  • 这个房里有股霉味,一定好久没住人了。
    The room smells of stale air. It must have been vacant for a long time.
  • 你把这个蛋糕放在碗橱里多长时了?它干巴巴的,吃起来一点也不新鲜了解。
    How long have you had this cake in the cupboard? It's as dry as dust, and tastes stale too.
  • (生物学)直接附着在底部上;没有介于其的柄。
    (biology) attached directly by the base; not having an intervening stalk.
  • 我每次请她定一个时,她总是借故拖延。
    Every time I ask her to set the date she stalls.
  • 忏悔室神父聆听忏悔的封闭小隔
    A small enclosed stall in which a priest hears confessions.
  • 那个队员故意踢球出界,以拖延时
    The player kicked the ball out deliberately to stall for time.
  • 如果他们在这个合同上拖延一下时,就可能得到更好的价钱。
    If they stall for time on this contract, they may get a better price.
  • 第5号排2号和4号,对不对?
    Numbers2 and4 of the fifth row in the stalls. Are not they?
  • 他顿足在房走来走去。
    He stamped about the room.
  • 香港规划标准与准则订明的最低可接受道路噪音标准,是每小时有一成时的等效连续声级为70分贝(a),然而,香港有接近100万人在家里要忍受超逾这标准的道路噪音。
    Close to a million people at home suffer road traffic noise higher than 70 dB(A) L10(l hr), which is the minimum acceptable standard in the Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines.
  • 在发生暴乱期,经常有一支警察特别小分队处于整装待命状态。
    A special team of police were kept on standby during the time of violence.
  • 日本与东亚国家的贸易和投资关系大力推进,速度超过与世界其他地区。但是对于允许其他亚洲人在此(日本)居留问题则持保留甚至,敌对态度。
    Japan's trade and investment ties with East Asian nations are bounding ahead faster than those with other parts of the world, yet is has been standoffish, or even hostile, to permitting other Asians to live here.
  • 这也就是说,在这二百多年,西藏人口仅增加5.8万,基本处于停滞状态。
    That is to say, the population of Tibet was almost at a standstill for some two hundred years, only slightly rising by 58,000 people.
  • 一个受过良好的教育,聪明绝顶,拥有博士的光环,他曾经在不到两年的时里修完了四年制的大学本科学业,随后又在斯坦福大学、芝加哥大学和西北大学进一步深造,并且在所有这些学校都拿到了全奖;
    One was highly educated and intelligent; he had a Ph.D. and completed four years of undergraduate work in less than two years. He then went on to Stanford University, the University of Chicago, and Northwestern University to do his advanced studies, all on full financial scholarships.
  • 那些臭蛋使整个房臭气熏天。
    Those eggs have stunk the whole room up.
  • 维克托袭港期,一名男子在赤柱附近,在拯救两名被大浪卷走的人时不幸遇溺丧生;
    During the passage of Victor, a man was drowned near Stanley as he tried to rescue two people swept away by high seas.
  • 候选人之的辩论在大多数国家都很稀奇,但它们在美国政治生活中已司空见惯,特别是在过去的25年里。
    Debates among candidates are rare in most countries.But they have become a staple of American politics,particularly during the last 25 years.
  • 长庚星、金星晚星辰,特指金星
    The evening star, especially Venus.
  • 他转瞬间成了明星.
    He rocketed to stardom (ie became famous) overnight.
  • 他捕捉到了她凝视窗外的瞬
    he caught her staring out the window.
  • 她茫然地朝房里注视着。
    she was staring vacantly into the room.
  • 新娘低垂双眼在大家的直视下走进了房
    The bride comes into the room with lowered eyes and with everyone staring at her.
  • 另一部即将被剪切镜头和更改放映期的影片是耗资7000万美元的科幻电影《时机器》,该影片由盖伊-皮尔斯领衔主演。
    Another film that is undergoing cutting - and a release date change - is the $70 million sci-fi update The Time Machine, starring Guy Pearce.
  • 我们出发的时到了。
    It's time we start.
  • 断断续续的隔停歇和启动
    Stopping and starting at intervals.
  • 当我走进房的时候,她惊跳起来。
    She startled when I walked into the room.
  • `我的新工作五月开始.'`这期你干什麽呢?'
    `My new job starts in May.' `What are you doing in the interim?'
  • 您知道什么时开始映吗?
    Do you know when it starts?
  • 请看一下火车开动时
    Please look what time the train starts.
  • 有人知道音乐会开始的时吗?
    Does anyone know what time the concert starts?
  • 你知道火车什么时开吗?
    Have you any idea what time the train starts?
  • 格我来之前练了好几个星期用筷子吃饭,现在我使用筷子的技术能保证我在中国到处旅行期不至于饿死。
    I practiced eating with chopsticks for weeks before taking this trip, and now I can handle them in a way so that I wouldn't be starved to death when I travel about in China.