  • 令微软公司惊愕的是,它很快成了一种被称作计算平台的东西——一个让程序员开发应用软件的坚实基矗
    To Microsoft's dismay, it is fast becoming what is known as a computing platform -- a sturdy base upon which programmers can build software applications.
  • 头脑里不再有关于某事物的回忆;不再想起什么。
    dismiss from the mind; stop remembering.
  • 移动、不除去或不撤职的。
    impossible to remove or take away or dismiss.
  • 想到我可会被开除,我真吓得要死。
    I am frightened to death (that) I will be dismiss.
  • 怎么把几百万、上千万知识分子一棍子打死呢?
    How can we dismiss nearly 10 million of China's intellectuals at one stroke?
  • 我终于够解除这么长时间以来心中怀有的恐惧了。
    At last I am able to dismiss the fear I have harbor for so long.
  • 如果我是你,我就不这么说,否则我们可辞退你。
    If I were you I wouldn't say that, or we may dismiss you.
  • 虽然好莱坞一致看好他将再度因此片获得奥斯卡奖提名,但汤姆汉克斯本人却不以为然,完全不在乎自己是否获得提名。
    After winning back-to-back best actor awards for Philadelphia and Forrest Gumphe is refreshingly casual, even dismissive of his Oscar prospects.
  • 我不得不下车步行,边走边小心地推着车,在那随时都可崴脚的地面上,上上下下地爬坡。
    I had to dismount and walk, maneuvering the bike on foot, up and down hills, on potentially ankle-Breaking terrain.
  • 进一步开辟迪斯尼在亚洲的市场,估计可会通过香港的迪斯尼世界实现这个目标;
    opening Asia further to Disney, perhaps through a Hong Kong Disney World;
  • 因为年纪过小,最终spears还是被迪士尼频道的mickeymouseclub(mcc)拒绝了,但是其中的一个制作人看中她的天分及潜,便帮她在纽约找到了一个经纪人。
    She was ultimately deemed too young for the Disney Channel's Mickey Mouse Club (MMC),but one of the producers spotted her potential and helped her get an agent in New York.
  • 这一称谓精炼地概括了米歇尔的雄心,即要把vivendi发展成为全球范围内的传媒及资讯公司,使它够与美国在线时代华纳、迪斯尼以及哥伦比亚广播公司这样的传媒巨鳄相媲美。
    The moniker neatly encapsulates the scale of Messier's ambition, which is to turn Vivendi into a global media and communications player capable of competing with the likes of AOL Time Warner, Disney and Viacom/CBS.
  • 由于影片在美国的票房成绩不够理想,迪斯尼公司希望该片在日本创下1亿美元的收入,以保证公司的利润底线,这也是公司愿意耗费1000万美金巨资在日本推广它的原因。
    Walt Disney Go. hopes the film will make close to $100 million in box?office receipts in Japan, which would help its bottom line after a relatively disappointing box office in the U.S., and explains why the company is spending a record $10 million to market it here.
  • 给我讲讲迪斯尼乐园的情况吗?
    Could you tell me something about Disneyland?
  • 无知不成为不服法的理由。
    Ignorance does not excuse disobedience of the law.
  • 在警察面前你一定要规规矩矩,不然他可因为你不顺从人而指控你。
    Make sure that you behave very correctly towards the policeman, or he's likely to throw the book at you for disobedience.
  • 孩子们不违抗父母之命。
    Children must not disobey the orders of their father and mother.
  • 书中说如果有相当多的人按良心行事而不去遵从不公的法律,他们就实现非暴力革命。
    It stated that if enough people would follow their conscience and disobey unjust laws, they could bring about a peaceful revolution.
  • 我很抱歉不答应你的请求。
    I'm sorry to disoblige you.
  • 很抱歉,爱莫助,我没有钱借给你。
    Sorry to be so disobliging, but I have no money to lend you.
  • 很抱歉,爱莫助,我没有钱借给你。
    Sorry to is so disobliging, but I have no money to lend you.
  • 忧虑可会引起胃部不适。
    Anxiety may disorder the stomach.
  • 神经官紊乱;神经官症状
    A neurotic disorder; neurotic symptoms.
  • 如果一个男人知道人类要出世都需要一个母亲,那么他便不对女人说坏话。
    No man can speak disparagingly of woman if he realizes that no one has come into this world without a mother.
  • 纳米技术领域如果要树立起自己作为应用科学统一者的崇高形象,就要显示出自己有力把毫不相同的各个领域的活动组合在一起。
    For the field to establish itself as a grand unifier of the applied sciences, it must demonstrate the usefulness of grouping widely disparate endeavors.
  • 一旦雇员认识到连接到机构内所有分散的数据库,他们就试图这么做,而且是成批地这么做。
    Once the employees realized they were able to connect to all of an organization's disparate databases, they tried to do just that -- in droves.
  • 阳光计算机公司推出的吉尼(音译)软件就是一种将这些毫无联系的装置连接在一起工作的网络管理系统,朗讯技术公司提供了管理智网络的无线系统。
    Sun Computer's Jini software is a network management system that allows these disparate devices to work together, and Lucent Technologies offers wireless systems for managing these intelligent networks.
  • 不可弥缝的不一致(因为不相互理解而产生)。
    an unbridgeable disparity (as from a failure of understanding).
  • 你还会看到美国陆军与敌人之间的力量对比会更加悬殊,因为我认为敌人不可那样快地利用信息。
    I also think you'll see the disparity between the Army and its enemies get wider, because I don't think enemies will be able to use information as fast.
  • 例如粮食,还有各种副食品,收购价格长期定得很低,这些年提高了几次,还是比较低,而城市销售价格又不高了,购销价格倒挂,由国家补贴。
    For example, for a long time the purchasing prices of grain and non-staple foods were too low. In the cities, however, we could not raise the selling prices beyond a certain point. This led to a disparity between the purchasing and selling prices, so the state had to make up the difference.
  • 如果我们仅把经济增长作为我们的目标,那么在许多国家都出现贫富差别的扩大,并造成可影响我们安全的新政治问题。我认为这是今后20年左右最大的危险之一。
    I think that one of the great security dangers twenty years down the road or so, is that if we simply assume that growth is our object, then there will be an increasing disparity between rich and poor in a lot of nations and that will create new political problems in those nations that can affect our security.
  • 敌我强弱悬殊,我们在保存军力待机破敌的原则下,才主张向根据地退却,主张诱敌深入,因为只有这样做才造成或发现利于反攻的条件。
    It is only when there is a wide disparity between the enemy's strength and ours that, acting on the principle of conserving our strength and biding our time to defeat the enemy, we advocate retreating to the base area and luring him in deep, for only by so doing can we create or find conditions favourable for our counter-offensive.