  • 唇状部腹足纲软体动物贝壳开口处的内部边缘
    The inner margin of the opening of a gastropod shell.
  • 肠套叠在原肠胚形成过程中囊胚的外层的折叠部
    The infolding of a portion of the outer layer of a blastula in the formation of a gastrula.
  • 在系统网络体系结构(sna)中存在的一种网络控制程序,它可以为诸如9370这样的布型网络提供网关功能。
    In SNA network, an NCP that provides gateway functions for a 9370 distributed network.
  • 一种狂热的聚会包括过的喝酒和乱交。
    a wild gathering involving excessive drinking and promiscuity.
  • 他一生大部时间用来积聚钱财。
    He spent most of his life gathering money.
  • 水流经水闸时十湍急.
    Water went rushing through the lock gates.
  • 北卡罗来纳大学研制的这种药物绷带还有另外两层:一层是以淀粉为原料的聚合物组成,其作用是排浓,当聚氨基葡糖解时,还有保护创伤面的作用。再上一层是棉沙。它可以随时更换而不至影响创伤面。
    The dressing, which is being developed at North Carolina State University, also incorporates two other layers: a starch-derived polymer, which transports away pus and protects the wound as the chitosan breaks down, and an outer cotton gauze, which can be changed as needed without bother to the wound.
  • 店主给我们的量不足: 应该10公斤我们只得到7.5公斤.
    The shopkeeper gave us short weight: we got 7.5 kilos instead of 10 kilos.
  • 你应欣然、公平而且慷慨地在团员之间配最具影响力的激励因素——财富,你的表现愈慷慨,就愈能从团员那儿得到愈多的帮助。
    Your best motivator,wealth,must be willingly,fairly,and generously divided among your team.The more generous you are,the more help you will ge.
  • 发动机和变速箱能开供应吗?
    Can the engine and the gearbox be supplied separately?
  • 60岁以上的人的锻炼时间减低到每日十钟。
    The period of exercise was geared down to ten minutes a day for men over 60.
  • 引导和鼓励航天科技企业制度创新和技术创新,建立面向国内外市场的运行机制,以通信卫星和卫星通信、运载火箭为重点,步实施,推进空间技术及应用产业化进程。
    Enterprises engaged in space science and technology are guided and encouraged to renovate institutions and technology, and establish an operational mechanism geared toward both the domestic and international markets, so as to speed up the industrialization of space technology and its applications step by step, with the stress on telecom satellites and satellite telecom and launching vehicles.
  •  这次大会确立的全面建设小康社会的目标,是中国特色社会主义经济、政治、文化全面发展的目标,是与加快推进现代化相统一的目标,符合我国国情和现代化建设的实际,符合人民的愿望,意义十重大。
    The objectives set at this congress for building a well-off society in an all-round way are objectives of comprehensive economic, political and cultural development of socialism with Chinese characteristics, objectives well geared to the efforts to speed up modernization. They tally with the national conditions, the realities of the modernization drive and the people's aspirations. They are of great significance.
  • 由于长期计划经济体制的影响,以及多年的重复建设和市场环境的急剧变化,中国纺织工业中有相当一部国有纺织企业还不能适应市场经济要求,存在着经营机制不活、技术创新能力不强、债务和社会负担沉重、富余人员过多、经济效益大幅下降等问题。
    Due to irrational structure arising from the planned economy that China had adopted for a long time, duplication of projects and sudden change of market environment, a certain number of State-owned textile enterprises are not prepared to gearing up themselves to the market economy. They are suffering from inflexible operation mechanism, insufficient technical innovation ability, heavy debts and mammoth burden of welfare payments, excessive redundant personnel and sharp shrink of economic benefits.
  • 这些不同而有力的主题常不十配合。
    These various powerful themes do not always quite gee.
  • 呀,只有30分了。
    Gee! There's only 30 minutes to go.
  • 第三,将dna片段的布转移到一块尼龙片上,这块尼龙片要放在凝胶上并浸泡一个晚上。
    Thirdly, the distribution of DNA pieces is transferred to a nylon sheet by placing the sheet on the gel and soaking them overnight.
  • 一种凝胶状的配剂,由凝胶、甘油和水制成,用作药膏和栓剂的主要成
    a gelatinous preparation made from gelatin and glycerin and water; used as a base for ointments and suppositories.
  • 色谱法离复杂混合物的多种技术,依靠物质对于气体或液体运动介质和静止的吸附介质(如纸、凝胶或氧化镁)的不同亲和力达到
    Any of various techniques for the separation of complex mixtures that rely on the differential affinities of substances for a gas or liquid mobile medium and for a stationary adsorbing medium through which they pass, such as paper, gelatin, or magnesia.
  • 植物泌的一种凝胶状物质。
    a gelatinous substance secreted by plants.
  • 在中国、日本和台湾很受欢迎;凝胶状的蘑菇;大部是干燥的。
    popular in China and Japan and Taiwan; gelatinous mushrooms; most are dried.
  • 水母伞膜大多数水母的身体的大部的胶质的圆形物质
    The gelatinous, rounded mass that is the major part of the body of most jellyfish.
  • 甲状腺囊中一种凝胶状物质,主要包含甲状腺球蛋白,作为甲状腺泌物贮藏处
    The gelatinous product of the thyroid gland, consisting mainly of thyroglobulin, which serves as the precursor and storage form of thyroid hormone.
  • 宝面露在镶嵌底板上面的那部已雕琢过的宝石
    The portion of a cut gem above the girdle.
  • 独粒宝石(首饰)独自开的一个宝石(如钻石)
    A gem, such as a diamond, that is set alone.
  • 他充了解新工程的情况.
    He is fully genned up on the new project.
  • 委员会厘定了三项须优先处理的工作,别是性别观点主流化、增强妇女能力和公众教育。
    It has identified three priority areas of action: gender mainstreaming, empowerment of women and public education.
  • 现代的社会系统工极为细致。
    they have to operate under a system they oppose; that language has a complex system for indicating gender.
  • 中学毕业后所走道路的日益化,在促进男女平等方面的作用可能比任何宪法条款的修改和法院的决定更大。
    The growing split in post-secondary paths might do more to foster gender equality than any constitutional amendment or court decision.
  • 重组基因材料基因割而产生的基因材料
    Genetic material produced by gene-splicing.
  • 一个基因子内部进行带基本性质的重新组合所形成的突变。
    a mutation due to an intramolecular reorganization of a gene.
  •  北京市市长刘淇同志任北京奥申委主席,国家体育总局局长、中国奥委会主席袁伟民同志任执行主席,国家体育总局党组书记、副局长李志坚同志、北京市副市长刘敬民同志任常务副主席,国际奥委会执委何振梁同志、中国奥委会原副主席魏纪中同志任顾问,国际田联副主席楼大鹏同志任体育主任,中国奥委会秘书长屠铭德同志和北京市政府副秘书长王伟同志别担任秘书长。
    Liu Qi, mayor of Beijing, is the President of BOBICO. Yuan Weimin, president of the China Olympic Committee, is the Executive President. Li Zhijian, vice minister of the State General Administration of Sport, and Liu Jingmin, vice mayor of Beijing, are the Executive Vice Presidents. He Zhenliang, member of the IOC Executive Board, and Wei Jizhong, former vice president of the China Olympic Committee, are Senior Advisors. Lou Dapeng, president of the Chinese Athletic Association, is the Director of Sports. Tu Mingde, secretary-general of the China Olympic Committee, and Wang Wei, deputy secretary-general of the People's Government of Beijing, are Co-Secretary-Generals.