  • 为了及时制止这种不健康的发展趋势,位于美国芝加哥西北纪念医院的威尔利斯研究中心和美国希尔斯宠物食品有限司合作进行了一项研究,为那些肥胖者和他们的宠物制定了一项为期12个月的瘦身计划。
    To try to combat the trend, the Wellness Institute at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago and Hill's Pet Nutrition have teamed up for a new research study, a 12-month weight management program for people and their pets.
  • 近年来,在国家的大力帮助下,新疆陆续建成了乌鲁木齐石化总厂、独山子石化总厂乙烯工程等一批技术先进的现代化大中型工业项目和南疆铁路、塔城机尝吐鲁番—乌鲁木齐—大黄山高等级路等一批大型交通设施。
    In recent years, thanks to huge state assistance, Xinjiang has completed a number of modern, technologically advanced large and medium-sized industrial projects, such as the Urumqi General Petrochemicals Factory and the ethylene project of the Dushanzi General Petrochemicals Factory, as well as a number of large communications facilities, such as the Southern Xinjiang Railway, the Tacheng Airport and the high-grade Turpan-Urumqi-Dahuangshan Highway.
  • 中国石油工程建设司。
    China petroleum engineering construction corporation.
  • 感谢您四月二十八日来函询问本司ph-68型事务机器。
    We thank you for your letter of April 28 in which you inquire about our business machine model PH-68.
  • alkendi是一个非常著名的生产违禁武器系统的司。
    The Al Kendi (ph) Company: This is a company that is well known to have been involved in prohibited weapons systems activity.
  • 到了街上,爵扶玛格丽特坐上一辆四轮敞篷马车,自己驾着那辆车子,两匹骏马拉着他们得得地远去了。
    When he reached the boulevard, he handed her up into a phaeton, which he drove himself, and they disappeared, borne away at a trot by two superb horses.
  • 房委会于一九九八年三月布了另外三期计划。这三期计划将分别在一九九九至二零零一年推出,每期均有六个屋约共27000个单位出售。
    Three more phases of this scheme, one each for the years 1999 to 2001, were announced in March 1998. Each phase consists of six estates, or about 27 000 flats.
  • 那家司已逐步停止汽车生产。
    That company has phased out of the car manufacturing business.
  • 那家司已逐步停止了卡车生产。
    That company has phased out of the truck manufacturing business.
  • 作为零件供货商的史密斯有限司将被逐渐淘汰。
    Smith Ltd. will be phased out as a supplier of spare parts.
  • 改革和规范进口废物审批国家环保总局与外经贸部联合印发了《关于"五废"进口经营管理有关问题的通知》,取消了"五废(废铜、废铝、废钢铁、废纸、废塑料)"进口经营司核定制度和不允许"异地代理"的限制。
    To Reform and Regulate Ratification of Import of the Wastes State Environmental Protection Administration and MOFTEC jointly issued the Notice on the Management of Import and Operation of Five Kinds of Wastes, and phased out the checking system of the import operation companies and the prohibition on the Strange Land Agency.
  • 按揭证券司的业务分两个阶段发展。
    The HKMC's business is being developed in two phases.
  • 按揭证券司是根据《司条例》注册成立的共有限司,业务分两个阶段发展。
    The HKMC is a public limited company incorporated under the Companies Ordinance. Its business is being developed in two phases.
  •  硅谷的非凡成功,使全球商界兴起创办网络司的热潮,既借以抬高身价,又趁机快速发财。
    Its phenomenal success has led to a worldwide fever to proliferate dot.com companies, both as a prestigious symbol and a quicker way to wealth.
  • 没有认的理论来解释这种现象。
    These is no accepted theory to explain the phenomenon.
  • 在一个多雨的午后,一位老妇人走进费城一家百货司,大多数的柜台人员都不理她,但有一位年轻人却问她是否能为她做些什么。
    One rainy afternoon an elderly lady walked into a Philadelphia department store.Most of the clerks ignored her,bet on solicitous young man asked if he could help her.
  • 费城证券交易所和美国证券交易所上星期推出他们认为是一个令人兴奋的新产品,可是却遭到华尔街几家最大的[证券]司的冷遇。
    The Philadelphia Stock Exchange and the American Stock Exchange introduced what they thought was an exciting new product last week. But it has run into a cold shoulder from some of Wall Street's biggest firms.
  • 1948年他接受了一家房地产开发商韦布奈普有限司新设立的建筑部主任的职位,他对这家司的加盟使得芝加哥、费城、华盛顿、匹兹堡及其它一些城市产生了一些建筑学上的杰作。
    In 1948 he accepted the newly created post of Director of Architecture at Webb & Knapp, Inc., the real estate development firm, and this association resulted in major architectural and planning projects in Chicago, Philadelphia, Washington, Pittsburgh and other cities.
  • 克纳夫是费城一家煤厂里的推销员,多年来他一直想把厂里的煤,卖给一家联营百货司,可是那家司始终不买他的煤,依旧向市郊一家煤洽购买。更使他捺不下这股气的是————每次运送煤时,又正好经过他办室的门前。
    C. M. Knaphle, Jr., of Philadelphia had tried for years to sell fuel to a large chain-store organization. But the chain-store company continued to purchase its fuel from an out-of-town dealer and haul it right past the door of Knaphle’s office.
  • 特纳是位拥有数十亿家财的63岁富翁、美国有线新闻电视司(cnn)的创始人、从前的出色水手、面容酷似白瑞德而且还是一个打破捐资记录的慈善家。
    Turner is the 63-year-old multibillionaire founder of CNN,former champion sailor,Rhett Butler lookalike and record-breaking philanthropist.
  • 香港邮政布了邮件派递、集邮和柜位服务的服务承诺。
    Performance pledges are published for the delivery of mail, philatelic and counter services.
  • 抨击腓利王演说元前4世纪,德摩斯梯尼反对马其顿国王腓利二世的演说之一
    Any of the orations of Demosthenes against Philip of Macedon in the fourth century b.c.
  • 菲律宾的面积有多少平方里?
    What's the area of the Philippines in square kilometers?
  • 由於众对艺术不感兴趣, 那个作品备受冷遇.
    The philistine attitude of the public resulted in the work being abandoned.
  • 由于众对艺术不感兴趣,那个作品备受冷遇。
    The philistine attitude of the public result in the work is abandoned.
  • 由於众对艺术不感兴趣,那个作品备受冷遇。
    The philistine attitude of the public results in the work being abandoned.
  • 我们和菲利普斯司的生意是建立在牢固的基础上的。
    We have put our business with Phillips on a firm footing.
  • 建立道教的中国哲学家;元前六世纪。
    Chinese philosopher who founded Taoism; 6th-century b.c..
  • 古雅典的哲学家(元前470-399年);柏拉图和色诺芬的老师。
    ancient Athenian philosopher(470-399 BC); teacher of Plato and Xenophon.
  • 尤蒂卡非洲北部的一古代城市,临近地中海,位于迦太基的西北。据传它是于元前1000年左右由蒂尔城来腓尼基人创立的。此城于元前1世纪左右衰落,最后于元700年左右被阿拉伯人摧毁
    An ancient city of northern Africa on the Mediterranean Sea northwest of Carthage. According to tradition, it was founded c.1100 b.c. by Phoenicians from Tyre. The city declined in the first century b.c. and was finally destroyed by the Arabs c. a.d.700.
  • 不久前她在凤凰城新开了一家
    She started a new business in Phoenix not long ago
  • 那是公用电话吗?
    Is that a public phone?