  • 好的……(指地图)就在这里。
    Yes...(pointing on the map) It's right here.
  • 爱斯梅拉达的刀子和贾利的羊角仍在对格兰瓜尔。
    Esmeralda's knife and Djali's horns were still pointing at Gringoire.
  • "我用手指他旁边的6个人,'他们是你的朋友吗?'
    "Pointing to the six men beside him, 'Are these your friends?'
  • 然而,s指向的string对象依然占据内存空间。
    However, the String object that s was pointing to is still occupying memory.
  • 他指悬崖下边,给我们看一些危险的岩石。
    Pointing down to the bottom of the cliff, he showed us the dangerous rocks.
  • (指食谱)你能告诉我"多尔麦得其啊"是什么吗?
    Could you tell us what "dolmadakia" is, please? (pointing at the menu)
  • 她指我的脚下说:“你掉的钱在那儿!"
    "There is the coin you dropped!"She said, pointing down at my feet.
  • 某人头上平稳地顶水坛子向前走去
    walk along with a water jar poised on one's head
  • 缺乏沉自信就会心神不宁。
    Lacks confidence and poise is nervous and ill at ease.
  • 危险似乎笼罩我们。
    Danger seemed to be poised over our heads.
  • 这个瓶子上贴“有毒”的标签。
    The bottle was labeled " poison ."
  • 她这些天一直经受食物中毒的痛苦。
    She is suffering from food poison these days.
  • 汽车排出的废气正在污染我们城市的空气。
    Exhaust gases from the cars are poisoning the air of our cities.
  • 她一副面孔毫无表情,可其背后却隐藏强烈的情感。
    She concealed her strong emotions behind a poker face.
  • 这个老妇人挺身子,笔直地坐在椅子里。
    The old lady was sitting upright in her chair, stiff as a poker.
  • “我相信背错了。”可怜的爱丽丝一边说,一边又掉下了眼泪:“我一定真的成了玛贝尔了,我得住在破房子里,什么玩具也没有,还得学那么多的功课。
    `I'm sure those are not the right words,' said poor Alice, and her eyes filled with tears again as she went on, `I must be Mabel after all, and I shall have to go and live in that poky little house, and have next to no toys to play with, and ever so many lessons to learn!
  • 至少有两次,磁场保持一个极性达几千万年之久。
    on at least two occasions, the field has maintained one polarity for tens of millions of years.
  • 此液晶显示器使用两层极化材料,中间夹一层液晶溶液。
    The LCD uses two sheets of polarizing material with a liquid crystal solution between them.
  • 警察给这辆停的车发出违章处罚通知单。
    The policeman ticketed the parked car.
  • 女王左右有保镖和警察护卫
    The Queen was flanked by a retinue of bodyguards and policemen.
  • 办法是跟方针来的。
    Measures stem from policy.
  • 她的新家具全都闪耀光泽。
    Her new furniture gleams with polish.
  • 老鼠皱眉头说,但仍然很有礼貌地问:“你有什么话吗?”
    said the Mouse, frowning, but very politely: `Did you speak?'
  • "然后他礼貌地向他们致谢,接朝坡下滑去。
    And then he politely thanked them for their time and took off down the slopes.
  • “哦,”——他有礼貌地微笑,紧接又稍稍皱了下眉。
    “Oh”—smiling politely, then a little frown came quickly between his eyes.
  • 例如,在美国文化中,微笑是表达愉快的典型方式,但同时它还有其他作用,如表达爱意,表示礼貌,或掩饰真实的情感。
    For instance, in the American culture the smile is typically an expression of pleasure. Yet it also has other functions. A smile may show affection, convey politeness, or disguise true feelings.
  • 工业和民用垃圾在不断地污染这片曾让珠蚌繁衍生息的良好水域。
    Industrial and domestic wastes are steadily polluting the once healthy waters, in which the farmed oysters live and breathe.
  • 在失重的情况下自由的飘浮;刚出生的蝙蝠……长绒毛、轻得像飞蛾;用轻聚酯布制成的夹克。
    floating freely in a weightless condition; a baby bat...fluffy and weightless as a moth; jackets made of a weightless polyester fabric.
  • "无人可以幸免,甚至是一位母亲和她的孩子。"戴遮盖鼻子和嘴巴的聚酯面纱的她在集会上说,"我们得忍受这种情形,因为对于我们的耐心上帝会有所回报的。
    "Nobody is excluded,even a mother and her children,"Qawasmeh told the assembly through the polyester veil that covers her nose and mouth. "We have to bear the situation,because God will reward our patience."
  • 生物地理澳洲区的属于、关于或有澳洲生物地理区域的,包括澳洲大陆及新几内亚、新西兰、波利尼西亚和塔斯马尼亚在内的邻近岛屿
    Of, relating to, or being the zoogeographic region that includes Australia and the islands adjacent to it, including New Guinea, New Zealand, Polynesia, and Tasmania.
  • 肉茎息肉或肿瘤所附的茎状病基
    The stalklike base to which a polyp or tumor is attached.
  • 在身体上的细小组织。
    the thin process of tissue that attaches a polyp to the body.