| - 当文本内容显示在计算机屏幕上以后,文本内容可被打印出来,或者可以存在外存上以供将来使用。
After the text material has been created on the personal computer CRT screen, it can be printed or stored in the auxiliary storage for the future reference. - 在阴极射线管上显示信息的一种方法,当显示屏满屏时,若再有一行正文出现,则让它重写在最高一行上。
A method of displaying information on a CRT such that when the display screen is full an additional line of text overwrites the top line. - 阴极射线管(crt)或电视(tv)屏幕上的点阵列,当电子束击中时会发光。在彩色显示器中,三种不同光点分别发出红(r)、绿(g)、蓝(b)三种颜色聚成一束的光。
The matrix of dots on a CRT screen(or TV set) that emit light when bombarded by an electron beam. In colour displays three different types of dots, emitting the colours red, green or blue, are tightly clustered. - 当文本内容显示在计算机屏幕上以后,文本内容可被打印出来,或者可以存在外存上以供将来使用。用作字处理器的个人计算机正在迅速取代办公室的打字机和已有的字处理器。
After the text material has been created on the personal computer CRT screen,it can be printed or stored in the auxiliary storage for the future reference. The personal computer as a word processor is rapidly replacing the typewriter and the dedicated word processor in many offices. - 涂在阴极射线管(crt)屏幕上的荧光材料。当电子束打到它上面,激活它的电子到较高的能级上,等电子返回到它原来的能级时便发出光,使屏幕上显示出图象。
The fluorescent material which coats the screen of a CRT. When the electron beam strikes the phosphor its electrons become excited and move to a higher energy level. When the electrons return to their original level they give off thelight that forms the display on the screen. - 从书中提炼出关键的几点
Distill the crucial points of the book. - 倘使耶稣·基督今天出现的话,人们将不会把钉在十字架上。人们将会请他参加晚宴,听听他有什么好讲的,然后拿他寻寻开心的吧。
If Jesus Christ were to come today, people would not even crucify Him. They would ask Him to dinner, and hear what He had to say, and make fun of it. - 很粗略地训练孩子们自发地做出正确的反应
Crudely programming children to make the right responses. - 他们从那篇遗嘱里取出了“自由”、“平等”、“三民主义”、“不平等条约”这些名词,颇生硬地应用在他们的生活上。
They pick out the terms "freedom", "equality", "the Three People's Principles" and "unequal treaties" and apply them, if rather crudely, in their daily life. - 地主们出租土地来残酷剥削农民。
The landlords exploited the peasants cruelly by farming out their land. - 他以残忍出名。
He is famed for his cruelty. - 出租汽车为招徕顾客在珠江路上缓慢巡行。
The taxi cruise off down the zhujiang road. - 下星期六我们开始出发巡航。
We're going on a cruise and we set sail next Saturday. - 克鲁斯和10年发妻妮科尔·基德曼于2001年2月提出离婚。
Cruise and his wife of 10 years, Nicole Kidman, filed for divorce in February 2001. - 汤姆·克鲁斯出生于1962年7月3日,是家里4个孩子中惟一的男孩。
Born on the 3rd of July, 1962, Tom Cruise was the only boy of four children. - 飞机达到最大节油速度时,马达发出的嗡嗡声很好听。
The motor hummed pleasantly as the plane reached cruising speed. - 除了在香港航空气象情报区内进行气象监测,和发出灾害性天气警告外,机?气象所也为离港航机提供飞行气象文件,包括目的地机场的天气预报,沿途危险性天气预报图,以及适用于巡航高度的风及温度预报数据。
Besides keeping watch and warning of hazardous weather over the Hong Kong Flight Information Region, the AMO provides flight documentation to aircraft departing Hong Kong. This includes weather forecasts for destination aerodromes, prognostic charts of significant weather en route and forecast wind and temperature data appropriate to cruising levels. - 他们发现那个男孩瘫成一团躺在那儿,不知道他到底出了什么事。
They found the boy lying there all crumpled up and wondered what had happened to him. - 在他咬苹果时,发出嘎扎一响.
There was a crunch as he bit the apple. - 转动的碾子发出嘎吱声。
he heard the crunch of footsteps on the gravel path. - 一些反对共同市场的人士甚至怀疑,在关键时刻汤普森先生本人会从事不退出共同市场的活动。
And some anti-Marketeers even suspect that when it comes to the crunch, Mr Thompson himself will campaign for staying in the Market. - 1218年到1221年由罗马教皇领导取得军事胜利的东侵,但在接受提供的条件时出现了内讧。
a Crusade under papal control from 1218 to 1221 that achieved military victories but failed when dissension arose over accepting the terms they had been offered. - 1228年到1229年由神圣罗马帝国皇帝弗雷德里克二世领导东侵,为此他被罗马教皇逐出教会;通过谈判弗雷德里克二世加冕自己为耶路撒冷的皇帝。
a Crusade from 1228 to 1229 led by the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II who was therefore excommunicated by the Pope; by negotiation Frederick was able to crown himself king of Jerusalem. - 从葡萄中榨出葡萄汁
Crush juice from a grape. - 他们用脚把水果踩出汁液来。
They crush the juice out of the fruit by treading it. - 那孩子不知道怎样才能把葡萄汁榨出来。
The kid doesn’t know how to crush juice out of grapes. - 发嘎吱嘎吱声产生或发出嘎吱嘎吱的声音
To produce or emit a crushing sound. - 本港出产的鱼类、贝介类和软体动物,品种繁多,可供贩卖的最少有150种。
It has a very high diversity of fish, crustacea and molluscs, of which at least 150 species are of commercial importance. - 一种罕见的遗传病症皮肤上长出片片硬块。
a rare hereditary condition marked by dark crusted patches (sometimes containing pus). - 我吓得叫出来。
I cry out in surprise. - 高声呼叫发出大声的叫喊
To utter a hooting cry. - 发出突然高声地叫喊。
utter a sudden loud cry.