  • “我爸正在打电话,他让我们在走廊后面等。”迈克边说边开门。
    "Dad's on the phone, and he said to wait on the back porch," Mike said as he opened the door.
  • 大约9点钟,婉达带布瑞蒂上楼睡觉了。我领泰米,马克和洛瑞来到后阳台。
    Around nine o'clock, Wanda took Britty upstairs to bed, and I took Tammy, Mark, and Lori out to the back porch.
  • 当我和迈克走过他们身边时他们冲我们微笑,我们朝厨房走去,穿过橱房可以到后院。
    They smiled as Mike and I walked past them, heading for the kitchen, which lead to the porch that overlooked the back yard.
  • 那个年轻女人走到门廊的尽头,只见那里有一个上了年纪的病人正坐在轮椅里,独自一人,低头,背对其他人。
    The young woman went to the end of the porch, where an elderly patient was sitting in her wheelchair, alone, head bowed, her back to most of the others.
  • 在那个星期日早晨,当我和妻子在麦可尔镇驱车沿北教堂街前进时,我发现一个面带微笑的男子站在一所带有迎客门廊的不太大的黄色房子前。
    On that Sunday morning, as my wife and I drove up North Church Street in McColl, I spotted a smiling man standing before a modest yellow house with a welcoming porch.
  • “你最好马上换,“他坚持,逃到门廊上(他们是在马厩里)又坚持说:“你非换不可,要是我说出来你打我,你可要连本带利挨一顿。”
    `You'd better do it at once,' he persisted, escaping to the porch (they were in the stable): `you will have to; and if I speak of these blows, you'll get them again with interest.'
  • 而小熊则哭说:“谁把我的粥全吃了?”
    But the baby bear cried, "And who has eaten all of my porridge?"
  • 熊妈妈说:“谁吃了我的一些粥?”
    Then the mother bear said, "And who has eaten some of my porridge?"
  • 预示风暴到来的乌云
    Black clouds that portend a storm.
  • 而在一个以不受好莱坞体系的束缚而生产不要政府资助的低预算电影而自豪的文化中,《泰坦尼克》再三地被描写成一个不祥之兆,预示美国电影工业的未来将全然不受欢迎。
    And in a culture that prides itself on producing independent low-budget films outside the stranglehold of the Hollywood system, "Titanic" has again and again been portrayed as a wholly unwelcome portent of the future of the American film industry.
  • 约翰的未婚妻要他给她画像,而总是摆一副矫揉造作的姿势。
    John's fiancee wanted him to paint her, and always in a chocolate-box pose.
  • 他曾经梦想成为一名咖啡馆乐师,结果却成了全世界最热爱的作曲家之一,他的逝世,标志整个一个时代——维也纳舞蹈时代的结束。
    He had dreamed of becoming a coffee-house musician and had instead become one of the world's best-loved corn- posers. When he died, a whole era came to an end the era of dancing Vienna.
  • 电话机放的位置不好,我够不它。
    The telephone is in a bad position — I cannot reach it.
  • 城里到处都驻守士兵.
    There were soldiers positioned all round the town.
  • 洞的打开或放在适当的位置以便让如酒等液体能流出的
    Opened or positioned so that a liquid, such as wine, can be let out.
  • 纸的底部内容纸的底部空白处印的东西,特别是名字、书的页码或日期等由文字处理系统设计并出现于整份文件每一页
    Printed matter positioned in the bottom margin of a page, especially a title, page number, or date that is repeated throughout a document created on a word-processing system.
  • 我不知道他了什么魔,在那条热闹的街上把车子开得这么快。
    I don't know what possessed him to drive so fast down that busy street.
  • 接触,你许会杀害;远离,你许会占有。
    By touching you may kill, by keeping away you may possess.
  • 她为爱而着魔
    She is by love possessed.
  • 他整天就想着发财
    The thought of getting rich possessed him.
  • 在危险面前沉冷静不害怕。
    fearless self-possession in the face of danger.
  • 他们不了解向最坏的一种可能性作准备是完全必要的,但这不是抛弃好的可能性,而正是为争取好的可能性并使之变为现实性的一个条件。
    They do not understand that while it is absolutely necessary to prepare for the worst possibility, this does not mean ignoring the favourable possibilities; on the contrary, such preparation for the worst is precisely a condition for creating favourable possibilities and turning them into reality.
  • 我们和亡国论者不同,我们客观地而且全面地承认亡国和解放两个可能同时存在,重指出解放的可能占优势及达到解放的条件,并为争取这些条件而努力。
    We differ from the subjugationists. Taking an objective and all-sided view, we recognize the two possibilities of national subjugation and liberation, stress that liberation is the dominant possibility, point out the conditions for its achievement, and strive to secure them.
  • 他们可能在车站外面等吗?
    Do they possibly wait outside the station?
  • 他开始怀疑自己睡时母亲有时翻他的口袋,于是有好几个晚上他一听到母亲上楼的脚步声就假装睡了,等瞧瞧会发生什么事。
    He began to suspect that his mother sometimes looked through his pockets while he was asleep, so for several nights he played possum when he heard her coming up the stairs and waited to see what would happen.
  • 我们笑谈吉姆在海边度假时寄来的明信片。
    We laughed over Jim 's postcard from his seaside holiday.
  • 戏剧海报上面登明星名字的广告。
    the advertisement of a star's name at the top of a theatrical poster.
  • 贴在窗上的海报写:所有的电冰箱、洗衣机和吸尘哭降价5%,许多其它家用电器也赔血本出售。
    The poster on the window read: 5% reduction on all refrigerators, washing-machines and vacuum cleaners. Many other household appliances at cut-throat prices.
  • 时间的推移,计划生育造福于民、惠及子孙后代的功效,必将进一步显现出来。
    With the passing of time, the benefits of family planning, for the people and for posterity, are bound to be more apparent.
  • 她正留意等邮差送信来。
    She was watching for the postman.
  • 这条狗总是对邮差吠。
    The dog always barks at the postman.
  • 那位邮差承担所有的邮件。
    The postman is loaded down with all those parcels.