  • 自从上次大选以来,众舆论又转回到反对政府
    Since the last election, the pendulum of public opinion has swung back against the government
  • 自从上次大选以来,众舆论又转回到反对政府。
    Since the last election, the pendulum of public opinion have swing back against the government.
  • 司目标:打入国际市场,使司在市场上的覆盖率超过10%;
    Corporate goals: Expanding into international markets where Internet penetration is still less than 10 percent;
  • 因此,当与司总数相比时,edi(在司中的)渗透水平是很低的。
    As a result, EDI has seen a very low penetration level when compared to the total corporate population.
  • 因为同一种药会有大司出品的名牌药和一般牌子的普通药。
    That's because penicillin may have some kind of special name brand from a famous company or it may just be regular old penicillin.
  • 青霉素曾被认是二十世纪四十年代最重大的发现。
    Penicillin was acclaimed as the most important discovery during the1940's.
  • 司以低于市价供应金霉素,盘尼西林等药品为专业。
    We specialize in supply streptmycin, penicillin and other pharmacopoeia material below market price.
  • 希腊的南半岛;由斯巴达控制直至元前世纪。
    the southern peninsula of Greece; dominated by Sparta until the 4th century BC.
  • 佩恩的司给他发了养老金让他退职,他对此事很想不开。
    Mr Penn took it very much to heart when his firm pensioned him off.
  • 他退休时得到司的退休金。
    He retired on a company pension.
  • 公司同意给他年金。
    The firm granted him a pension.
  • 在公寓狂欢。
    I have a wild time at a pension.
  • 司给他增补了退休金。
    The company gives him a supplement to pension.
  • 他决定参加司养老金制。
    He decide to join the company's pension scheme.
  • 该养老基金在几家主要出售股份给众的司中均有股份
    The pension fund owns ahares in several major public companies.
  • 该养老基金在几家主要出售股份给众的司中均有股份。
    The pension fund own share in several major public company.
  • 由二零零零年九月起,当局推行补偿退休计划,让个别按常额及可享退休金条款受聘的首长级务员提早退休,以助改善政府机构的组织架构。
    The Administration has introduced a Management-Initiated Retirement Scheme to provide for the retirement of directorate civil servants on permanent and pensionable terms to facilitate improvement in the government organisation since September 2000.
  • 这个家庭已预定了两周的楼顶寓套房。
    The family have booked the penthouse suite for two weeks.
  • 这个家庭已预定了两周的楼顶寓套房。
    The family has booked the penthouse suite for two weeks.
  • 在大司中,如果数以千计的用户登记要听司最高领导鼓舞士气的讲话,就很容易淹没掉司的网络。
    A large company could easily swamp its networks if thousands of users sign on to hear a CEO's pep talk.
  • 水果每公斤30便士。
    The fruit costs 30 pence per kilo.
  • 国家务人员733名,占24.7%;
    733, or 24.7 percent, are government functionaries;
  • 有固定利率的债按特定百分比生息的共证券
    Public securities yielding interest at a specified percentage.
  • 如果过错在于承运人的话,他必须对损失或损害负责;如果是由于海上风险和事故造成,那么保险司必须负责赔偿。
    If the carrier is at fault, he will be held responsible for the loss or damage. Is it is due to the perils of sea or maritime accidents, the insurance company shall be liable to pay.
  • 司为职工和顾客出版的杂志。
    a periodical published by a business firm for its employees and customers.
  •  (2)该专门机构定期出版报,按时布:
    This service shall publish an official periodical journal. It shall publish regularly:
  • 喉舌,报刊通讯的机构或形式,尤指由政党、商业、司或其它组织定期发行的
    An instrument or a means of communication, especially a periodical issued by a political party, business firm, or other group.
  • 村民委员会将村务定期或不定期地向村民开。
    Villagers' committees periodically or unregularly make public the affairs of the village to the villagers.
  • 此外,工业贸易署印制并定期检讨载述各营机构为中小型企业提供支援服务资料的《中小型企业发展支援计划》。
    The Trade and Industry Department publishes and periodically reviews the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Support Plan, which provides a comprehensive directory of the public sector's support services for SMEs.
  • 众由于有这些期刊可以阅读而得到满足。
    The public feeds on these periodicals.
  • 这些错误的观点大都写成文章然在报刊上发表,有些一直没有得到澄清。
    Things came to such a pass that most of these mistaken ideas were published in newspapers and periodicals, and some have still not been clarified.
  • 从1956年《西藏日报》创刊、1977年《西藏文艺》创刊发展到现在,西藏开发行的报刊已达52种。
    The Tibet Daily started publication in 1956, and Tibetan Literature and Art in 1977. Now, a total of 52 newspapers and periodicals are published for the general public in Tibet.