  • 有皮革盖的圆柱鞍体和中心的两个把手(鞍)的木马;一头有一个钢腿支撑它直立。
    a horse with a cylindrical body covered with leather and two upright handles (pommels) near the center; held upright by two steel supports, one at each end.
  • 他一声不响地喝搀水的杜松子酒,派头十足地看报。
    He drank his gin-and-water in silence, and read the paper with great show of pomp and circumstance.
  • 庞培城的后面矗立4000英尺高的维苏维火山。
    Behind the city of Pompeii stood the4000-feet Mount Vesuvius.
  • 如今,人们可以参观庞贝城。沿它的街道仍然可以看到那些被挖掘出来的人还保持1900多年前被火山灰埋葬时的姿态。
    Today it is possible to visit Pompeii and walk down the streets and still see the figures in the same positions as they were when the ash enveloped them over 1900 years ago.
  • 他的散文夹杂浮夸的修饰措辞。
    His prose is larded with pompous expressions.
  • 好多智慧的冠冕,无非是一只“成功”的金尿壶,摆堂皇的架势而已。
    Many a crown of wisdom is but the golden chamberpot of success, wearing with pompous dignity.
  • 好多智慧的冠冕,无非是一只“成功”的金尿壶,摆堂皇的架势而已。
    Many a crown of wisdom is but the golden chamberpot of success, worn with pompous dignity.
  • 他沿台阶一直走到池塘。
    He traced the steps to the pond.
  • 他思考人生的意义。
    He ponders on the meaning of life.
  • 他细心地回味她的谈论。
    He is carefully pondering her talk.
  • 老年人有时回味往事。
    Old people is pondering sometimes the past events.
  • 要是你不开车送我,那我只好走去了。
    If you won't drive me, I'll have to get there on shank's pony.
  • 要是你不开车送我去,那我就只好走去了.
    If you won't drive me, I'll have to get there on Shanks's pony.
  • 小马溜达是一种消磨时间的极好方法。
    Pony-trekking is a wonderful way of spending a day off.
  • 小马溜达是一种消磨时间的极好方法。
    Pony - trekking is a wonderful way of spending a day off.
  • (英国)人们骑小型马穿过乡村的运动。
    (British) a sport in which people ride across country on ponies.
  • 有一块招牌上面写:“摩托车出租,每小时25美元。”
    There was a board on which it reads:"Iron ponies on hire, 25 dollars an hour.".
  • 我们原以为托比胆小,但当他把小马驹从火的马棚里抢救出来时,我们看到了他的本色。
    We thought Toby was timid, but he showed his colours when he rescued the ponies from the burning barn.
  • 她梳着马尾发型。
    She wears her hair in a ponytail.
  • 修剪整齐的胡子的英俊男人;修剪得整齐的树篱;修剪细密的草坪;毛修剪得整齐的狮子狗。
    a handsome man with a clipped moustache; clipped hedges; close-clipped lawns; a clipped poodle.
  • 一只湿漉漉、惊恐万分、剧烈颤抖的小卷毛狗在门和纱门之间躺
    Trembling violently,a wet and frightened little poodle lay wedged between the door and the screen.
  • 罗托鲁瓦因其在香槟湖地热公园内冒火山泥的火山地热喷泉而闻名于世。
    Rotorua is known for its volcanic thermal vents creating pools of plopping volcanic mud at the Wai-O-Tapu Thermal Park.
  • 我马上就能睡着。
    I can pop right off.
  • 当时我正捧爆米花,准备看泰森的比赛。
    "I had the popcorn and was getting ready to watch Mike Tyson.
  • 孩子们奔跑,劈里啦啦地放玩具枪。
    The children were running about, popping off their toy guns.
  • 孩子们到处奔跑,劈劈啪啪地放玩具抢。
    There were children all over the place, popping off toy guns.
  • 孩子们到处奔跑,劈里啪啦地放玩具枪。
    There were children running all over the place , popping off toy guns.
  • 中国老百姓现在过幸福的生活。
    Populace in China live a very happy life now.
  • 设备价格继续下跌,其普及程度将会继续提高。
    Its popularity will increase as equipment prices continue to drop.
  • 宴会刚刚结束,而且显然是刚刚用完最后的甜点,尼日利亚总统奥利斯肯·奥巴桑约--这位非洲人口最多的国家的领导人就因为迟到而向守候在会场的记者们道歉,接又为必须提前结束记者招待会道歉。
    After dinner-table talks that obviously ended well past the dessert stage, the leader of Africa's most populous nation apologised for keeping reporters waiting, then again for cutting the press conference short.
  • 中国和印度是世界上人口最多的两个发展中国家,两国都面临发展经济的任务。双边关系的改善与发展符合两国的根本利益,而且有利于本地区和世界的和平、稳定与发展。
    As the two most populous developing countries in the world, both face the task of economic development, improvement and development of bilateral relations conforms to the fundamental interests of both countries, and is also conducive to regional and world peace, stability and development.
  • 沿一座建筑的外围的一个走廊(有时部分是闭合的)。
    a porch along the outside of a building (sometimes partly enclosed).