于美国西部的一种简单的民音乐;通常用有弦乐器演奏。
    a simple style of folk music heard in the southern US; usually played on stringed instruments.
  • 把衣服解开到腰间。
    Strip to the waist.
  • 公路中标明车道的白色条纹。
    a white stripe in the middle of a road to mark traffic lanes.
  • 除去它们之的相互贸易,三者共占世界贸易额的45%——大约相当于法国或英国所占的份额。
    Stripping out their trade with each other, the trio now collectively accounts 4.5 percent of world trade about the same Share as France or Britain.
  • (印刷)在铅字行的空隙隔以铅条的。
    (printing) having thin strips of lead between the lines of type.
  • 等我整修这个房的时候,我要把墙壁油漆成条纹的图案。
    When I do this room up I'll paint the walls in strips.
  • 美国和中国为加强我们之的纽带,为两国人民享有更高度的繁荣而合作,为争取世界更可靠和公正的和平,曾接受过时代的挑战。
    America and China accepted the challenge to strengthen the ties that bind us, to cooperate for greater prosperity among our people, and to strive for a more secure and just peace in the world.
  • 他们为实现各俱乐部之的新统一而努力。
    They strived for a new unity among the different clubs.
  • 她试图将产品上市的时从88周减到50周。
    She's striving to cut the time it takes to get a product to market from 88 weeks to less than 50.