  • 纳米比亚和南非的乡下人说的用荷兰语。
    any of the Khoisan languages spoken by the pastoral people of Namibia and South Africa.
  • 在西藏农牧区实行免费医疗,在城镇实行个人医疗资金账户和助相结合的医疗费用承
    Medical treatment is free in farming and pastoral areas, and is financed jointly by personal medical insurance and the state in cities and towns.
  • 共用权在共土地上放牧动物的权利
    The right to pasture animals on common land.
  • 农夫打开门,把牛放到草地上。
    The farmer opened he gate and let the bull loose in the pasture.
  • 河岸南边的牧场;高速路边的房子
    The pasture on the south side of the river; a house on the highway.
  • 第十五条拥护中华人民共和国宪法,并具备下列条件的中国民,可以申请专利代理人资格:(一)十八周岁以上,具有完全的民事行为能力;
    Article 15 Chinese citizens who support Constitution as the People's Republic of China and meet the following conditions may apply to be pate nt agents: (1) over the age of 18 with full capacity for civil behaviors;
  • 2001年12月颁布的《中华人民共和国刑法修正案》,将投放、非法制造、买卖、运输及储存放射性、毒害性和传染病病原体等物质,危害共安全的行为定为刑事犯罪,并规定了相应的惩罚措施。
    The Amendments to the Criminal Law of the PRC promulgated in December 2001 designates as criminal offenses such acts of endangering public security as using, illegally manufacturing, trafficking, transporting and stockpiling radioactive substances, toxic materials or infectious disease pathogens, and stipulates corresponding penalties for these acts.
  • 耐心点,共汽车快来了。
    Have patience; the bus will come soon.
  • 按病人医疗日数计算,香港的住院病人中,约有92%是接受立医院所提供的治疗的。
    In terms of patient days, about 92% of Hong Kong's hospital patients receive their treatment from the public sector.
  • 他耐心地坐着等共汽车。
    He sat patiently waiting for the bus.
  •  中国家庭的人际关系发生了历史性变化,以夫权和家长制为代表的传统家庭关系已逐步被平等、民主、和睦的现代家庭关系所代替,在中国城乡家庭中,夫妻之间,婆与儿媳之间的关系是平等的,妻子受丈夫虐待、儿媳受婆虐待的现象已为社会所不容。
    Historical changes have taken place in family relationship. The traditional family characterized by the authority of husband and patriarchal system has gradually been replaced by the modern family mode, marked by equality and a democratic and harmonious atmosphere. In both urban and rural areas, the relationships between husband and wife and between parents-in-law and daughter-in-law are equal. There is social disapproval of ill-treatment meted out to wives and daughters-in-law.
  • 帕特里克·穆尔是一个家喻户晓的人。20多年来在《夜晚的星空》系列片中扮演男主人,数百万电视观众都熟悉他。
    Patrick Moore is a household name, familiar to millions of television viewers as the man who presented the Sky at Night series for more than twenty years.
  • 中国重视普及和加强以爱国主义为核心的国防教育,努力增强全民国防观念,使民自觉履行国防义务。
    China emphasizes popularizing and strengthening national defense education with patriotism at its core, strives to enhance the national defense awareness of the whole people, and helps citizens perform defense duties conscientiously.
  • (汽车协会的)路巡查员(帮助遇到困难的司机)
    Person employed by a motorists' organization to patrol roads and help motorists who are in difficulty
  • 路巡逻人员挥手让我们停车。
    The highway patrolman waved us to stop.
  • 没有几大司的赞助,就没有这一庆典
    Without the patronage of several large firms, the festival can not take place.
  • 没有几大司的赞助,就没有这一庆典.
    Without the patronage of several large firms, the festival could not take place.
  • 告,启事一种通知,例如电子传媒中的海报,报纸展览或有偿启事等,旨在吸引众注意或赞助
    A notice, such as a poster, newspaper display, or paid announcement in the electronic media, designed to attract public attention or patronage.
  • 沙田中央图书馆及荃湾中央图书馆更是本港最多市民使用的共图书馆。
    The Sha Tin Central Library and Tsuen Wan Central Library are the most heavily patronized public libraries in Hong Kong.
  • 玛丽不想一结婚就生孩子,可办室里其他的姑娘都迫不及待地想要孩子。
    Mary doesn't want to have children as soon as she's married but all the other girls in the office can't wait for the patter of tiny feet.
  • 但是我们这里还有一些和她身世相同、年龄相仿的可怜的姑娘,她们被埋在共墓地里。每当我听到她们可怜的尸体被扔进墓地的时候,我的心总像被撕碎了似地难受。
    But we've got poor girls here of the same sort and the same age that get thrown into a pauper's grave, and it breaks my heart when I hear their poor bodies drop into the earth.
  • 该局特别致力扩充海外贸易展览会内香港馆的规模、提高展览质素,以协助参展的香港司提升形象和增强竞争力。
    Particular effort was made to expand and upgrade Hong Kong pavilions at overseas trade fairs, with a view to bolstering the image and competitive positioning of participating Hong Kong companies.
  • 维修轮船应付本司的额外费用已过期三个月以上。
    Extra cost of maintain vessel payable to us more than 3 months delay
  • 不错,你有上司,你在一家司领取一份薪水,但是归根到底你是自己命运的主人。
    True,you may have a boss and you may collect a paycheck from a company but,ultimately,you are master of your own destiny.
  • 纳税人回击不正政府的惟一方法是在下次选举中对他们投反对票。
    The only way the tax payer can hit back at an unjust government is to vote against them at the next election.
  • 例如,在根据所得税的收入估算国家总收入时,往往不把得自债的收入排除在外,而对纳税人则是按其全部名义收入课税,不允许从名义收入中扣除购买债的款项。
    For example, in estimates of the gross income of the country,founded on the proceeds of the income-tax, incomes derived from the funds are not always excluded: though the tax-payers are assessed on their whole nominal income, without being permitted to deduct from it the portion levied from them in taxation to form the income of the fund holder.
  • sonet负荷的全部连入与atm带宽管理的结合也给予了电话司提供新型数据服务的能力,如以本地局域网的速度提供虚拟专网服务。
    The combination of full concatenation of the SONET payload and ATM bandwidth management also gives carriers the ability to offer new data services, such as virtual private network services at native LAN speeds.
  • 司的付款条件是下定金呢还是远期付款?
    As for your payment term, is they down payment or unasked payment?
  • 这个司仅靠政府救济补贴生存。
    The company only exists on payouts from the government.
  •  派息率(也称配息率)是指司净利分派给股东的比率。
    The payout ratio refers to the propor-tion of profit paid to shareholders.
  • 成长中的司必须把赚到的盈利保留下来,添置厂房和机械,所以它的派息率较低。
    For a gro-wing company, it will have to keep most of its profit to buy more plants and equip-ment and thus its dividend payout ratio will be low.
  • 这个司的工资表上有250人。
    The company had 250 on the payroll.