  • 这个司的工资表上有250人.
    The company has 250 on the payroll.
  • 司在发不出工资时给职员一定的凭证
    A company that vouchers employees when the payroll cannot be met.
  • 虽然康柏仍然是pc销售的老大,但是戴尔在美国非常接近地排在第二位,而实际上在司的台式机销售上已经击败了康柏。
    While Compaq is still the PC sales leader, Dell is a close second in the U.S. and actually beats Compaq in corporate desktop-PC sales.
  • 在1993年下半年,他要使康柏司在1996年成为世界领先的电脑制造商;
    In late 1993, he aimed to make Compaq the leading PC maker in the world by 1996;
  • 司1981年8月5日函,及烹调用豌豆样品邮包均收到。
    We receive your letter of the5th august,1981, together with a parcel contain some sample of green pea for cooking.
  • 本着正的原则以平和的心态寻找解决争端的方法好过使用武力;一个宁静而平和的人;以宁静而平和的方式。
    the pacific temper seeks to settle disputes on grounds of justice rather than by force; a quiet and peaceable person; in a peaceable and orderly manner.
  • 他们通过开或者私下的渠道传递信息,要求这个独裁者离开伊拉克,从而和平地解决伊拉克的武装。
    They have delivered public and private messages urging the dictator to leave Iraq so that disarmament can proceed peacefully.
  • 中国一贯主张和平利用海洋,合作开发和保护海洋,平解决海洋争端。
    China has consistently insisted that the ocean be peacefully utilized, and jointly developed and protected, and disputes over maritime matters be settled in a fair manner.
  • 会员国目前正根据联合国和平行动问题小组提出的建议,努力建立一个更有效的维持和平行动支柱结构。该小组已经布了小组2002年的报告。
    Member States are currently working to create a more effective support structure for peacekeeping operations, based on recommendations by the Panel on United Nations Peace Operations, which issued its report in 2000.
  • 香港的另一种"电车"是由山顶缆车有限司经营的缆车。
    Hong Kong's other 'tramway' is a cable-hauled funicular railway operated by the Peak Tramways Company Limited from Central to The Peak.
  • 我们将用鹅卵石铺园里的走道。
    We are going to pebble the walk in the park.
  • 他们指控他侵占款。
    They accused him of having peculated the public money.
  • 他成了一位经理,但由于盗用款而被降职了。
    He became manager but was put down from the office fur peculation.
  • 出纳员被发现犯了盗用款罪便被解除了职务。
    Cashier was found guilty of peculation and removed from his post.
  • 这一争论以一种奇特的方式开了出来。
    The dispute broke into the open in a peculiar way.
  • 一个出售廉价衬衣和钓鱼竿的商店是如何成为美国实力最强的司的?
    How did a peddler of cheap shirts and fishing rods become the mightiest corporation in America?
  • 由于女儿对他的私生活数次开表露,部长已被搞得威信扫地。
    The minister was knocked off his pedestal by his daughter's statements about his private life.
  • 他认为自己见到的每位姑娘都是完美无缺的,可是一旦她们没有满足他的愿望,他就不正地责怪她们。
    He sets every girl he meets on a pedestal and then blames them unfairly when they don't fulfil his expectations.
  • 第一个奖杯是纯金制造,重1.800克,高30厘米,加大理石底座,整个奖杯的重量为4斤。
    The first "trophy" was made of pure gold, weighted 1.800 grams. Its height was 30 centimeters. The weight of the whole "trophy" was 4 kilograms together with the marble pedestal.
  • 一种为行人散步的共区域。
    a public area set aside as a pedestrian walk.
  • 一个共的广场,有屋子供行人休息。
    a public square with room for pedestrians.
  • 一种允许步行者通过的穿过路或铁路下面的地下通道。
    an underground passage or tunnel enabling pedestrians to cross a road or railway.
  • 本港的路除供车辆和行人使用外,也敷设了各种用设施,如水管、煤气喉管、污水渠、电缆和电话线等。
    Besides serving as carriageways for vehicles and pedestrians, roads also accommodate various utility services, such as water and gas mains, sewers and electricity and telephone cables.
  • 当时她还是个十几岁的孩子,居住在纽约的墨里克。由于腿筋扭伤,坦茨曼便去儿科医生、医学博士科佩尔曼的诊所。他的办室离她家只有几个街区远。
    Back then, she was a teenager in Merrick, New York, when she pulled a hamstring. She went to see her pediatrician, Stuart Copperman, M.D., whose office was just a few blocks from he house.
  • 他说,儿科学家和其他倡导共健康的人士,应该教导家长们注意与孩子建立较为温和融洽的关系。
    Pediatricians and other public health advocates,he argues,should teach parents to concentrate on nurturing more gentle relationships with children.
  • 司员工很少能见到总裁,他的到来令大家大吃一惊,他大步走向生产车间并在一辆索娜塔轿车车盖下停下来进行察看。
    To the shock of his employees, who had rarely set eyes on a CEO, Chung strode onto the factory floor and demanded a peek under the hood of a Sonata sedan.
  • 除了爵之外对英国贵族主教或法官的称谓。
    a title used to address any British peer except a duke and extended to a bishop or a judge.
  • 现在,如果得到医生"同业委员会"的批准,那就不必经过诉人这一关--实际上就是使安乐死行为合法化。
    Now, if the doctors' peer committee has given approval, the prosecutor does not become involved -- in effect legalising the act of euthanasia.
  • 佩吉·巴洛夫人,70岁,西肯辛顿人,悄悄离开她每周一次的桥牌聚会去实施抢劫。她用她的共汽车免费票乘车到了那儿,再用一个她佯称是手枪的香水喷射器作武器。
    Mrs. Peggy Barlow, aged 70, of West Kensington, skipped her weekly bridge party to carry out the raid, traveling on her bus pass and armed with a perfume spray, which she pretended, was a gun.
  • 〔1〕一九三七年七月七日,日军在距北京城十余里的卢沟桥向中国驻军进攻。
    [1] On July 7, 1937, the Japanese invading forces attacked the Chinese garrison at Lukouchiao, some ten kilometres southwest of Peking.
  • 年内,平均约有7400名犯人进行生产工作,监狱工场为政府部门和营机构提供广泛的产品及服务,另有小部分则供给私营机构。
    In 1997, about 7400 inmates were engaged in industrial work. Penal workshops provide a wide range of goods and services for government departments and public organizations and, to a smaller extent, for the private sector.
  • 他们计划演一次,暂定一位电影明星做主要的卖座人物。
    They plan to make a show with a movie star penciled in as the attraction.