  • 我们得设计三年级的新课程
    We shall have to design a new curriculum for the third year
  • 为使学生能够达到全人发展和终身学习的长远目标,课程发展议会于二零零一年七月发表《学会学习──课程发展路向》报告书,就香港的课程发展提建议(见上文“课程发展”的章节)。
    In July, the CDC published the final report 'Learning to Learn — The Way Forward in Curriculum Development', making recommendations on curriculum development in Hong Kong in order to realise the vision of enabling students to attain all-round development and lifelong learning (see Curriculum above).
  • 那愤怒的乘客对司机发了一连串的咒骂。
    The angry passenger direct a volley of curse at the driver.
  • 他于是开始诅咒起自己,泪水也忍不住夺眶而,流过面颊,最后滴落在字条上。
    He cursed himself as a tear came from the corner of his eye, ran down his cheek, then dropped onto the note.
  • 他咒骂自己不该来,却也决心既然来了无论现什么情况也要挺住。
    He cursed himself for having come, and at the same time resolved that, happen what would, having come, he would carry it through.
  • 我发现许多土豆已经被人挖走,我开始咒骂自己的命运并着手把剩下的挖来。
    I found a lot of my potatoes had been dug up. I cursed my luck and began digging up those that were left.
  • 书写工具写的一个符号(比如在草体书法中)。
    a mark made by a writing implement (as in cursive writing).
  • 始位计算机屏幕上游标的发点,通常在屏幕的左上方
    The starting position of the cursor on a computer screen, usually in the upper left corner of the screen.
  • 裁减军备费用支出
    curtailment of expenditures on armaments
  • 为什么在实现四个现代化的过程中,会现调整或部分后退的问题呢?
    Why should we carry out the necessary readjustment and curtailment in some fields during the four modernizations?
  • 什么时候幕启演出?
    What time does the curtain go up?
  • 他们鼓掌要求这位演员来谢幕。
    They called the actor before the curtain.
  • “也许他戴单片眼镜是因为他的一只眼睛了点问题,”查尔斯说。比利转过身来,正面对着他,粗鲁地说道:“不可能”。
    "Perhaps he wore a monocle because he had something wrong with one eye," Charles said. Billy turned to face him, "Won't wash," he said curtly.
  • 流星在空中画了一道长长的弧线。
    The falling star described a long curve in the sky.
  • 膨胀、肿胀凸部分,向外鼓胀的部分
    A protruding part; an outward curve or swelling.
  • 具有三复叶和黄色的花,豆荚向后弯曲;叶子碾碎后有臭味。
    shrub with trifoliate leaves and yellow flowers followed by backward curving seed pods; leaves foetid when crushed.
  • 东南亚疣猪,鹿豚东印度群岛一种夜间没的,生活在森林中的野猪(东南亚疣猪),雄性有长长的向上弯曲的长牙
    A nocturnal, forest-dwelling wild pig(Babyrousa babyrussa) of the East Indies, having long, upward-curving tusks in the male.
  • 汤姆找到了一份拿钱多力少的美差,我要是也能找到这样一份工作就好了。
    Tom’s got a cushy job; if only I had one.
  • 我讨厌怕特发脾气;我毫不在乎她是否与我一起去。
    I'm tired of Pat's tantrums; I don't care a tinker's cuss whether she goes out with me or not.
  • 寄售发送(如商品)去代为保管或
    To deliver(merchandise, for example) for custody or sale.
  • 诞生石与某一特殊月份相关的宝石,按传统由该月生的人佩戴
    A gemstone associated with a particular month and customarily worn by persons born during that month.
  • 成套售或者使用,是指各产品的设计构思相同,并且习惯上是同时售、同时使用。
    The expression "be sold or used in sets" means that the products incorporating the designs have the same designing concept and are customarily sold and used at the same time.
  • 在纺织工业区,母亲外工作早已司空见惯。
    In textile areas it has long been customary for mothers to go out to work.
  • 经理亲自把顾客送去。
    The manager himself showed the customer out.
  • 海关官员:请示你们的护照。
    Customs Officer: Your passports please.
  • 请填出报关单。
    Please fill out the customs form.
  • 切入 切出
    cut in, cut out
  • 部分灯火管制由于电力不足、发电机故障或用户用电过度而减少电力供应或停止供电
    A reduction or cutback in electric power, especially as a result of a shortage, a mechanical failure, or overuse by consumers.
  • 你能把那个挑来真是精明的很。
    It was cute of you to spot that.
  • 我们生产了一些可以扣着的时钟,作为送给客户的小礼物。但是,又不太敢随便送去。
    We produce cute clip clocks as corporate gifts, but we are careful not to present them.
  • 霍恩布洛尔饭店的主人肯·法尔扎德说,如果说这些海鸥有注意过假猫头鹰的话,那也只是于好奇而已。
    If anything, the ersatz owls have become a curiosity to the gulls, said Ken Farzad, owner of the harbor's Hornblower's Restaurant.
  • 蜕皮,换毛分阶段地脱掉部分或全身的皮毛或表面覆盖物,如羽毛、表皮或外皮,随后便为新长的代替
    To shed periodically part or all of a coat or an outer covering, such as feathers, cuticle, or skin, which is then replaced by a new growth.