| - 随着经济体制的转型和利益格局的调整,公民之间由于主客观条件的差异而产生了一定程度的贫富差别,出现一部分公民因经济困难“请不起律师、打不起官司”,没有经济能力维护自己合法权益的问题。
With transition of the economic system and adjustment of the interest patterns, a certain extent of disparity between the rich and the poor among citizens has been emerging due to the differences of subjective and objective conditions, resulting in such problems where a number of people are "not able to afford a lawyer or litigation" because of financial difficulties and these people do not possess the financial capacity in maintaining their legitimate rights and interests. - 事情是现时敌我强弱的程度悬殊太大,敌之缺点一时还没有也不能发展到足以减杀其强的因素之必要的程度,我之优点一时也没有且不能发展到足以补充其弱的因素之必要的程度,所以平衡不能出现,而出现的是不平衡。
The fact is that the disparity between the enemy's strength and our own is now so great that the enemy's shortcomings have not developed, and for the time being can not develop, to a degree sufficient to offset his strength, while our advantages have not developed, and for the time being cannot develop, to a degree sufficient to compensate for our weakness. Therefore there can as yet be no balance, only imbalance. - 他的情形是有点可怜的,因为这么一来,他失掉批判东西文化的资格了,因为他不能作稳健合理、平心静气的批判。
His plight is somewhat pathetic, for that disqualifies him for judging the East and the West sanely and dispassionately. - 税务局:能给我看一下您的派遣证明吗?
Tax official: Do you have certificate of the dispatch? - 请贵方保证能及时交货,使我们于本月底收到。
Please guarantee dispatch in time to reach us by the end of this month. - 操作系统或其它功能单元中起调度作用的程序。
The program in an operating system, or another functional unit, the purpose of which is to dispatch. - 我们怎么才能驱散他们的疑虑呢?
How can we dispel their doubt? - 我们不能拿空话而是要拿事实来解除他们的这个忧虑,并且回答那些希望我们变成资本主义的人。
But we shall use facts, not empty words, to dispel their anxieties and to answer the people who, on the contrary, are hoping we will go capitalist. - 政府也和致力改进马来社会的马来组织紧密合作。只有一个不知感激为何物的人,才能理直气壮的否定这些措施。
By making it a policy and working closely with Malay organisations intent on improving the community, it would take an ingrate great courage to work on ways to dispel such measures. - 如不同顽固派作坚决的斗争,并收到确实的成效,就不能抵抗顽固派的压迫,也不能消释中间派的怀疑,进步势力就无从发展。
Unless we engage in resolute struggle against the die-hards and, moreover, get tangible results, we shall be unable to resist their pressure or dispel the doubts of the middle section. In that case the progressive forces will have no way of expanding. - 人们还是强调教学技能,忽视学生在另一种情况下是否会有或多或少的真正的进步,比方说,日本学生的英语学习是否真的比十年前学得更有成效。
The emphasis is on the skills of teaching. Much less attention is paid to whether individuals are making more or less real progress in a language than they would under a different dispensation, or whether Japanese students, say, are actually learning English more successfully than they were ten years ago. - 她不能没有佣人。
She cannot dispense with a servant. - 咱们能免去这些礼节吗?
Can we dispense with the formalities? - 他还拥有扩散这些能造成大规模杀伤的致命病毒的能力。
And he has the ability to dispense these lethal poisons and diseases in ways that can cause massive death and destruction. - 《考克斯报告》称,中国通过铱星发射“获得”了智能分配器技术(smartdispenser),用于多弹头分导再入式飞行器(mirv)的分配技术。
The Cox Report says China "acquired'' the smart dispenser technique through iridium satellite launches and has used it in its MIRV (multiple independently targeted re-entry vehicle) dispensing technology. - 位于长岛大颈镇的“克劳斯的休息时间观念”正好有一产品,既能替他们解渴又节省空间——比一个家喻户晓的面包盒略大的汽水供应器。
But Krauser's Break Time Concepts, located on Great Neck, L.I., had just the thing to wet their whistles and fit into tight space constraints—a soda dispenser that's just a tad bigger than the proverbial bread box. - 一般地说来,游击队当分散使用,即所谓“化整为零”时,大体上是依下述几种情况实施的:(一)因敌取守势,暂时无集中打仗可能,采取对敌实行宽大正面的威胁时;
Generally speaking, the dispersal of guerrilla units, or "breaking up the whole into parts", is employed chiefly: (1) when we want to threaten the enemy with a wide frontal attack because he is on the defensive, and there is temporarily no chance to mass our forces for action; - 但不论何种情况,当分散行动时都须注意:(一)保持较大一部分兵力于适当的机动地区,不要绝对地平均分散,一则便于应付可能的事变,一则使分散执行的任务有一个重心;
But whatever the circumstances, when dispersing for action we should pay attention to the following: 1) we should never make an absolutely even dispersal of forces, but should keep a fairly large part in an area convenient for manoeuvre, so that any possible exigency can be met and there is a centre of gravity for the task being carried out in dispersion; - 从中央或者集中的地方分散开;特别是将权力或者职能从中央政府分散到地方政府。
withdrawn from a center or place of concentration; especially having power or function dispersed from a central to local authorities. - 一种能使眼睛充满眼泪但不受伤害的气体,用于疏散人群。
a gas that makes the eyes fill with tears but does not damage them; used in dispersing crowds. - 逆增气温随高度上升而升高,从而使表面空气下沉并且能阻止污染源扩散的一种大气状况
An atmospheric condition in which the air temperature rises with increasing altitude, holding surface air down and preventing dispersion of pollutants. - 当此反动政权暂时稳定时期,敌人能集中大量军力来打红军,红军分散是不利的。
At the present time when the reactionary regime is temporarily stable, the enemy can mass huge forces to attack the Red Army, and dispersion would not be to the Red Army's advantage. - 虽然基于internet的培训不会替代课堂培训或cbt,但它确实是另一种选择方案,利用它信息系统(is)部门能对其雇员进行培训。
Although Internet-based training isn't about to displace classroom training or CBT, it does provide another option with which IS departments can bring training to their employees. - 偏心轮转轴不在中心的盘或轮,能导致周而复始的运动
A disk or wheel having its axis of revolution displaced from its center so that it is capable of imparting reciprocating motion. - 能够产生均衡的作用以取代普通秤。
generates a current proportional to displacement of pan. - (物理学)在连续介质中的一种扰动,它本身及其能量从一质点向另一质点向前传递。
(physics) a progressive disturbance propagated without displacement of the medium itself. - 在计算机图形学中,把一个常量位移加到一个或几个显示单元的位置上的功能。
In computer graphics, the application of a constant displacement to the position of one or more display elements. - 波,振动穿过介质的振动,通过振动使能量从介质的一个粒子传送到另一个粒子而并不导致介质本身的永久变位
A disturbance traveling through a medium by which energy is transferred from one particle of the medium to another without causing any permanent displacement of the medium itself. - 地位稳固而不大可能离开某处或某职位的人;固定於某处不大可能移动之物。
She displayed great fixity of purpose. - 信息能够被显示在公共场合的面板。
a board on which information can be displayed to public view. - 某物能够展示出最佳效果的场景。
a setting in which something can be displayed to best effect. - 表现出超人的力量或者能力。
displaying superhuman strength or power.