  • 从该党内部离出来一个外围集团。
    A fringe group was separated from the main political party.
  • 放入,插入在各部之间插入或添入
    To insert or introduce between parts.
  • 插入插到其他成之间;使插入
    To insert between other elements; interpose.
  • 插入在其他成或部位之间插入或添入
    To insert or introduce between other elements or parts.
  • 把手指插入两层之间,用力将之开。
    Insert your finger between the layer and press them apart.
  • 节约当然很好,可是他做得过了。
    It is all very well to be frugal; but he goes too far.
  • 但我要说新加坡的艺术家没几个是大富大贵的,一般上生活都十俭朴,粗茶淡饭过日子,奢侈浪费不是他们的长处。
    The truth is that there are few well-off Singaporean artists. By and large, they live a frugal and simple life and are not given to extravagance.
  • 禁果外甜。;不让得到的东西格外有诱惑力。
    Forbidden fruit is sweet.(谚)
  • 菌幕,缘膜一种膜性覆盖层或其中的部,如在特定蘑菇的正在发展中的子实体上;菌幕
    A membranous covering or part, as that on the developing fruiting body of certain mushrooms; a velum.
  • 果冻类菌类,果实体有-厘米宽,连接成凝胶状;类似一束生菜;大部为水生的和褐色的。
    a jelly fungus with a fruiting body 5-15 cm broad and gelatinous in consistency; resembles a bunch of leaf lettuce; mostly water and brownish in color.
  • 23岁的传奇式人物伏明霞和熊倪复出,别在奥运会女子和男子3米板中卫冕成功。
    Twenty-three year-old legend Fu Mingxia and xiong Ni came out of retirement and successfully defended their Olympic title, in the women's and men's 3m springboards.
  • 赋格曲的开始部分
    The opening section of a fugue.
  • 在伊拉·雷文1976年写的《来自巴西的男孩们》一书中,一个狂热的前纳粹子抚养了一代年轻的希特勒——这些男孩是用元首留下的细胞克隆的。
    In Ira Levin's 1976 book The Boys from Brpzil a zealous ex-Nazi bred a generation of literal Hitler Youth -- boys cloned from cells left behind by the Fuhrer.
  • 他通过音乐能充地发挥自己的才能。
    He was able to fulfil himself through music.
  • 她作为演员充发挥了自己的才能。
    She succeeded in fulfil(l)ing herself as an actress.
  • 她充发挥了自己的才能既是一个称职的母亲又是一个成功的画家。
    She fulfilled herself both as a qualified mother and as a successful painter.
  • 语法;实现某个组成成的语法角色,例如用作名词的“threeblindmice(三只瞎老鼠)”。
    grammar; fulfilling the grammatical role of one of its constituents--as three blind mice--which serves as a noun.
  • (六)充发动群众及其游击战争,同我们一块斗争,是实现我们战略任务的决定条件。
    6) Fully arousing the masses to wage guerrilla warfare and fight shoulder to shoulder with us is a decisive factor in the fulfilment of our strategic tasks.
  • 为确保我们的学校有良好的师资,我在施政报告中提出了教师学位化和专业化的目标,把原定二零零七年令学位小学教师增加至百之三十五的目标,提前在二零零一学年实现,并期望早日公布规定所有新入职教师须持有学位和受过师资训练的时间表。
    To ensure the quality of teachers in our schools, I set out in my Policy Address the goal of raising the professional status of teachers. All new teachers will be required to be trained graduates. The date for graduate posts making up 35 per cent of all primary teaching posts will be advanced from 2007 to 2001. It is also hoped that the schedule for the fulfilment of the requirement that all new teachers should be trained graduates could be announced as soon as possible.
  • 表达高尚情操的演讲
    Having full of lofty sentiments
  • 如果您全价打海底电报到巴黎,那是每个字20美,1美元起付。
    If you send your cable full rate to Paris, it's20 cents per word, minimum charge one dollar.
  • 万一发生了这种情况,不必过道歉,但决不能借此便交谈起来。
    If such an accident should occur, apologies are fulsome but should never be used as an excuse for further conversation.
  • 部一个行政或职能支,如一组织
    An administrative or functional branch, as of an organization.
  • 属于某一操作装置的组成部的硬件或软件。
    Hardware or software that is part of a functional unit.
  • 阿尔法位的,第一位的在有机子中离功能原子基团最近的
    Closest to the functional group of atoms in an organic molecule.
  • ?保险界选民登记率高达百之九十二,在功能界别中,高踞第二位。
    - You have a 92% voter registration rate, the second highest among functional constituencies.
  • 包过滤路由器与包过滤防火墙具有同一功能,如2。1。1部所述。
    The packet filter rout provide the same functionality as the packet filter firewall describe in section2.1.1.
  • 新的功能成过程功能和域特定功能,过程功能留驻在架构中,而域特定功能与域内容一起嵌入在组件库中。
    New functionality is divided into process functionality, which resides in the frameworks, and domain specific functionality (along with domain content), which is embodied in component libraries.
  • 过去的核心业务系统通过开的应用程序提供了相同的功能。
    Core business systems of the past provided the same functionality through separate applications.
  • 老的功能“下移”,甚至成了操作系统的一部
    Old functionality moves "down" and may even become part of the operating system.
  • 要做到这么低的价格的关键是低成本、高集成的cpu,它包含了这种装置的大部功能。
    The key to achieving such a low price is a low-cost, highly integrated CPU that contains most of the device's functionality.
  • 更重要的是,由于因特网现象冲击着传统联网的界限,所以非网络操作系统供应商也关心着在其产品中加强布功能,通常的做法是把过去属于网络操作系统的功能做进他们的产品。
    More significantly, as the Internet phenomenon pushes the boundaries of traditional networking, non-network operating system vendors are looking to strengthen the distributed capabilities of their products, often by incorporating functionality historically into the realm of the network operating system.