  • 它延迟储存一个单帧,以便继续产生一个像幅的背景,以及具有更多的空储存像幅中的变化。
    It stores a single frame in a delay so as to continually put out the back- ground of a scene and have more room to store the changes in the scene.
  • 甚至要从工作的仓库里领一件最小的东西,你都必须先填表,然后让你的顶头上司签字,再在早晨10点到11点或下午3点到4点之向仓库保管员提交申请-这是个多么繁琐的办事过程!
    To get even the smallest item from the sores at work, you have to fill in a form, get it countersigned by your immediate superior, and then submit the request to the storekeeper between ten and eleven in the morning or three and four in the afternoon – what a way to run a railway!
  • 仓库储藏货物的地方,尤指军事要塞中的建筑物或者军舰上存放军火的房
    A place where goods are stored, especially a building in a fort or a storeroom on a warship where ammunition is kept.
  • 位于湾仔的爱群清真寺暨林士德伊斯兰中心,于一九八一年启用。该中心楼高8层,清真寺占了两层,还设有礼堂、图书馆和诊疗所各一,以及课室和办公室多
    The Masjid Ammar and Osman Ramju Sadick Islamic Centre, filling eight storeys in Wan Chai, was opened in 1981 and houses a masjid on two floors, a community hall, a library, a medical clinic, classrooms and offices.
  • 为存储和检索数据项或数据,把搜索关键字转换为一个地址的一种方法。该方法常用于减少搜索时
    A method of transforming a search key into an address for the purpose of storing and retrieving items or data. The method is often designed to minimize the search time.
  • 船或飞机上用来贮藏货物的空
    the space in a ship or aircraft for storing cargo.
  • 在野生动物之存有某些分工合作关系;鹳鸟与狼通常会为同一邻居工作。
    There are some cooperations between wild creatures; the stork and the wolf usually work the same neighbourhood.
  • 非洲热带大型黑白色鹤;红嘴的中有一圈黑带。
    large black-and-white stork of tropical Africa; its red bill has a black band around the middle.
  • 在野生动物之存有某些分工合作关系;鹳鸟与狼通常会为同一邻居工作。
    There is some co-operation between wild creatures; the stork and the wolf usually work the same neighbourhood.
  • 船在暴风雨中航行了一段时后终于停了下来。
    The ship was finally brought to after a stormy voyage.
  • 贾蒙花了很多年的时,研究莎士比亚的作品,所以那讲故事的和我,都同意把这问题交给贾蒙先生去决定。
    Mr. Gammond had devoted years to the study of Shakespeare,So the storyteller and I agreed to submit the question to Mr. Gammond.
  • 罢工者和他们的雇主的长期斗争尚未结束.
    The long straggle between the strikers and their employers has not yet played out.
  • 把你房间整理好。
    Put your room straight.
  • 出门前你应该把房收拾整齐。
    You should straighten up your room before going out.
  • 请把你的房整理好。
    Please straighten up your room.
  • 我得收拾一下这个房,我的客人就要到了。
    I must straighten up this room, my guests are coming.
  • 他们决定坐下来谈判,解决彼此之的分歧。
    They decided to sit down and straighten out their differences.
  • 要理顺各种经济关系需要几年时
    It will take some years to straighten out the relations between the various economic sectors.
  • 圣诞节和新年快到了,我们得把房整理好。
    With Christmas and a new year round the corner we will straighten up our rooms.
  • 他们把两杆之的线绷紧了。
    They strained the wire between two posts.
  • 紧张的关系(人际、团体或国家之的)
    Strained relations, ie unpleasanttension between people, groups or countries
  • 当他们之的关系变得更加紧张时,研究工作开始受到妨碍。
    When their relations became even more strained, the research work began to suffer.
  • 位于朝鲜和日本之的一个海峡;连接中国东海和日本海。
    a strait between Korea and Japan; connects the East China Sea and the Sea of Japan.
  • 海南岛中国南部一岛屿,位于南中国海,与雷州半岛隔着一条狭窄的海峡
    An island of southern China in the South China Sea, separated from Leizhou Peninsula by a narrow strait.
  • 冬季期,黑潮海流把高咸度的温暖海水由太平洋经吕宋海峡带入本港。
    During the winter, the Kuroshio oceanic current brings warm water of high salinity from the Pacific through the Luzon Strait.
  • 多佛海峡位于英法之
    The straits of Dover lie between France and England.
  • 还成立了得到政府授权的民团体“海峡两岸关系协会”,同台湾“海峡交流基金会”及有关民团体建立联系,维护两岸人民的合法权益,推动两岸关系的发展。
    A non-governmental Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits has been set up and authorized by the Government to liaise with the Straits Exchange Foundation and other relevant non-governmental bodies in Taiwan for the purpose of upholding the legitimate rights and interests of people on both sides and promoting inter-Straits relations.
  • 过去十几年斜塔四周起支撑作用的吊杆和绕在塔身上的华而不实的钢圈现已荡然无存。
    Gone are the support suspenders and gaudy steel rings that strangled the tower for much of the last decade.
  • 例如,第一次大革命是我党积蓄了力量干出的一个轰轰烈烈的大革命,可是被大革命后期不长时的陈独秀机会主义领导断送了。
    Take the First Great Revolution, for example. It was a vigorous revolution launched after our Party had gathered some strength, but it was strangled under the leadership of Chen Duxiu's opportunism, which was prevalent for a short time towards the end of this revolution.
  • 这个问题在男孩中尤为突出,政府教育家们正在想方设法使教育赶上潮流。
    The problem is more acute among boys, and Goverment strategists are looking at ways to make education trendy.
  • 大气中位于同温层和热层之的一层。
    the atmospheric layer between the stratosphere and the thermosphere.
  • 金香苹果一个甜苹果品种,果肉呈黄红相条纹状
    A variety of sweet apple whose flesh is often streaked with yellow and red.